
Aidan from Sex and the City (or, if you prefer, Chris from Northern Exposure) been a singer? I turned the TV on to CMT while I was making the bed and getting dressed this morning, and you could have knocked me over with a feather when I realized that really was him in the video. (Though I had to go through the “Is that? No way. But it looks so much like him!” for a few minutes before I decided it really was him) I’m not sure whether I like his music yet. Speaking of videos, I am SO FUCKING SICK AND TIRED of that freakin’ Carrie Underwood “Jesus Take the Wheel” song and video. They are playing it CONSTANTLY, and although I kind of like it (though I also think the song is rife with hokiness. DRIPPING with hokiness. SOAKED in hokiness. You’re soaking in it, Carrie!) I’ve heard it so freakin’ many times that I’m at the point now where every time it starts, I loudly suggest that Jesus just leave that freakin’ wheel alone so they’ll STOP playing that song already. And I LIKE Carrie Underwood, so I can only imagine how crazy it’s driving people who don’t care for her.

Pet store kitty pics from yesterday are here.
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This is the time of year – along with Fall – that totally makes it worth living in the South. Everything’s blooming, the temperature hit 80 over the weekend (though it’s cooled off a little today, but that’s A-OK with me) and we’re getting plenty of sun. The lawn hasn’t started greening in just yet (it goes dormant in the Fall, which is why our lawn looks so brown and dead in all the pictures I take of the cats in the back yard), but it shouldn’t be long before we have a green lawn. With such gorgeous weather and with everything starting to bloom, it’s nice to walk outside in the mornings. Well, mostly nice. The only problem is…
the Bradford Pear trees. They are SO pretty to look at, but my GOD do they stink. I know I’ve mentioned this before – probably about this time last year, actually – but they smell SO bad. I know it’s because they’re pollinated by flies (which I only know because one of y’all told me that), and for the most part I do my best to breathe through my mouth when I’m walking by one of them (and the damn things are all OVER the place around here), but every now and then I’ll forget and get a big lungful of what smells like rotting roadkill. Blech. Currently, I’m listening to A Girl Named Zippy on my iPod (I fall a little more in love with Bob Pod every day), and there have been times while I’m listening to it that I laugh out loud, and then I get embarrassed, because one of the roads I walk on is a very, very busy road, and I’m sure I look like the town loon, walking along laughing out loud to myself, a big dorky grin on my face. But I can’t help it. It’s such an awesome and at times hilarious book!
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I watched the first disc of the first season of Gilmore Girls over the weekend. That is a damn fine show, and I’m looking forward to working my way through the rest of the available seasons on DVD. It’s going to take a while, since the show’s been on for about twenty years.
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I bought this little tent for the cats when I was at the pet store on Saturday. They all like it, but Miz Poo loves it more than anyone. We’ve taken to calling it the Poo Cave. Is it just me, or does Sugarbutt look like he’s trying to fart? Spot makes a rare appearance. The egg yolk every morning is probably partly responsible for Tommy’s porkifying. But it makes his fur so shiny and smooth!
All of today’s uploaded pictures are here.
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Previously 2005: Questions answered. 2004: No entry. 2003: Yeah, don’t look at me. I have no idea what goes on his head, either. 2002: I think I could kick her ass, personally, and I’d be happy to do it. Bitch. 2001: “That’s okay,” I said cheerfully. “Those things are a pain in the big butt, aren’t they?” 2000: Fred sings again.]]>