
* * * Oh, look. It must be a day that ends in “y.” I can only seem to connect to the Knology mail server about once an hour YET A-FUCKING-GAIN. Good thing we’re not paying way too much money for our internet – oh, wait! Yes we are! Fucking fuckers.

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The spud has a band concert tonight. She’s opted not to take band next year. Is my heart breaking? Why, no. No it’s not. I believe I’ll do a dance of joy at the idea of never having to attend another ear-shattering band concert. Of course, with my luck she’ll decide to take up cheerleading next year, and I’ll have to attend every last football game. Gah.
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In the past few weeks, Fred and I have started taping and watching Nip/ Tuck – FX is showing reruns of the first season at various times, in preparation for Season 2, which starts in mid-June. I didn’t hold out much hope – I mean, a show about plastic surgeons? Snore. Turns out, it’s a pretty damn good show, though. And even if it wasn’t, being able to stare at Julian McMahon (Christian) for an hour is nothin’ to sneeze at. We also started watching Season One of 24. We rented the DVD with episodes 4 – 8 and watched them back-to-back Saturday night. That’s a damn fine show! How come none of you ever told me?! I wanted to go out and rent the next DVD after we’d watched those four shows, but Fred spouted off some crap about how we should savor each show like a fine wine, to which I maturely responded by making some obnoxious gagging noises. Lastly, I stayed up late last night to finish reading Wendy Shanker’s The Fat Girl’s Guide to Life. Good book! I highly recommend it, and I’m going to even keep my copy – and y’all know I NEVER keep my books, so that should tell you how much I liked it.
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He’s Spot! He’s Spot! He’s Spot! He’s in his BED! ]]>