
Dooce’s entry and got a little annoyed at what assmonkeys people are. And then this past weekend I followed links from this entry of Michelle’s and read this entry and my brain exploded. Then I said to Fred, “If I ever get pregnant*, I’ll have to immediately take down my journal and get a new email address, because I SO wouldn’t want to have to deal with the shit.” I mean, seriously. I thought I’d gotten some rude-ass emails from idiots who stumble across my diet journal, but I don’t get anything like the emails some of you mothers get, whether you’re into Attachment Parenting or not. Every asshole’s got an opinion, and they’re always more than willing to let you know when they think you’re a fucking idiot. Lordy. *No, there are no current plans for Fredbyn offspring. In fact, we’re strongly leaning toward “no”, but haven’t definitely made that decision one way or the other.

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“Hey,” I said to Fred the day after I got back from Hawaii. “You know what they call flip-flops in Hawaii?” “Royale with cheese?” he said. Heh. (The answer: Slippahs.)
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Pet store kitty pics from Monday are here.
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Saturday morning, Fred was about to step into the shower when he realized he hadn’t seen Meester Boogers at all that morning. That’s unusual, because after Fred works out, he comes inside and Meester Boogers is usually sitting there waiting for him. So Fred threw some clothes back on and went searching. After some time, he went out back to see Meester Boogers and Spanky sitting by the fence between the back yard and the part of the yard where the driveway is. They were staring intently at the bottom of the fence, and when Fred went over to check it out, he found a box turtle trying to get into our back yard. So he carried it into the back yard to freak the kitties out: “What the fuck IS this thing??” When he left to get groceries, he took the turtle with him, and left him in a section of woods by the nearby middle school, where there’s a stream and lots of bugs – everything a turtle could ever want, in other words. Hopefully the turtle didn’t immediately turn around and head for the road!
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Down the street from us is a house. When we first moved into the neighborhood, this house had a really crappy lawn. The owners didn’t mow very often, and they had a lot of weeds growing in the lawn, and every time we’d drive by the house, Fred would joke that the crappy lawn belonging to this house was “bringing down property values!” Two years ago, that house was sold to new owners, a retired couple who took a crappy lawn and made it the best looking lawn in the neighborhood. They’re always working in the yard, and every time I drive by and see them out there working in the flower bed, I’m struck with an impulse to stop and thank them for having a lawn that’s such a pleasure to look at. I haven’t yet, but one day I just might. Trust me – this picture doesn’t even come close to doing it justice.
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