
* * * The spud came downstairs as we were watching Extreme Makeover last night to report that her “enter” key was no longer working for her. Fred went upstairs to check it out, and ran AdAware to see what was going on. AdAware found over 200 things, only a fraction of which were cookies. The spud, it appears, will download anything. If something pops up and offers to install something on her system, she goes along with it. She had 12 huge, bulky screensavers, search bars on her desktop, and god knows what else. Clearly she takes after her mother. I was about to download AIM the other night when Fred stopped me and informed me that it hijacks your something or other and even if you uninstall it, it reinstalls the next time you open AIM. I guess I’ll stick with MSN Messenger, then.

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I’m such the Gladys Kravitz. The people next door are having some kind of work done on the interior of their house. A couple of guys have been running a saw for the better part of a week. I don’t know if they’re building shelves, or hardwooding the floors, or what, because they come out on the front porch to cut the wood they need, and then carry it back inside and shut the door. Every time I hear the saw go, I press my face to the window to see if I can figure it out, but there’s a part of their porch that blocks my view, and it’s driving me crazy. You suppose they’d mind if I went over after dark and pressed my face up against the window to see what’s going on?
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What was… 1. …your first grade teacher’s name? You know, there was a time when I could name every single one of my teachers through the 8th grade, but that’s no longer true. I attended first grade on Kinchlo3 AFB in Michigan and I know I had a Mrs. Radecki for one of the grades I attended at that school, but I can’t swear it was first grade. 2. …your favorite Saturday morning cartoon? Bugs Bunny! Actually I think it was the Bugs Bunny and Roadrunner show, but I hated the hell out of that stupid Roadrunner and Wile E. Coyote. 3. …the name of your very first best friend? No clue. I remember a Candy Rhoades when we lived in Michigan, and also a Katie. When we lived in Guam, I had a friend named Sherri Roberson (or perhaps Robinson, I don’t remember which), and also Suzanne Dembinski. I can’t say for sure who my first best friend was, though. 4. …your favorite breakfast cereal? Fruity Pebbles! 5. …your favorite thing to do after school? When I was in middle school, I’d get home from school and watch the second half of As the World Turns I was hooked on that show for a good many years.
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You’ve got to check out Fred’s blog link for today. It rocks! Well, if you’re a William Hung fan you’ll think it rocks, anyway.
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“If I smack him really hard, will he get the hell out of my way?” ]]>