
the solomon sisters wise up.

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Damn – is anyone NOT pregnant these days? Sundry, Aimee, Demi, not to mention just about every blogger in existence. It’s a veritable baby boom! Congrats, ladies. I’m looking forward to reading about it all!
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The Go Fuck Yourself ‘burb no longer exists. Saturday, after a – shall we say – less than intelligent person left an ALL CAPS comment saying YOU NEED TO BE CAREFUL WHO YOU TRY TO UPSET! THERE ARE MORE OF US THAN THERE ARE OF YOU….PERVERTED BITCH., I checked my stats and found that someone had hotlinked one of the GFY images in someone’s tagboard and some of the readers of that tagboard weren’t smart enough to understand that if someone’s hotlinking an image, chances are good that it’s not the person hosting that image, and one of them left the above comment (the person who left the comment, by the way, will be redirected should she try to visit this site again. I know she simply isn’t intelligent enough to understand that I have better things to do than hotlink MY OWN IMAGES in the tagboard of some site I’ve never heard of, but lack of intelligence is not an excuse). I thought “Oh, I need to tell the person who owns that tagboard that it wasn’t me, that someone was hotlinking!”, and the owner of said tagboard still wasn’t quite smart enough to get it, and I checked my stats and found several more hotlinkers, and I said to myself, I said “Self? Life is too fucking short. Fuck that noise. Buh-bye, GFY ‘burb.” and I deleted the ‘burb and the images, and the ‘burb no longer exists. Feel free to start up a GFY ‘burb yourself, though, and I’ll happily link to it. Hell, I’ll even send you the GFY images if you want. Edited to add: The awesome Heather is going to be taking over the GFY page. Yay!!! I know for sure it’s going to be in good hands because Heather is (did I mention?) awesome! Edited to add (3/14/06): Or not.
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So, I’ve changed a few things around on the site. I took down the FAQ page because, to be honest, I don’t think anyone was looking at it. I did a new bio page and answered a few of the most pressing questions (“Why do you and Fred sleep in separate beds”, “Are you ever going to have another kid?”, all that) at the bottom of the bio. I took down the links in the sidebar to Couch Potato and the GFY page, since neither of them exists any longer. I took down all the sidebar graphics, because they were slowing the loading of the page. I took down the “Currently reading” link at the top of the sidebar, because I was running that via Blogrolling and sometimes Blogrolling is down, and that meant that the sidebar wouldn’t load at all, which is annoying. I added a few pictures to the cast page. I have no idea how on god’s green earth I did it, but somehow the RDF feed and XML feed are working again. I’ll add links to both of those in the sidebar at some point this week – and if I haven’t done it by Friday, feel free to email and harass me about it. Oh, and if you have a livejournal, you can add me to your friends list – here for the XML feed. (Do I have that right? I think I do…) So that’s what’s going on with the site. In case you were wondering. And you know you were!
