
I just love Mac. And I love my husband even more.

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I had my physical this morning. The good news: my blood sugar is down into solidly normal territory (amazing what exercising an hour a day for over a month will do, ain’t it?), all my bloodwork (except the liver stuff) came back perfectly normal, my blood pressure and pulse are normal. However. Thursday I’ll be seeing an eye doctor because my doctor found dark pits in the back of my left eye. Next Tuesday I’ll be seeing the aforementioned Gastroenterologist for my liver (though Dr. B told me that she’d looked at the ultrasound pictures of my liver and it looks fine). Next Wednesday I’ll be going back to see Dr. B so she can remove the humongous dark mole from the middle of my back, an operation that involves lovely words like “stitches” and which I am SURE will result in her telling me that I have skin cancer and only 23 minutes to live. Aaaaaaaand when I go back to have the stitches taken out, I’ll be having the humongous dark mole on my stomach removed. That’ll also involve stitches. Who has more fun than me, kids? That’s right, NO ONE! (And the cherry on top of the shit sundae? My doctor, Dr. B, who is lovely and warm and nice and friendly and really listens when I answer her questions, is leaving Madison in mid-June to join a practice in Rogersville. Wahhhhhh!)
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I had pizza for dinner on Friday night, and by the time Fred and I went to bed, it felt like I’d swallowed a small furry animal (perhaps Julio the squirrel?), who was running around in circles, desperately looking for a way out. I’ll not share the details, but I will say that I’m mighty glad Fred keeps a book by the toilet. I spent Saturday morning feeling so crappy and weak that I didn’t exercise, thus breaking my 37 (I think)-day exercise streak. Hmph. Sunday for Mother’s Day dinner we had scrambled eggs with mushrooms, tomato, and onions cooked in and a side order of toast, prepared by Fred. And it was FABULOUS. Also, I got a book from Fred and a book from the spud as Mother’s Day presents, so it was a good day all around.
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Someone posted in my comments Friday calling for a movie of the week. Which is funny, because I had JUST finished making a little movie of the Bean! Click on “Movie of the Week” over there in the sidebar under “Other”, and you’ll see that goofy Bean in action. As usual, right click and save to your hard drive if you’ll be watching it repeatedly (and you know you will!).
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If you look very, very closely, you might see the droplet of water on Spanky’s nose.]]>