
Odd Thomas late last night – and liked it a great deal – but I was so blindsided by the twist at the end that I burst into tears. Hmph. Gotta love that Dean Koontz. Next up is Bad to the Bone (from the Casey Jones series by Katy Munger), followed by Autobiography of a Fat Bride, followed by the next in the Casey Jones series, followed by The Idiot Girls’ Action-Adventure Club, followed by the next in the Casey Jones series. When Fred suggested that I read Odd Thomas, I had just finished reading Blood. “I can’t read that next,” I told him. “I have to read a book from the Casey Jones series next, because my plan is to read one series book, then one non-series book, then a series book, and so on.” “Okay, RAINMAN, ” he snarked. He’s one to talk.

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On The Bachelorette last night, what the hell was up with that Rick guy? I don’t know that I’ve ever heard a man refer to himself as a metrosexual, first of all. Second of all, what kind of yahoo doesn’t like BASIL? I mean, basil. BASIL. That’s got to be about the least offensive herb out there, second only to parsley. How can you possibly not like basil? Freak. Run, Meredith, run! I know he’s a cross between Greg and Peter Brady combined and adorable as hell, but you don’t need the headache. I’m starting to really like Ian, despite his strong resemblance to Phillip Spaulding. What was up with Paula hating that blond girl on American Idol last night and telling her that she was “affected”? I don’t think I’ve ever seen Paula do that before, she’s supposed to be the nice one! A week and a half to All-Star Survivor! I was talking on the phone to Liz last night, and I pointed out that the cool thing with the All-Star cast is that there won’t be that learning curve while we try to figure out who’s who and whether we like them or not. We can start right away with the Jerri hatred and the Alicia love. Woot!
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When I was in Maine, my mother, the kids, and I stopped at Sears one day so that she could look at treadmills. She wanted one to put in her basement to use on the days it was too cold or slushy or rainy out, and so the kids and I had a high time trying out all the exercise equipment. Brian fooling around on the Gazelle and I think the spud was on an elliptical trainer. Anyway, while we were there I took advantage of the moment to try out the elliptical trainers and decided that I really liked the NordicTrack elliptical trainer. Fred and I had been talking for a while about getting an elliptical trainer, but wanted to wait until I had actually tried one out. When we got home from Maine, I mentioned to Fred that I liked the NordicTrack, and to my surprise – usually when I suggest that we need a new piece of exercise equipment, he tells me we have no room in the garage (which is true) – he said he’d stop at Sears at some point and check them out. Long story short (too late!), the NordicTrack elliptical trainer was back-ordered and so Fred ordered one and it arrived yesterday, so he went and picked it up. When he brought it home, he decided to put it together immediately. And then he spent three hours putting it together. At one point I had dinner cooking on the stove and was trying to help him. “Tell me what the instructions say to do next,” he said. I picked up the book and looked at it, and honestly, it could have been written in another language completely. It made no sense to me at all. “It makes no sense to me at all,” I said. “It’s like it’s written in Greek!” Fred took the book from me. “I’ve GOT it,” he said. “I’ll do it, go back inside.” Note to the husbands out there: You don’t actually have to say the words “You’re a dumbass” to get the idea across, and thus when your wife is mad at you later and you so very innocently say “Are you mad about something?” and she says “YOU CALLED ME A DUMBASS!” and you say “I did NOT call you a dumbass!”, you are wrong and she is right and you’d best commence to begging for forgiveness, you fucker. So the elliptical trainer is put together, but we need batteries for the display thingy (as the spud would say), so I haven’t really used it for exercise yet, though I’ve been out in the garage a few times trying it out. What I really like about it is that it’s quiet enough that I’ll be able to watch a movie or a TV show while I’m on it, and actually HEAR it (the stationary bike is too loud to hear what’s going on if a TV or movie is playing). I’m thinking I’ll start taping the Ellen Degeneres Show every night, because that is one funny-ass woman.
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Since we bought the kick-ass new camera last month and we have a backup still-pretty-good camera, I decided that we’d give our old camera – the one that writes pictures to floppy disks – to the spud. I bought a pack of floppy disks, showed the spud how to copy all her pictures to her hard-drive, and gave her the recharger to recharge the battery to the camera. She’s been a picture-taking fool ever since, and she’s taken some pretty good ones. What does she take pictures of? Silly readers. I think you KNOW. Spanky might be a little dumb, but he’s certainly HAPPY. Tubby does his thing… …while Miz Poo considers kicking his ass. ]]>