
Click on the picture and go check out Paul Vose’s web site, would you? There are some awesome pictures there. I keep going and looking at this picture. It makes me want to climb Tumble Down Mountain and swim in that pond, you know? I keep suggesting to Fred that when the time comes that he’s ready to make a trip to Maine and climb Katahdin, we should climb Tumble Down Mountain too.

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Things you may not know about me
1. Numbers comfort me. When I’m stressed or upset, if I sit and think of numbers – random numbers, not phone numbers or addresses or numbers that mean anything at all – it calms me down. I have no idea why that is, and I think it started pretty much out of the blue when I was 19 or 20. 2. I get really pissed off when I feel that someone’s trying to control me. I can be considered to be “hardheaded” and unwilling to listen to reason, but I think that said “hardheadedness” is just a reaction to someone attempting to control me. I’ll admit that I’m contrary and when someone, say, suggests that I stop putting so many cat pictures in my entries, I’ll do exactly the opposite. 3. I absolutely chafe under others’ expectations of me. Don’t expect anything from me. IT’S TOO MUCH PRESSURE AND I CAN’T HANDLE IT! 4. I always rub my feet together when I can’t get to sleep. It’s another thing that comforts me. Of course, now when I do it, I always think of John Cusack in High Fidelity talking about Laura rubbing her feet together. 5. I steal pens. Well, I don’t steal pens, I exchange pens. When I was paying for dinner at Pedro O’Hara’s in Maine, I really liked the pen the waitress gave me to sign the credit card slip, so I took a pen out of my purse and left it with the credit card slip, and put the waitress’s pen in my purse. I know, I’m evil. Okay, wait – I do steal pens, though, from the doctor’s office. I figure it’s okay, since they get them free from the drug reps. The one time I asked a receptionist at a doctor’s office if I could take a pen, she said “Of course. That’s what they’re there for!” 6. I stole a magazine from my doctor’s office a couple of weeks ago. It seemed like it was filled with absolutely fascinating articles and it was a few months old and so I put it in my purse. If I’d had one of my own magazines with me, I’d have left it to even things out. Hmm. I have a doctor’s appointment later today; I think I’ll take the stolen magazine back and leave it. That makes it so I borrowed the magazine rather than stole it, right? Uh, right?
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Public Service Announcement Dear Authors: The “buried alive” thing has been done to (pardon the pun) death. I’ve read no fewer than four books in the last year that had victims buried alive. Please find a new and preferably more interesting way for kidnappers/ murderers to dispose of their victims, because this one has been played out. XOXO, Robyn
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Bird watching. “Those aren’t PILLOWS!”
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Previously 2005: No entry. 2004: I put too much perfume on this morning and now I’m sitting here with the stank rays shooting off me in every direction. 2003: And on the way home, he recounted, word-for-word a conversation he, his doctor, and I had had, only he substituted the nurse for me, and had her saying what I’d said. 2002: Ever hear of “Shut up, Junior, that’s rude, and the next time you say it, you’re going to your room for the rest of the day”? 2001: I’m such a ditz sometimes 2000: I’ve turned into such an old lady.]]>