
unfried chicken), and I said “Do you mind having corn again, since we just had it on Saturday?” He allowed that corn twice in one week would be okey-dokey with him, and he stood up and rounded the bed, heading for the corner of the bedroom, which he’s turned into a writing corner of sorts. “There’s most of a bag of corn in the freezer,” he said. “Left over from Saturday. I don’t eat much corn when we have it, just a spoonful -” And because clearly I am far too stupid to fully comprehend the concept of the spoken word “spoonful”, he stopped and faced me and pantomimed holding a spoon in his left hand and a bowl in his right, and he carefully spooned a SPOONFUL of nonexistent corn with his nonexistent spoon from his nonexistent bowl to his nonexistent plate. “I’m sorry,” I said. “I don’t believe I quite understand. Could you explain this “spoonful” word to me via pantomime again?” And so he did.

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The Bean seems to slowly be getting the hang of the cat door. As long as you pull the bottom of the cat door up a little so that it doesn’t touch his face, he’ll go out through it. When he comes back through it, he’s always hauling ass. We thought that he was coming through so fast because something had scared him, but he comes through that way every single time, so I’m thinking that he just likes to do it that way. He was full of piss and vinegar this morning, chasing the other cats around. When I got up, I made a hissing sound at him and waved my arms around, and he galloped from one end of the house to the other and back again, his ears back. He cracks me up. Miz Poo’s lip has gotten big and swollen from her recent constant grooming, which means she’s due for another steroid shot to lessen the swelling. I don’t blame her for grooming constantly; I’ve been scratching a lot lately. My skin isn’t reacting well to the change in the weather and we ran out of Lubriderm lotion, and the Curel we had was too thick so I wasn’t using any lotion at all and as a result was doing a lot of scratching. But I bought some more Lubriderm yesterday and I’m all lotioned up today… but still feel itchy. Ugh. I wonder if this entry could possibly get any less exciting.
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