
The Dark Tower book, and Come Home Soon by SHeDAISY – specifically, the video for Come Home Soon. I like to have CMT playing on the TV upstairs while I’m puttering around in the morning, and every single day that video comes on, and I have to sit down and watch it from beginning to end, boo-hooing like a big baby the entire time. The Dark Tower has made me cry – repeatedly – for reasons I can’t get into, unless I wanted a bunch of really pissed-off people who hadn’t read it yet to hunt me down and hurt me. I will say this, though: Dear Stephen King: Stop defending what you did, and just write the goddamn story. Love, Robyn. PS: I’m not sure about the guy who did the illustrations for this book. Could Roland look any more like Clint Eastwood? Also, Jake looks a tad more… feminine than I’d imagined him. Good job on Eddie, Susannah and Oy, though. PPS: “Can-toi” really rolls off the tongue, and I occasionally find myself staring off into space chanting “Can-toi. Can-toi. Can-toi.” I’m driving myself crazy.

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I did a LOT of house cleaning yesterday – cleaned the master bathroom EVEN THOUGH it didn’t desperately need it, vacuumed the entire downstairs, washed all the floors, vacuumed the stairs, did laundry, AND MORE. I was a house-cleaning freak, though not on the order of that freak-ass woman on Wife Swap the other night who spends FIVE HOURS a day cleaning her house. I don’t know if I could even find five hours worth of cleaning to do around here, seriously. What kind of life is that? So anyway, I did ALL this cleaning. And did anyone even notice? NO. Bastards.
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We went to Lowe’s on Saturday to pick out a new dishwasher, because the old one had shit the bed (hi, Shannon!). We’ve had problems with the old dishwasher on and off for the last few years, and finally it just wasn’t draining the way it should and repairmen weren’t able to fix it, so we decided it was time for a new one. We did some looking around online and Fred thought he was going to just go out and buy a new dishwasher, but I put the kibosh on that because hello! I want to be able to go and LOOK at the available dishwashers before we actually buy one. It’s one thing to buy clothes and books online without looking at or touching them first, but big-ass appliances are another story altogether. Fred had seen a dishwasher online similar to the one we had – I think this is the one we had, and this is the one Fred found online. So we went to Lowe’s Saturday morning (along with the rest of the population of Madison) and looked at what they had, and which one did we decide on? That’s right, the one Fred saw online, the GE Triton XL. This morning the guy came from Lowe’s and installed it in about 45 minutes, and now we have a brand-spankin’-new dishwashwer, whee! I love having a dishwasher, but I’ll admit that after the old dishwasher was taken out and there was a huge empty space where it had been, I thought about what we could do with that much storage space, and I wondered if we actually NEED a dishwasher.
Uhhh… yeah. We do.
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Also on Saturday, after picking out and paying for our new dishwasher, Fred and I went for a hike. The man is just a hiking fool, and I’m not so much a person who loves to hike, but it was getting to the point where on the weekends the spud and I were hanging out at the house while Fred went out on long hikes, and I said to myself “Self,” said I, “Perhaps it is time to join Fred in this not-so-new obsession of his.” And then I said to Fred, “Baby,” said I, “Why don’t you pick out an easy hike for Saturday and the spud and I will join you, and then if you want to go on a challenging hike, you can go do that by yourself on Sunday?” Because a hike with the spud and I? Not challenging. If I wanted to challenge myself, I would sit and try to remember the names of every man Paris Hilton has fucked in front of a camera (impossible!), not go hauling my ass through the woods. So Fred picked out an easy hike, and then the spud bailed (though in all fairness, she didn’t actually know that there was a hike planned before she decided to spend the night at her friend’s house) and so it was just Fred and I, with the stumpy little slow-moving legs, going on a hike. The hike Fred picked out was, I would say, a 3 or 4 on a scale from 1 – 10. A 3 or 4 to me, that is – I sweated my ass off, and he didn’t break a sweat at all. We saw a snake and a deer, and a couple of showing-off male hikers who passed us at such a speed that they were nothing but big blurs. I managed pretty well, although at one point I stepped up onto a big rock behind Fred, then started to lose my balance and grabbed his arm to stop the fall, and he wasn’t expecting it, so he stumbled back a step and then held firm so that I didn’t go tumbling ass-over-head onto the ground and break my tailbone or snap my spine or something else equally horrific. So this is going to be a new thing, I believe – family hike on Saturday mornings. I’m sure I’ll have stories to tell about that…
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He lurves the sun, oh yes.