February 17, 2005.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I read Kathryn Harrison’s The Mother Knot the night before last. It’s such a small book that it took me about an hour – if that – to read. I always forget how much I like her writing, even though she kind of weirds me out a little at the same time. I’ll always think of her as the woman who had an affair with her father – and then wrote a book about it – and if that doesn’t give you the willies, I don’t know what will. This is a woman with Issues, I guess you could say. But an amazing writer. I recommend The Mother Knot.

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In the back yard, my daffodils are beginning to bloom, and the temperature is somewhere in the 40s. It hit 70 degrees on Tuesday, then we had some crappy weather yesterday – (in fact, when we were sitting in the lawyer’s office signing the refinancing papers yesterday, the tornado sirens went off, and Fred and the lawyer did a rousing rendition of “Them damn tornado sirens iz fer pussies and I ain’t takin’ no shelter and it used to be that the sirens didn’t go off unless there wuz an actual tornado spotted, but now if the sky gets a little windy they set those damn sirens off without thinkin’ twice, uh-huh” replete with a little soft shoe and jazz hands.) – and the temperature dropped into the low 50s, and it seems to be getting colder and colder and JESUS CHRIST I MOVED TO THE SOUTH SO I WOULD NEVER HAVE TO BE COLD AGAIN. Why, god, why? I’m sitting here, my fingers are freezing, my toes are freezing (and the big-ass cup of Diet Coke with lots of ice I just finished drinking has NOTHING to do with that, I’m sure), I have two space heaters going (though a portly Poo is flopped down in front of one of them, stealing the heat so that it won’t get to me), and I am FREEZING. Clearly I need to move to South America.
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I finally remembered to go to the frame shop where I’d dropped off the picture I cross-stitched for the spud. I dropped it off about a month and a half ago, and they called the week after to let me know it was done, but I kept forgetting to go pick it up until this morning. It looks good; I was a little worried whether the red mat would work, but I think it worked out just fine. However, does it look just a little bit off-center to you, or am I just seeing things? I look at it one time and it looks fine, and then I look at it again and it looks off-center. What do you think?
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::sniff::sniff::sniff::sniff::SNIFF::SNIFF::SNIFF:: Miz Poo does not appreciate being sniffed when she’s minding her own business hanging out on top of a box.