
* * * Okay, I’m printing this email from Kelly in it’s entirety, because I’m just not sure exactly what it means, but I’m pretty sure there are interested parties out there. Heh. You have two feeds at livejournal.com (essentially allowing LJ users to get updates of your site via their “friends page”) They are the xml feed and the rtf feed Both links go to the feed info pages. Clicking on the link next to “user” will take you to the main feed page. They are both essentially the same, as of now. If you ever change your settings, for say the XML to show full entries and not just a lead in, then LJ users would have the option to pick full entry vs. one line lead ins. I don’t use Movable Type so I am not sure how those settings are tweaked. (Maybe Fred knows?) Don’t worry about bandwidth, LJ grabs the feed once (the rtf and xml files are very small) and stores it for a short amount of time (I think a week? Not sure) So it wont ding you every time someone reloads their “friends” page on LJ. I just added them because I can read my friends page from my cell phone and it’s easier to check that than email notifications (and I’m a big dork). – Kelly PS: If you want to link it to allow others to easily add it to their LJ friends page, you can use these links: http://www.livejournal.com/friends/add.bml?user=bitchypoodotcom http://www.livejournal.com/userinfo.bml?user=bitchypoo_com Or you can use this HTML: [feed info]bitchypoodotcom Either one, it will add the feed to their list 🙂 I have only the vaguest idea of what all that means, but thank you, Pinky! 🙂 Hmmm. Should I add something in the sidebar for people?

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From my comments: i love your site and i’m always reading, but i stopped looking at the pet store kitties some time ago because it made me sad and i want to adopt all of the kitties. i wonder, is the pet store you work at no-kill and/or what happens to the kitties who aren’t adopted? The shelter I volunteer for (who provides the cats to the pet store) is a no-kill shelter. If the cats don’t get adopted after a few weeks at the pet store, they go back to the shelter. The shelter is a house converted into several big rooms (and some smaller ones) where cats have many places to lay and sleep, or hide, or chase other cats around. The lady who runs the shelter actually lives there and takes care of the cats. When we went to the shelter (and eventually adopted Stanley the Booger Bean), there were cats there that have been there for years. If they’re never adopted, they’ll stay at the shelter and be cared for with love for the rest of their lives. I don’t know that I could ever volunteer for a shelter where cats are put to sleep after a certain amount of time – it would just be too hard. Oh Robyn, I think I’ve been reading your site for too long. Last night I dreamt that you and Fred took my son with you to Gatlinburg, and I was very worried about him being on such a small plane. Not worried about him going on vacation with people I don’t know, no, worried about a plane. He had fun though, because you let him play Gameboy the entire flight. Um, okay. Clearly, I have lost my mind. But of COURSE we’d let him play with his Gameboy for the entire flight! It would take his mind off all those 100-foot drops when we go through the clouds. I just really need to know if TEX the pilot needs a girlfriend…I just soloed in a Cessna 172 and need me one of them there cowboy co-pilots. YEEEE HAW. Tex is a married man. A friend of mine found a brazilian wandering spider on a banana one time. She worked for a pet store so she actually kept it in a terrarium in her house. After she showed me THAT thing, I didn’t eat bananas for years. Everyone, check your bananas carefully before bringing them home… This reminds me – back last Fall when I was planting daffodil and lily bulbs and found a black widow, I was Googling around to see whether spiders breathe oxygen (shut up. It’s a valid question!), and I found a site where people were talking about their black widows THAT THEY KEPT AS PETS. Ugh. Ick. Bleh! beeeeeeeeeeechiesssss My sister posted that one. When I was little, I called bugs “Beechies” for some unknown reason, and I was scared to DEATH of anything remotely buglike. My mother tells the story of when I was three or four and we were stationed in Indiana. I ran out the door into the front yard, and a swarm of locusts flew up, and I levitated in the air and ran back through the door shrieking “Beechies! Beechies!” the entire way. Mom usually express mails me fiddleheads in the spring. She and Dad brave the black flies for a batch or two. I’ve never had canned. Any good? You know, I’ve only ever had fiddleheads once in my life, and I think they were fresh. I don’t know about the canned ones – don’t canned vegetables tend to be a wee bit slimier than fresh or frozen? It’d probably be worth a try, though! The Evanescence song is DEFINITELY “My Immortal,” I play it every morning in my car on the way to work. (You can tell I REALLY love my job eh?) I betcha you love the line, “And I realized I’ve been ALONEEEEEEEEE all ALONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!” At least that’s the one that makes me sob out loud! Heh. Yes, it’s “My Immortal”. And that IS my favorite part! The funny thing is that after I asked in my entry if anyone knew the name, I realized that I’d given the CD to the spud for Christmas, and it was sitting upstairs in her room! Furniture spray? I once threw cheese at a spider, for lack of any other means of defending myself. Oh, and I was crouching on the kitchen table at the time. Hence the cheese. But the important question is… was it on a salad? Because spiders LIKE cheese, just NOT on a salad. (Hee! I slay me!) I think you’d look good in a bathing suit! Don’t be ashamed! Are you going to sport one in Hawaii?! Come on!! ;o) and I have to agree with Heather! Oh, HELL no! If y’all want to put on a bathing suit and prance around in front of my mother, you just feel free to do so. I, on the other hand, will be sporting a pair of badass board shorts and a t-shirt. I may end up with a farmer tan, but I’ll be way more comfortable than I would in a bathing suit. I’ll leave the looking-cute-in-a-bathing-suit up to the spud and her cousin. I agree with you on the Boy t-shirt thing, but I have to wonder…Miz Poo may think boys are fine, but what about dogs? 😉 Miz Poo has no opinion on dogs. As long as they, too, worship her she’ll let them live. If they try to give her attitude or get in her fact, though, she’ll be forced to turn into kung-fu kitty. And no one wants THAT.
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The Beaniest Bean who ever Beaned. ]]>