
* * * Here’s an odd question. If you’re going to the grocery store and you’re looking for a parking space, and there’s a parking space on both sides of the aisle, directly across from each other, do you always go in one direction or the other, or is it just a random choice? I always go left. I just discovered this about myself, something about going left is more comfortable to me for some reason, even though I’m right-handed. Your fascinating tidbit for the day.

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Meme, stolen from Jolene. 1.If you could change places with one of your friends for a day, who would it be? My friend Angelina Jolie. Not because she has sex with Brad Pitt (ick. Too pretty.), but because I’d like to know what it’s like to go through a day as someone who’s drop-dead gorgeous. (Although, have you ever noticed her hands? She has HUGE hands. They freak me out a little.) 2. What were you doing at this time yesterday? Scrubbing down the baseboards in the kitten room with white vinegar. Which didn’t deter the ants, but the baseboards sure did need a cleaning, so it’s all good. 3. What will you be doing at this time tomorrow? God knows. Cleaning or sitting on my ass in front of the computer. 4. In the past month, what was the best moment you had? Seeing the spud in her Homecoming dress. ::sniffle:: 5. When was the last time you were at a hospital? Er. Let me think… Oh! When Fred was undergoing arthroscopic surgery on his shoulder, I guess. Only that wasn’t really a hospital, it was a surgery center. I guess before that… when I went to the emergency room last year because of my achy breaky heart.

6. What kind of car do you have? A yellow 2004 Suzuki Aerio SX. You can call him E’gar. 7. When was the last time you were taken advantage of? Monday night. Three times. Ha! 8. What do you take for granted? Probably just about everything at one time or another. I try not to, but it’s tiring to go through life being incredibly grateful for every little thing. 9. What is the best thing about your job? That I don’t have one! 10. How many times have you been rejected? I.. don’t know. What kind of question is that? 11. Think of the last time you went out with friends. What was the best part of it? Laughing really hard with Debbie and Liz at Vinny T’s. 12. What was the last movie you watched? The Interpreter. 13. What do you like on your pizza? Depends on my mood, but usually sausage, onion, and black olives will do. 14. In the near future, what are you most looking forward to? Seeing the spud all gussied up for Homecoming. 15. What do you dislike about your bedroom? The height of my bed. I practically need a step-stool to get into it. 16. Describe your morning routine? On an average weekday, I get up by 8:00 (I try not to sleep later than that), work out for half an hour or so, putter around on the computer, do laundry, vacuum, whatever else needs to be done housework-wise, and eat breakfast between 10 and 11. 17. What is the one food that you have never and will never try? Organ meats don’t interest me much. I have tried frog legs, and they were surprisingly good. 18. How would you handle it if someone liked you but you weren’t into them? Avoid them like the plague. 19. What was the last thing that got on your nerves? The slowness of my site yesterday afternoon. I was swearing at my computer so loudly that Sugarbutt, who’d been sleeping like the dead upstairs, came running down to see what was going on. 20. What would your theme song be? I don’t know. I’m sure Fred would suggest No Rain. I’ll say Good Riddance (Time of Your Life). 21. Can people tell when you’re upset? I think so. I’m pretty much an open book – which makes Fred my polar opposite. He’ll look at you with a completely pleasant look on his face and announce “I’m so pissed off I can’t see straight right now.” 22. How much money did you spend yesterday?Not a single cent. Fred spent a bunch, though, getting his temporary crown. 23. Would you rather go to the doctor or the dentist? Neither. Probably the doctor. Not a fan of the dentist. 24. Tattoos are: Cool. And maybe someday I’ll get one. 25. Who would win in a fight Solid Snake or Boba Fett? I… do not know. 27. What is a special talent you have that most people don’t know about? I can wiggle my ears. But y’all knew that. 28. Growing up, who did you have posters on your wall of? MICHAEL DAMIAN. My god, I loved that man. I was going to totally move to LA when I grew up so that we could find each other and fall in love. I mean, LA couldn’t be SO BIG that I couldn’t find the love of my life, could it? Also, Donny Osmond. 29. What is your favorite thing about this past summer? All the foster kittens.

30. When you were really young, what did you want to be when you grew up? First, a vet. Then, an orthopedic surgeon. Then, a writer. Once I found that becoming a vet or a surgeon took years and years and years of schooling, I dropped those ideas like a hot potato. Good thing, because I would have been a horrible surgeon.
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Someone (or several someones, who the hell knows which?) did many site searches on variants of “September Links” and “Who I Read Links September”. I only have one links page, and it isn’t separated out by month or anything. Recently I went through the links list and took out a bunch of journals/ blogs I’ve stopped reading, so if the link you were looking for isn’t on that list, it’s just ’cause I’m not reading that site anymore. Sorry to be unhelpful. I suspect there are probably at least ten blogs or journals I read that aren’t on that list, but as far as I know, it’s pretty complete.
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There is nothing on god’s green earth that makes Sugarbutt happier than eating. When he’s eating, he purrs so loudly it echoes through the house. When he’s eating, he kneads while he’s standing there in front of the dish, so it looks like he’s marching in place. It’s unbearably cute. I love how they both look completely annoyed. Like “This is MY bed! What the hell is that OTHER cat doing here?” “How YOU doin’?” “E equals MC… squared? No, that CAN’T be right!” All of today’s uploaded pictures are here.
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Previously 2004: More Myrtle Beach. 2003: It’s got to be early-onset Alzheimer’s, y’all. 2002: No entry. 2001: No entry. 2000: I think back on the shit I pulled as a senior in high school, and I’m flat-out amazed that I managed to graduate. 1999: Just an all-around relaxing day.]]>