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From my comments: i know you have probably told us a million times, but what is that box thing around Mr Boog’s neck?? That’s his collar that works with the electric fence so that when he goes out into the back yard and gets too close to the fence, it first beeps and if he doesn’t back away from the fence, he gets zapped. I know it looks heavy and bulky, but it’s really quite light, and he hardly seems to know he’s got it on. When I call for him so that I can put his collar on and open the cat door, he stands willingly while I put it on and doesn’t fight me at all. Oh, and he doesn’t have to wear it all the time – only when we have the cat door open, which is usually (depending on the weather) from about 6:30 in the morning to 6 or 7 at night. If it’s extremely cold or rainy, we shut the door and take the collar off. Some time back you mentioned a book about women traveling alone by car. I did a search on your site but couldn’t find it. Can you please give me the name of that book! For the life of me, I have NO clue which book this might be. Anyone out there know what book it might be? If so, leave a comment – I’m dying to know! I just checked and “The Shield” is starting on March 15th. Yeah!!! Woohoo! I can’t wait ’til it starts – Glenn Close is going to kick ass on that show. We just finished watching Season 3 of The Shield over the weekend and I had forgotten how badly it ended for Shane (also known around here as “The only member of The Strike Team I would not have sex with”) and Vic. I tried to talk Fred into staying up late to watch the season premiere tomorrow night, but he won’t go for it. Hmph. What is a meme? The dictionary definition: A unit of cultural information, such as a cultural practice or idea, that is transmitted verbally or by repeated action from one mind to another. The Bitchypoo definition: One of those things you see in someone else’s blog or journal that looks like fun (usually a survey), so you steal it and do it in your journal or blog. Awww, Robyn – you should totally get the Botox!It’s just the best! Well, you know, at 37 I’m saying “Hell, NO”, but like anything else in life, that could change. You never know! I could get Botox in my face, and then I could be like Fred. Fred will say “I’m so fucking pissed off right now”, and it’s the exact same facial expression he has when he says “Do we have any ham?” Er, not to say that Fred has had Botox injections, just that he’s naturally expressionless. I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong … I tried just playing the Scrubs clip, and I also tried downloading it to my computer and then playing it. It won’t play in the RealPlayer OR in QuickTime. Any inkling as to what I might be doing wrong? Any other complaints about this problem? Honestly, I have no idea. Did anyone else have problems seeing the Scrubs clip? I can email it to you directly, if you’d like, that might work. Just email me and request it, and I’ll send it to you. Hey, whoever it was that commented about living in rural East Texas and wanting a kitten, could you email me? I live not so far from you and I volunteer for the Humane Society – I might be able to help you out! Thanks! (Just in case not everyone reads the comments) That comment was from Julie – I’m not going to put her email address in here, but you can get it from her site. Also, if you adopt a kitten, you’re required to send me pictures. It’s the law! I’m sure you’ve been asked this before, but, having grown up in Bangor, Maine, did you ever see or meet Stephen King? If so, what was he like? I didn’t actually grow up in Bangor – I was born there, when there was an Air Force base there, but only lived there for a few years, if that. I did once see Stephen King; he was signing books at a movie theater when Christine (I think) was made into a movie, and I went and stood in line for ages with my mother. I was so in awe of him that when he asked my name I said “Robyn”, and then didn’t say anything else, but my mother stepped forward and said “With a ‘y’!”, so he spelled my name right. I remember only that he looked kind of bored, but he seemed nice enough. I’m sure he still remembers me. Heh! He once came through the drive-thru when I was working at McDonald’s, but I wasn’t working the drive-thru that day. Oh, and I saw the Rock Bottom Remainders in concert at the State Theater in Portland, and after the concert he walked across the street to the hotel where he and Tabitha were spending the night, and someone up the street yelled “Mr. King! Could I get an autograph??”, and he didn’t even look at the guy – he said “Sorry, I don’t do that!” and kept on walking. Just wanted to know, how is it that your cats will sleep in those beds??? I don’t know – they just love ’em to death, and sleep in them all the time. Maybe you should bribe your cats with catnip. 🙂 I have a question. Why do cat beds cost more than dog beds of the same size? For this reason, my cats sleep in beds with pictures of dogs on them. That’s a GOOD question – I have no idea! They’re made of the same material and everything, aren’t they? Maybe they charge more for the cat beds ’cause they know cat owners will spend more than dog owners? I don’t know, that doesn’t sound right. It’s strange, isn’t it? oh my god Robyn, do you think that mouse is still in your house??? UGH… the thought of mice makes my skin crawl… I have two cats (looking for a third) and I did have a mouse come in once. that mouse didn’t stand a chance, I saw him come in, and the cats had him cornered in the about an hour… I’m sure it’s not, or The Mighty Booger Hunter would have tracked it down and eaten it for lunch. I’m not that freaked out by mice, though, so I’d probably be okay with it if it was still wandering around the house. Okay, wait – let me amend that statement: I’m not that freaked out by mice unless they’re running directly at me, in which case I scream and run around in circles.
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Da Boog contemplates what sort of trouble he wants to get into next. ]]>