
Self Magazine on Sunday when I ran across the Body Confidence Awards for 2004. Guess who got a Body Confidence Award? Robyn at the now defunct Tampatantrum, for the Blogger Boobie-Thon. Too cool! It would be kind of neat to do something like that to raise money for the non-kill shelter I volunteer for, wouldn’t it? I don’t particularly want to see y’all’s boobies, though, nice as I’m sure they are. I’ll have to think on that… Also receiving a Body Confidence Award was the awesome Catherine Dent from (the awesome) The Shield, who heard that a top stylist referred to her body as “a challenge” and refused to work with said stylist ever again.

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Have you ever read anything by Ayn Rand? Should I? Will I like it, or will it bore me? If you’ve read anything (or everything) by her and you know we have the same taste in reading material, give me an opinion down there in the comments, wouldya? (And for the record, I DO like more than Zany Chick stuff. But it’s got to be interesting. If it’s not interesting I won’t bother to give it more than a chapter or two.) My brother Randy gave me a copy of something by Ayn Rand (I don’t remember which book) when I was in high school but I either lost it or didn’t like the first few pages. When he asked if I’d read it, I gave him a big fake smile and said “Yeah, it was good!” and then ran away before he could ask for details. Also, Kafka. Should I read something by him? I told my senior English teacher that my favorite book was The Metamorphosis, WHICH I HAD NEVER READ. I was all about trying to impress my teachers with the books I was reading. It usually worked, too. Heh. Give me your Kafka opinions in the comments as well, if you please.
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Good fucking god. That Randi chick on My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance is just getting all over my nerves. Get OVER yourself, princess. Interesting fact: the actor who plays Steve is actually married in real life. If I were his wife, I’d be pretty pissed at all the crap Princess Randi is saying.
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Petstore kitty pics from yesterday are here.
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The spud wanted to download Yaho0 Messeng3r yesterday, so I stood over her and supervised while she downloaded and installed it. Then I came back downstairs, installed it myself, and taught her the simple stuff – how to message someone, add them to your friends list, stuff like that. Then I signed on after dinner and chatted with the spud until I logged off to go watch TV with Fred at 7:00. Fred kept saying “What on earth can you possibly be TALKING about?” Nothing too exciting, but it was still kind of fun. spud: Hahah spud: type spud:lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallllllllllllllllllll spud: mum? mom: Yeah? spud: oh. thought u got off or somthing. spud: do you know much about the salem witch trials? mom: Not really mom: Are you studying them in school? spud: no. we are going to start on the mla paper and i can’t decide on a topic. spud: fun. fun. fun. in the sun. doodoodooodooo mom: The Salem witch trials sounds like an interesting topic mom: Do you have any other ideas? spud: yeah that is what i want to do but i need to make sure that i can get at least 7 sources or so from it. spud: Pope leo x See? Nothing earth-shattering, but I think she enjoyed it, and she still types slowly enough that I can go do other things in between responses. I also gave her the rules – no messaging with anyone she doesn’t know, no giving out her last name, address, phone number. If someone messages her, she is to say “I’m not allowed to chat with people I don’t know”, and if they persist, to come get me and I’ll show her how to add people to the ignore list. I swear, we’re going to make this kid so paranoid about anything to do with chatting online. Better paranoid than hitchhiking across the country to meet some perv though, eh?
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Hey! Remember when I mentioned the carpet guys who came to replace the carpet upstairs that Tubby had peed on and pretty much ruined? And how they pulled up the carpet and sprayed some kind of magic something-or-other that immediately killed the stink? And how I didn’t know the name of it? Well, the carpet guys came back last week to deal with the piece of carpet in the computer room that has caused us trouble for the last year or so. While they were here, Fred said “By any chance could we buy some of that stuff from you?” The guy said “Let me see if I have some in the van I can sell you”, and when he came back inside, he had a gallon jug which was half full of the stuff. He sold it to us for what it cost him to buy (LOVE the carpet dude!), and now we have more than we’ll hopefully need anytime soon. Know why I couldn’t find a link for it online? Because I was spelling it wrong, of course. It’s called Axi-dent. The stuff we have is in a big jug and doesn’t look exactly like the stuff in that link, but surely it’s got to be the same stuff. And it ROCKS.
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Miz Poo sure does love to be outside in the sun. Also, she loves to lay on the side table, under the warm, warm lamp. She does NOT, however, like it when Daddy gets too close with the camera. ]]>