
Man, I’m going through A Girl Named Zippy so fast that I’m either going to have to find another audiobook to listen to, or actually get around to checking out some of the podcasts y’all have recommended. SINCE KIM IS SLACKING THIS WEEK and hasn’t put up a podcast and all. (Edited to add: Um, nevermind. Kim DID put up a podcast this week. She’s not a slacker, I’m just an idiot.) I would happily listen to nothing but Grey’s Anatomy podcasts if they didn’t only put up one a week (if that). I love listening to the producers and writers and stars of the show talk about what goes on and what there is to look forward to.

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I very carefully did absolutely no housework yesterday at all, despite the fact that I let the spud take the car to school specifically so I couldn’t go anywhere and would be forced to do housework. It’s like I’ve never met myself before or something. “Yeah, I’ll let the spud take the car to school, and I’ll be stuck at home, thus NATURALLY I will feel compelled to do housework!” Not so much. Well, unless you count folding bras, which I don’t since it only took about three minutes (and that’s with a Sugary snuggle-break in the middle). I finally got around to dipping my feet in the Homedics Paraffin Bath Fred gave me for Christmas. I did my hands the other day and thought I was going to peel the wax off to find that my skin was coming off with the wax, because WAX is HOT. Also in breaking news, the SUN is BRIGHT. Anyway, I dipped my feet in the wax (but not before applying Bag Balm to the bottoms in hopes of getting them super-softened, because my feet are just nasty) and it didn’t feel terribly hot at all, and then I peeled the wax off… and the bottoms of my feet pretty much looked the same. I suspect that if I stopped walking around in bare feet all the time they wouldn’t look quite so nasty. If I got out of the shower, moisturized them, and put socks on, I’d probably end up with downright pretty feet in ten to fifteen years (my estimation of how long it will take for the nastiness to go away). But damn, I just cannot walk around in socks all day, or even (horrors!) shoes. CAN’T. I’ve been a barefooter for my entire life. It is too! damn! late! to force myself into socks all day! It just is! I guess I’ll have to live with my ugly feet.
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I got around to watching Big Love yesterday afternoon (in a bid to avoid the fact that there are living things in the refrigerator and the damn thing needs desperately to be cleaned out and scrubbed down. Yeah, I’ll get right on that.), and for the first ten minutes or so I was like “Eh. Whatever. I don’t think I care for this show.” But then I got drawn into it, and by the end I decided that – despite the fact that Bill Paxton and Chloe Sevigny have the two most smackable faces in all of Hollywood – it’s not a bad show and I’ll probably continue to watch it. I really like Jeanne Tripplehorn and Ginnifer Goodwin (who played Johnny Cash’s first wife in Walk the Line. No wonder she looked so familiar. She’s adorable, that girl.), so perhaps they balance out the smackableness of Paxton and Sevigny. Also, the girl who played Sarah (daughter of… Barb? I think? Jeanne Tripplehorn’s character, anyway) was Lilly Kane in Veronica Mars. No wonder she looked familiar, too! I swear to god, the older I get, the more I’ve either seen everyone somewhere else, or they resemble someone else. Speaking of, Fred refers to Nick on CSI as “Sean Hannity”, and last night we watched the first episode with Lady Heather, and I told Fred that Grissom is intrigued with Lady Heather and I know she makes at least one more appearance on CSI (a recent one, I think), and he said “Oh, like Sean Hannity was intrigued with the hooker?” and my jaw dropped and I stared at him and said “SEAN HANNITY GOT CAUGHT WITH A HOOKER?”, because I’d heard no such thing (and I certainly would have run across THAT headline somewhere in the course of my daily surfing) and then I realized he was talking about Nick. And then later I said something about Catherine. And he said, “Who’s Catherine?” PEOPLE. We are halfway through the freakin’ second season of the show, and he doesn’t know who Catherine is! I don’t know about him.
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Tommy chases shadows. Look for a patch of sunlight, and you’ll find Spanky. Such a Boog. If you look closely, you’ll see a single piece of litter on his nose. “How YOU doin’?” (All of the above pictures were taken by Fred.) All of today’s uploaded pictures (there are a bunch of Spanky!) are here.
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Previously 2005: Old pictures. 2004: (Bwahaha! That’d be the shortest study in the history of mankind, eh?) 2003: No entry. 2002: No entry. 2001: Takes all kinds, I guess. 2000: A life of excitement, thrills and chills, lemme tell ya!]]>