Sunday, Dec. 12th.

I just spent four – YES, FOUR – hours wrapping presents, and I’m in a bad, bad, BAD mood. Why do I do this to myself every year? Buy gift cards for everyone to make the Christmas experience easier, and THEN insist on putting each and every gift card in a scarf box and wrapping each and every scarf box? Why? Why do I do that? Because every year I spend hours wrapping presents and getting annoying and pissed that I’m wrapping GIFT CARDS and the Christmas spirit is just sucked right out of me. Next year, I’m going to find a simple – yet festive! – way to wrap the gift cards that doesn’t entail measuring and cutting and taping and all that happy crap. Got suggestions? Leave ’em in the comments! On the up side, I just have to make a quick trip to the pet store, and I’ll be ready to mail out the three boxes I need to mail out. Hopefully I can do that Tuesday or Wednesday. Whee!

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So, did you hear the story about how Britney Spears and her husband were flying to or from somewhere and she kicked off her shoes, and the smell of her stinky feet almost made her fellow passengers pass out? Good lord, how NASTY is that? To be sitting there, oblivious to the fact that your stinky, nasty feet are reeking up the plane? At least she had the good sense to be embarrassed and put her shoes back on. Speaking of, did you know that People magazine had a blurb about Kevin Federline in the (I think) “sexiest husbands” part of their “sexy men” issue? I don’t know who the holy hell looked at Kevin Federline and said “My, yes. That is one sexy, sexy man!”, but I suggest they get their eyes checked, and possibly some therapy. The man looks like a weasel and he also looks incredibly unclean, as if he can’t be bothered to take a shower because he’s far too busy getting wasted and servicing his equally unclean-looking stanky-footed wife. Those two just make me shudder. And not in a good way.
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Reminder, Survivor watchers! The two-hour season finale is on tonight, followed immediately by the one-hour live reunion. I’d complain about not having anything to watch on Thursdays anymore, but we just got the third season of 24, so we’ve got plenty to watch!
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Stumpy sings the blues.
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