
Sopranos spoilers in this section. How weird was it to see Tony acting so non-Tony-ish in the dream sequences? I mean, nodding and smiling at people? Also, I was dying for him to get home so we could see who his wife was. At first it sounded JUST like Adriana, then Fred thought maybe it was Debi Mazar. That freakin’ hole in his chest was just NASTY when it was uncovered. It gave me the willies. When Tony came out of the dream to find that he was intubated and he was flailing around, I said to Fred “I hope to god I never wake up like that!”, and then later when they had the hole uncovered – and is it weird that they’d just have the hole all uncovered like that, with people standing around in unsterile clothing? Because that seemed to just beg for a worse infection – I said to Fred “I hope to god I never have a hole in my chest like that.” ::shudder:: I found the dream sequences oddly interesting, but like I said, I was dying for him to get home. I guess a good part of this season is going to be how everyone deals with life while Tony’s in a coma.

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Last week Fred and I were watching TV and I made him pause the show we were watching so I could tell him something. “Shonda Rimes* said that they had to come up with a word to use instead of vagina, because apparently the censors will let them say ‘penis’ 30 times for every time they say ‘vagina’,” I said. “I think she’s exaggerating a little,” he said. “I’m sure she is, but anyway, they came up with ‘va-jay-jay‘, and now it’s taking the country by storm! I’m seeing it all OVER blogs and journals, and Shonda Rimes said people are writing her letters telling her they’ve adopted it as their own.” “That’s fascinating,” he said, and hit “play” on the remote control. *The creator of Grey’s Anatomy. Where’ve YOU been? Fred doesn’t watch the show, but even he knows who Shonda Rimes is.
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Currently reading: Dead Sleep, by Greg Iles. So far, it’s pretty damn good. The last two books I finished – The Worst Noel and Appetites, were both kind of “eh.” I wouldn’t really recommend either of them.
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My leetle sister turned 36 yesterday. That means we’re BOTH within shouting distance of 40, which I think makes my parents officially ancient, since two of their kids are over 40 and the other two are thisclose to it. You’ll always be the baby, Deb!
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Hey, if you’re looking for something to listen to on your iPod and you’re a Karin Slaughter lover (or even if you’ve never heard of her!), you can download a short story of hers here. You have to provide an email address (I gave ’em my junky hotmail address, that I never ever check, except like once a month to trash all the spam), but I think that’s all, and then you can download the story. I’m looking forward to listening to it as soon as I’m done with A Girl Named Zippy.
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A few days ago we were watching The Shield, and they kept saying the word “pussy”, and they weren’t referring to kitty-cats. “Why do they have to keep saying it?” Fred said. “It’s such an ugly word.” “What do you prefer?” I asked. “‘Cunt’?” He gave me a long, silent, thoughtful look. “I prefer ‘va-jay-jay’,” he said almost prissily. And here I thought he never listens to me.
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Reader Nancy sent me a link to talking cats, and I went and watched it and laughed ’til I cried. Go check it out!
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I should have known when I saw something along the lines of “An MTV Krunk production” pop up during the opening credits that it wasn’t going to be my kind of movie, but I gave Hustle & Flow a try anyway. I made it about ten minutes in – only because I am weirdly fascinated with Taryn Manning, who is hothothot on her coldest day in a way Paris Hilton couldn’t be on her hottest day – before I gave up and turned it off. And considering I’m the one who willingly sat through A Smile Like Yours, that’s got to tell you something – namely that I’ll sit through most anything. Suffice it to say that I don’t recommend Hustle & Flow. Though probably it would have picked up if I’d left it in, right? That’s how it always goes.
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Previously 2005: No entry. 2004: No entry. 2003: And why is it that I ALWAYS have my period when it’s time to leave on vacation? Why? Whyyyyyyyyy? 2002: I don’t want to have to think about Ozzy having a boner, thankyouverymuch. 2001: Fortunately, I have many more lazing-around-the-house-reading hours in the day than he does. 2000: I didn’t think cats did such things once they were fixed.]]>