
Jolene‘s place. 1. Name someone with the same birthday as you? Richard Nixon, Joan Baez, Jimmy Page. Borrrrrrrring. 2. Where was your first kiss? Sitting on the picnic table in my parents’ back yard the summer I was 16. 3. Have you ever seriously vandalized someone else’s property? Nope, never. 4. Have you ever hit someone of the opposite sex? I smacked Fred with a spoon the other day. Does that count? 5. Have you ever sung in front of a large number of people? HELL no. I wouldn’t want to subject them to the pain. 6. What’s the first thing you notice about the preferred sex? If he’s wearing tight jeans, I notice his butt. Otherwise, his smile. 7. What really turns you on? NOT THIS QUESTION, that’s for sure. 8. What do you order at Starbucks? Anything that’s not coffee flavored. I think the last thing I had was a strawberry-creme something-or-other. 9. What is your biggest mistake? Immediately believing what I’m told without standing back and thinking about it. 10. Have you ever hurt yourself on purpose? No. 11. Say something totally random about yourself. I smacked the holy hell out of my foot with the carpet steam cleaner and it HURTS. My foot is throbbing right now. I might have broken something. Send chocolate. 12. Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity? Years ago when I worked part of a day at a temporary job, someone told me I looked like Mama Cass. JOY. Oh, and everyone always tells me how strongly I resemble Ashley Judd. IN MY DREAMS. 13. Do you still watch kiddy movies or tv shows? Nope. 14. Did you have braces? I did, but not for very long. They tightened them the day before Thanksgiving, though, and I couldn’t eat Thanksgiving dinner because my mouth hurt so badly. 15. Are you comfortable with your height? I guess so; I wouldn’t mind being a few inches taller, though. 16. What is the most romantic thing someone of the preferred sex has done for you? None o’ your bidness. 17. When do you know it’s love? You just do. 18. Do you speak any other languages? I could probably cobble together a half-assed conversation in French if given enough time. 19. Have you ever been to a tanning salon? Nope. 20. What magazines do you read? People, US, Marie Claire, Jane, TV Guide, Consumer Reports. There are more, I’m sure, but I can’t think of them right now. 21. Have you ever ridden in a limo? My Junior prom, a bunch of us got together and rented a limo. 22. Has anyone you were really close to passed away? My grandmother, a little more than a year ago. 23. Do you watch mtv? Rarely, though we tape Punk’d sometimes. 24. What’s something that really annoys you? Mister Boogers tapping at the blinds on the back door when he wants to go out and the cat door is closed. It makes me want to commit Boogicide. 25. What’s something you really like? Diet Coke. Lost. The sex scenes on Nip/ Tuck. Little purring kittens. Big purring Miz Poo. When Mister Boogers “talks” to himself. When Spanky lays in the sun and rolls around. When Fred calls me from work during the day for no real reason. When the spud shares the school gossip with me. Being able to sleep in on the weekends. ROAD TRIPS. 26. Do you like Michael Jackson? Ugh. No. 27. Can you dance? IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII can’t dance! IIIIIIIIIIII can’t sing! I’m just standing here selling ev. uh. ree. thing. 28. What’s the latest you have ever stayed up? When I was a teenager and worked at McDonald’s, I got home from work after closing at about 2:30, stayed up and went back in to open at 4:30. A couple of people called in sick, so I ended up staying until 4:30 in the evening. When all was said and done, I was probably up for about 36 hours. 29. Have you ever been rushed by an ambulance into the emergency room? No, thank god. 30. Do you actually read these when other people fill them out? I do!

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I’ve got three kittens laying on the pillow on my desk, and they’re taking turns farting and OH MY GOD is it a nasty, nasty stench. Nasty kittens. It’s lucky for them they’re so damn cute.
