
10 Things I Hate About You, which I got from Netflix last week. I love that damn movie. Fred came out to the garage while I was working out and watching the first part of the movie on Sunday, and said that he couldn’t decide whether Julia Stiles is pretty in an ugly way, or ugly in a pretty way. Heh. Which reminds me, I need to go download more songs by The Donnas.

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Survivor 487 starts in less than a month, on September 16th! Whoo! There’s a girl from Gorham, ME on this one – hopefully she’ll do the state proud. I also hope to get a new Couch Tater up and running before then so I don’t babble in here about Survivor and put the non-Survivor-watchers to sleep. But since I don’t currently have a Couch Tater going, I’ll do a little talking about TV. Those uninterested in my TV babblings, go on and skip to the next section, ‘k? We’ve been watching Entourage on HBO since it started. I really REALLY like the show, although it makes me nervous. Because those boys are spending money like it’s going out of style, and Vince isn’t bringing in any money! And Drama, Turtle, and E are depending on Vince to keep them in the lifestyle to which they’ve become accustomed, and I suspect at some point Vince is going to wise up and kick them off the payroll. Then again, Vince doesn’t strike me as all that wise, so maybe not. He’s adorable when he smiles though, isn’t he? Jeremy Piven as Ari is possibly the best casting I’ve ever seen, but all the casting in this show is perfect. I finished season three of Coupling last week, and I actually hooted, loudly, at the end of the last episode, the part that involved Patrick, Sally, Steve, and Jeffrey and the dancing. I’ll say no more so as not to ruin it for anyone who hasn’t gotten that far, but it was fucking BRILLIANT. (I can no longer type or say the word “brilliant” without hearing Jeff saying it in my head. God I LOVE HIM.) We’ve been watching Things I Hate About You (Jane mentioned it in an entry and made me want to watch it), and some episodes are better than others. The very first one is my favorite, so far, because of the guy burping and the woman with her singing to the dog. I hope like hell that episode comes on again. And look! I see on the Things I Hate About You page that it’ll be on tonight! Y’all should check it out if you haven’t yet, because when the woman sings to her dog, Fred and I were laughing so hard we were crying. Also, Mo Rocca, media gadfly. Can’t beat that combination, nosir. The only way it’d be better is if we could call and vote on who’s the most annoying. And lastly, we’ve been watching Trading Spouses because we are complete reality whores. I couldn’t be on this show at all, because there’s no way on earth I could walk into someone else’s house and try to tell their kids how to act. I’m no Tammy Nakamura, after all. (Thankyajezus) Okay, that’s it. I’ll shut up about the TV stuff now. You’re welcome!
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Hey, when do the Olympics start? Some time in September? JUST KIDDING. We haven’t been watching the Olympics, but we’re aware that they’re going on now. I’m not so much of a summer Olympics fan, but we were flipping channels last night and came across the BADMITTEN (I have no fucking clue if that’s spelled right) BADMINTON event. That right there is a sport – I should say “sport” – that needs to be yanked right out of the Olympics entirely. I mean, come on. BADMITTEN BADMINTON is an Olympic event? We watched for two or three minutes and giggled like goons as the birdie (is it called a birdie?) floated gently back and forth between the two badmitten badminton players. It occurs to me that the only Olympic sport I have the slightest bit of interest in is figure skating, and then only the women’s figure skating and the pairs. The men I’m just not all that interested in – unless Philippe Candeloro happens to be around. Does he even compete in the Olympics anymore? Did he ever? See how clueless I am?
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So, I’ve been wearing the same pair of sunglasses for, I think, a couple of years now. They’re sunglasses I bought at LL Bean, and they’re just the best sunglasses I’ve ever had – they’re comfortable and I don’t look like a complete dork in them. The lenses, however, have gotten pretty scratched, because I just toss my sunglasses in my purse when I’m not wearing them instead of carefully putting them in the case they came with like I should. So I went to LL Bean’s web page and found that they not only no longer carry that particular style, they don’t carry any round-lensed sunglasses at all. The horror! Which is why I spent half an hour online this morning doing nothing but looking at sunglasses. Did you know that for a mere $79.95, you can get FOUR pairs of sunglasses, all of them modeled after the sunglasses characters wore in the Matrix movies? I kind of like the Neo sunglasses, but rimless sunglasses really aren’t my thing. And then, my friends, and THEN I stumbled across this gem of a page. They may look like Bolle sunglasses… but they are NOT Bolle. They might RESEMBLE Ray Bans… but they are NOT Ray Bans. It cracks me up, that “NOT” in all caps at the beginning of the name of the sunglasses. I’m thinking about getting the NOT Ray Ban Predator 2s, because I really like the style, but I’ll be damned if I’ll spend more $100+ on the real ones – I’m too rough on my sunglasses to be spending that kind of money. I’ll buy the cheap knockoffs and spend the money I saved on BOOKS.
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Speaking of things worth buying, when I was in Hawaii I bought a bottle of Kukui Moisturzing Lotion. I’ve been using it on my hands, and I think I’ve found the lotion I’m meant to be with for the rest of my life (which means they’ll stop making it aaaaany minute now. It’s not greasy, it sinks into my skin pretty quickly, and it doesn’t wash off the second I get my hands wet. Also, it smells pretty good. If you want to give it a try, you can get it here – I have the blue bottle, but I understand the brown bottle is fragrance-free. Just thought I’d pass that along to y’all.
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“Who, me? No, I wasn’t about to go out the cat door. Nope, not me! I wouldn’t do that, nosirreebob. Nope nope. I was just standing here making sure no one else went out, is what I was doing.” ]]>