
Survivor entry with spoilers. It looks a bit fucked up over there now, but you should be able to read the entry and leave comments if you want. I have no fucking clue what’s going on with that site. Grrrr.

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I sometimes have this really bad habit when I’m reading a book of imagining what I’d do if I were in the main character’s shoes. It doesn’t happen all the time – I didn’t, for instance, try to imagine what I’d do if I were Ethan Truman or Fric when I read The Face , though I did send mental “Don’t go in THERE!” screams at Fric – but if the character is a married woman I do tend to put myself in her fictional shoes. I’m currently reading Marriage: A Duet, which is a book comprised of two novellas. In the first, a woman who’s been married to her husband of 40+ years recalls the time he almost left her for a younger woman. I ended up imagining myself in her shoes, and ended up getting SO PISSED at Fred for having an affair with another woman and then asking me to wait while he tried to decide what he wanted to do, that I had to put the book down and walk away. BECAUSE FRED’S NEVER DONE ANY SUCH THING. Yet I was furious. Even while I was getting mad, I thought to myself “This has never happened to you, what’re you getting so pissed off about???”, and yet I had to put the book down for a while, or let myself get so mad I’d probably drive myself into stroke territory. I’m a total freak.
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If you get to this journal by typing in “journal.bitchypoo.com”, you’ll note that things look a bit different around here. Movable Type, no matter how damn many times I rebuilt, would NOT rebuild the index page, and even Fred couldn’t figure it out, so he did some voodoo thing I don’t quite understand, where the calendar will update when I’ve updated, and I can edit the template in Dreamweaver. So if you’re used to going to that page and seeing the latest entry, you’ll have to click on the date on the calendar instead. I know it’s a bitch, sorry. But imagine how many calories you’ll burn by doing that extra click! ::snort:: You know, all these problems are making me long for the days when I just updated using Dreamweaver, even though it was a pain in the ass having to change all the before and after links by hand.
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The spud and her class (possibly even the entire 9th grade, I’m not sure) went on a field trip to Montgomery yesterday, to visit the Shakespeare Festival. They left the school at 5:15 am, and were planning to stop for breakfast and then eat lunch at the mall. I gave the spud $30 (more than she would need, but it’s always better to have to much than too little, I’ve always thought) Wednesday night, and reminded her twice not to forget her money. When Fred and I were laying in bed Wednesday night, I said “Please make sure she has her money before you leave in the morning” and he said “Okay.” As Fred and the spud pulled out of the driveway a few minutes before 5, he said “Do you have your money?” and she said “Yes.” I’m sure you know where this is going. Apparently at the last moment the spud changed purses and forgot to put her money in the purse she actually took with her. And this is the child who is supposed to be behind the wheel of a car in the next few months? Eeek. Luckily one of her friends had enough money so that she could borrow some, or I’m thinking she would have been one hungry kid by the time she got home 12 hours later.
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“I am the Queen of all that I survey…”]]>