
* * * I may have spoken too soon about the cats not liking the Duck and Green Pea cat food. Yesterday I went in to take a shower, and Sugarbutt was eating some of it, then when I got out of the shower Miz Poo was eating it. And there was another bowl of cat food they definitely like right next to the new food, so it wasn’t a matter of not having anything else to eat. I guess we’ll have to wait and see how things go. I ordered Advantage for Miz Poo off eBay ($20 for 4 months’ worth!), so that should be here soon. I need to go ahead and order some for the rest of the cats, too, but we need to figure out how much they weigh. I’m sure Tommy and Sugarbutt don’t weigh over 9 pounds (YET), but I don’t know about the other three.

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I spent almost an hour last night going through my iTunes songs and fixing them so that they were in the format I like – that is, the name of the song under the correct heading, and the artist’s name under that heading. Of course, the songs I’ve downloaded with iTunes are already in that format, but the songs I had before I knew about – or gave in to – iTunes aren’t. Not that I downloaded them illegally, because I would NEVER. Shaddup. Anyway, I had the list sorted by name (I love you, iTunes. Almost as much as I love Bob Pod.) and I was going through the songs, looking for ones that needed to have their info edited, and I came upon the songs I had that started with “all”, and it made me laugh, because of course there’s All by Myself, All Cried Out, and All I Have. Then, there’s All I Have, All I Know, All I Need, All I want, All Over the World, and All Right. That version of All by Myself is by Jamie O’Neal; I need to download the Eric Carmen version, because I love that song SO MUCH it just ain’t right. Not only did I have to edit the song titles, I had to go through and edit the songs that were attributed to the wrong artist. For instance, Edwin McCain didn’t actually sing Walk on the Ocean, and I’m not sure what doofus on Kazaa would think he did. Also, I have a version of Flowers on the Wall that’s attributed to Brad Paisley, and it’s not him, but I’ll be damned if I can remember the group’s name. (No, it isn’t the Statler Brothers’ version, but I have no idea who it IS, either.) Even after working on it for an hour, I still only go through about a quarter of the songs I have. I’m sure I’ll get right on editing the rest of the songs that need it in another month or six.
Currently reading: Jump the Shark, by Jon Hein. It’s like having the web page in book format – a good thing, as far as I’m concerned. I don’t have to do any of that pesky “clicking”, as you kids call it. Finished late last night: Land of the Living, by Nicci French. A pretty intense book, and even though I’d intended to go to bed at 11:00, I ended up staying up ’til 12:30, ’cause I could NOT put it down. It’s funny – the first time I picked up a Nicci French book, it’s because I confused her (or rather, them – they’re a husband and wife writing team) with another author whose book I’d read. (I don’t remember the author’s name, but the book was about her husband having an affair and leaving her, and possibly the author was an editor at one of the women’s magazines (Glamour, Mademoiselle, Cosmo) I read at the time (I read none of those, these days, for the record, because after about 5 years of reading them, it starts to be the same old recycled shit, month after month). It’s possible her first name was Nikki or Nicki or some variation thereof, and I think she was actually from France. Also, she had a couple of small children. Does this sound familiar to anyone?) I liked the first Nicci French book I read (I think it was Killing Me Softly) and from then on I bought her (their) books when I saw them.
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More bubble-hunting. My god, Tommy cracks me up. Zombie kitty! “Dad, let us out! Let us out, Dad, let us OUT! I forgot to sniff the bird poop under the bird feeders!” Did I mention that the daffodils are a-bloomin’? All of today’s uploaded pictures are hither.
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Previously 2005: “This is good!” he said. “Old people always know where the good food is!” 2004: That guy, I thought to myself, looks an AWFUL lot like Larry the Cable Guy. 2003: No entry. 2002: Know what made me laugh so hard I cried, and even now when I think about it, I grin and giggle involuntarily? The idea of a cat using the word “manipulate.” 2001: It’s a comfortable pattern for me. 2000: No entry.]]>