
* * * Miz Poo has been squinting a lot lately, and since she was due for her yearly shots and physical AND because Spot has bare patches on the inner part of his back legs (his inner thigh, I guess you’d call it), Fred took them both to the vet Tuesday. There’s a good reason Miz Poo has been squinting – because she has a huge scratch on her cornea. I can’t imagine how on earth she got a scratch on her cornea. What could be the cause of that, I wonder? Hmmm. I don’t know. It’s a mystery. I puts my paws around her neck and I kicks her with my back feets. Anyway, the vet prescribed a medicine for to promote healing of the cornea and another for the pain (I imagine having a scratched cornea hurts a bit). I took her back to the vet’s this morning and dropped her off. He’s going to examine her, and if her eye isn’t getting better, you know what’s going to happen? (No, he’s not going to remove her eye. Thank god.) He’s going to sew shut her nictating membrane and then her eyelid so that the eye has a chance to heal. I don’t know about you, but the idea of an eyelid being sewn shut just gives me the willies in a big way. Poor Miz Poo, with her thousands of health issues. Her eye, her lip, her wheeze. The nurse at the vet’s office told me that they do this – sewing eyes shut – all the time. They sew them shut, leave them that way for two weeks, and when they open the eye back up, it’s like a whole new eye. I was less focused on the “whole new eye” part than the “two weeks” part. “Does it ever, like, GROW CLOSED?” I asked, horrified at the very thought. The nurse laughed and reassured me that to her knowledge that has never happened. In any case, if they do sew her eye closed she’ll be able to come home this afternoon, and if they don’t she can come home even sooner. Bet she lives to be twenty or more. It’s always the ones with the health issues that surprise you, I find. For the past two nights we’ve had to give Miz Poo a ton of medicine. I grab her up in a towel, wrap it tight around her, and Fred gives her a decongestant pill, a squirt of oil, and a squirt of medicine in each ear. Then I hand her over to Fred, and he holds her while I put one kind of medicine in both eyes, and one kind of medicine just in the bad eye. Then we put her down, and she just kind of sits there and looked like she’s not quite sure what just happened. My poor baby. (She’s out of surgery and doing fine – she’ll be coming home this afternoon.)

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Since Miz Poo was going in for surgery this morning (or potentially going in, I guess I should say), we had to put the cat food away before we went to bed. It’s hardly fair that just because Miz Poo couldn’t have food after midnight none of the cats could, I know, but that’s just the way the cookie crumbles. Fred put the food in the bathroom closet before he went to bed, and the cats milled around looking worried and nervous. Spot ran in and out of the bathroom several times, and the Booger ran around making the grumpy noise he makes constantly. Not ten minutes after Fred went to bed, I heard a crackling sound in the closet. When I looked over, I saw the Booger on the top shelf in the closet, trying to get into the bag of Kitten Chow (you’ll recall that we give them Kitten Chow as a treat and they LURVE it). I took the bag and put it where he couldn’t get to it, and he gave me a pissed-off look, then ran around grumping some more. When I ignored him, he let out several ear-piercing meows, then settled atop the kitty condo to go to sleep, where he stayed most of the night. I got up at 4:20 to pee, and the second I stepped through the bathroom door, I was surrounded on all sides by frantic, starving-to-death cats who wanted to be sure I knew there was NO FOOD, DAMNIT! Somehow they survived the night and when Fred poured food into the cat bowl this morning before he left (right before he snatched up Miz Poo to put her in the cat carrier), they about lost their little kitty minds. And then each ate about two pieces of cat food and wandered off. The Booger went to see why Miz Poo was making sad meowing sounds from the hallway. Fred had put her in the cardboard cat carrier and then left (I was the one who actually took her to the vet’s), and I was in the process of getting dressed when I heard the sound of cat jumping on cardboard and then a hiss from Miz Poo. When I went out to look, I saw that the Booger had jumped atop the carrier, pushing the top down and allowing enough room for Miz Poo to escape. When she saw me coming toward her, she ran and hid under the bed, and I couldn’t get hold of her for the life of me. I had to call Fred, because I am a lame, helpless girl who can’t get a portly cat into a carrier, and he came back home (he was only a minute away) to help catch her. This time, we put her in the plastic carrier the Booger couldn’t break her out of.
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