
proof that there was no wardrobe snafu involved in that whole Jan3t Jacks0n b00bie brouhaha. Yeah, I know you’re sick of hearing about it, but how could I not share the link? Also, if it’s true that she was uninvited from the Grammys and Justin wasn’t, that really pisses me off.

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I was reading journals this morning while putting off going upstairs to clean the litter box, and this made me laugh out loud: I just typed “Massachusetts,” which always makes me think of Anthony Heald playing a judge on The Practice. He spits out the word “Massachusetts” as though it were shit marinated in vinegar. I totally remember watching that episode with Fred and how hard we laughed every time he said “Massachusetts.” Glad to see I’m not the only one who remembers! I haven’t watched The Practice regularly in about two years, though I caught a few episodes last year. I thought I might take it up again since we got the DVR last week, but we’ve been having problems with the damn thing and I’m not willing to go through the effort of finding a blank tape and setting the VCR, so I guess that’ll have to wait. Speaking of the DVR, I did what Texas Peach suggested in my comments on Friday (disconnect the power plug in the back for 5 minutes, plug it back in and let it cycle through) and when I turned it back on, the guide was back up and I taped the 20/20 about rich kids that night, but the next morning the guide was gone again. Fred called the cable company, they had him do a few things and then decided it was a problem with the box. They told him someone would be here between 11 and 2 on Sunday (I had no idea cable guys had to work on the weekend!) with a new box. The guy showed up, but hadn’t brought a box with him. He did some stuff outside trying to figure it out, but nothing. He left, after telling Fred that “someone will be out with a new box on Tuesday or Wednesday.” Hey, thanks for narrowing it down, guy. Grrr.
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I don’t believe I mentioned that the Bean has tapeworms. This would explain, I suppose, why that fat, round little belly he developed not long after we adopted him went away so quickly, and he stayed skinny despite his tendency to eat everything in sight. Naturally we’ll have to have all the other cats checked out. I’m pretty sure at least one of the vet’s kids is being put through college by us personally. (Though in the interest of full disclosure I don’t know that he has kids, or that they’re in college) After we found out that the Bean had tapeworms, I joked to Fred that I needed to get me one o’ them. Fred said “Oh, good idea. You should lick his ass!” Ugh. Then I made the mistake of mentioning that I had read somewhere that if you put a bowl of warm milk under your butt, the tapeworm would smell it and crawl out. Fred laughed until he almost passed out. But it turns out that although I had the wrong end, I really had read the idea somewhere. From Bridget Jones’s Diary: Saturday 22 April 8st 7, cigarettes, 0, alcohol units, 0, calories 1800. Today is an historic and joyous day. After eighteen years of trying to get down to 8st 7 I have finally achieved it. It is no trick of the scales, but confirmed by jeans. I am thin. There is no reliable explanation. I have been to the gym twice in the last week, but that, though rare, is not freakish. I have eaten normally. It is a miracle. Rang Tom, who said maybe I have a tapeworm. The way to get rid of it, he said, is to hold a bowl of warm milk and a pencil in front of my mouth. (Tapeworms love warm milk, apparently. They love it.) Open my mouth. Then, when the worm’s head appears, wrap it carefully round the pencil. ‘Listen’, I told him, ‘this tapeworm is staying.’ I love my new tapeworm. Not only am I thin, but I no longer want to smoke or glug wine (p105). You just never know what’s going to stick in your mind, do you?
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I can’t believe there are only two episodes of Sex and the City left. Wah! And only six episodes of Friends. Double wah! (For the record, I think Carrie should end up with Petrovsky and not Big, because he’s been straightforward and honest with her from the beginning, and he clearly wants to be with her. He’s not as much fun as Big, but he definitely has a certain charm. But then, I’ve always had a crush on Baryshnikov, ever since I took ballet lessons as a kid (this is where Fred would start singing the opening bars of “No Rain“.)) My pain is only slightly assuaged by the fact that The Sopranos premieres on March 7th, and The Shield on March 9th.
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We have this toy, a stick with feathers attached at one end, that Miz Poo seems to have adopted. She carries the damn thing around with her, from one end of the house to the other, making a very loud keening sound the entire time. She’ll walk into the room with it in her mouth, making that noise, then drop it on the floor and look expectantly at us. I have no idea what she wants us to do, but cries of “Aren’t you a smart Poo!” just leave her staring at us blankly. Maybe she wants us to pick up the toy and admire it – we’ve taken to calling it her “baby.”
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A few years ago I put up a picture of the church in downtown Lisb0n Falls that has been converted into a house. It’s been fixed up some since then. I still think it’s the coolest thing ever, to have a former church as a house. And the crappy house on Goddard Street where Debbie and the kids and I lived together for a few years. It’s the gold building, and it doesn’t look like time has improved the condition any. A sunset in Portland. I noticed that the sunsets in Maine tend to have more gold and yellows, whereas the ones we see from our back yard have more pinks. I wonder what the difference is? More pollution? The Bean plays shy. Spanky checks out the situation. My dad took this picture of Gizmo when they were visiting Tracy and Kate last Fall. Awwww, love the kitty!