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I went to the grocery store this morning, as I usually do on Friday mornings. Well, I usually hit the grocery store on an average of four days a week, because there’s ALWAYS something I need to pick up. Anyway. I was in the grocery store this morning, and I was checking out. The cashier, who recognizes me because I’m in there so often, greeted me and made some conversation. She was handing me my receipt when she glanced downward, and got a look of disgust on her face. I glanced down at the front of my shirt to see if I had dribbled something down the front of me before I left the house. There was nothing, and I glanced up at her, and she still had the faintest look of disgust on her face, but she wouldn’t meet my eyes. “Hmph,” I thought and I walked out of the store. “What’s HER problem?” I did the few other errands that needed to be done, and then when I got home I put everything away, greeted the kittens, and sat down in front of my computer. I’d only been home a few minutes when Fred called and said “I need our checking account routing number.” I went into the kitchen and leaned down to grab my purse. And then I saw it. Dried cat puke on the side of my purse. No wonder she made the face of disgust. I’m making the face of disgust right now, because walking around with dried cat puke on your purse? The height of classy. Goddamn cats.
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Currently reading: Wish you were Here, by Rita Mae and Sneaky Pie Brown. It better be good, or I’m coming after whoever recommended it. If I could remember who that was… Finished last night: Vanish, by Tess Gerritsen. SUCH a good book.
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It got cold overnight. I think it might be time to get the space heater out again, because HOLY SHIT am I cold right now. Even though I have a pile of kittens over on the side of my desk I could probably warm my hands on. Probably it doesn’t help that I’m sitting here with wet hair, either. Oh! Before I forget this, I have to recommend something to y’all. I was at Cracker Barrel with Liz while she was visiting, and they sell lotion in the gift shop, and I picked up a 4 ounce bottle of Dionis lotion in the scent called “Love”, and oh MY. I LOVE this lotion – not only does it smell good (it SMELLS like LOVE), but it also sinks in quickly, so you’re not wandering around with greasy hands. SO AWESOME, this lotion. I highly, highly recommend it. And while I’m going on about things that smell good, have you ever ordered a candle from Say? Because I have, and I currently have a Wildberry Pancakes jar candle burning, and it smells so good I want to go over there and eat the candle. I have to keep reminding myself that it won’t taste like it smells, though. It makes me want to go to IHOP for breakfast. And lastly, speaking of good-smelling things, when I was shopping at the mall with my mother when she and my father were here last month, we went into the Yankee Candles store, and I ended up buying a couple of electric air fresheners. Now, the electric air fresheners came with one bottle of scent, but you could also buy refills in sets of two. I really wanted to get the lemon zest scent, but while you could get refills in that scent, you couldn’t get the electric air freshener with that scent. So I got two air fresheners with a cranberry-scented bottles, and a couple of boxes of lemon zest refills. When I got home, I plugged in the cranberry-scented refills, and they smelled… okay. Fred thought they smelled like grape. To me, they smelled like wine. And I’m not crazy about wine. A month went by, and finally I noticed that the cranberry scented bottles were empty, so I dug out the lemon zest refills, plugged them in and thought nothing more of it. That afternoon when Fred got home, he went into the bathroom and yelled “Something smells really good in here! What is it?” When I told him it was the lemon zest air freshener, he told me he thought it smelled like Froot Loops. I’ve got one air freshener upstairs and one downstairs, and they’ve both got lemon zest refills in them, and my house smells FABULOUS. Yankee Candles Electric Air Fresheners with Lemon Zest refills, highly recommended.
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The kittens are home and doing fine. Bear was the only troublesome one, because apparently one of his testicles was undescended and they had to dig around for it. ::wince:: Right now, they’re running around like their butts are on fire, as if nothing ever happened. I don’t know if it was the drugs, or what, but Sugarbutt was twice as feisty last night as I’ve ever seen him. On to the pictures, eh? When you rub his belly, Sugarbutt basically puts his paws up in the air and kneads. It’s severely cute. WHAT is THAT?” Mister Boogers looking out the window. > Da Boog unaware that trouble approaches. Putting the smack down. Callie. She breaks my heart, this little one. She’s so standoffish, but as soon as you pick her up she purrs and purrs. But then she wants to be put down, and off she goes again, being standoffish. “Bleh.” Warm little pile o’ kitties. A particularly good shot of Sugarbutt. And kitten toes! All of today’s uploaded pictures (there are a ton of them today) are here.
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Previously: 2004: Reader requests. 2003: Why have kids if you aren’t going to make them do the scut work? 2002: You know, I don’t even have the words. 2001: No entry. 2000: No entry.]]>