
Nance at some point in the past. 50 ODD Things about you! 1. Height? 5’4 1/2″ 2. Have you ever smoked heroin? Nope. I’m extremely inexperienced when it comes to drugs, and I’m fine with that. 3. Do you own a gun? Well, there are guns present in the house, but I don’t own them, per se. They really belong to Fred. Except for the cute little one I keep by my bed, that is. 5. Do you get nervous before “meeting the parents”? HELL yes. I get nervous before meeting almost anyone. 6. What do you think of hot dogs? I think this question is making me crave them. 7. What’s your favorite Christmas song? This year it’s tied between I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas and Sarah McLachlan’s version of River, but my perennial favorite is Little Drummer Boy ’cause it always makes me tear up. 8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Water, usually. If I’m cold and looking for something with some flavor, I’ll drink a mug of low-carb cocoa. 9. Can you do push ups? I can do the girly pushups, but not very many, and not very well. 10. Is your bathroom clean? It is nasty filthy. I’m planning to clean it Thursday, since that’s the only day this week I don’t have a midmorning appointment. 11. What’s your favorite piece of jewelry? Aside from my wedding band and engagement ring, I love love LOVE the ring that used to belong to my grandmother, that my mother gave me over the summer. 12. Do you like painkillers? Not at all. I’d rather be in a little pain than feel all dopey from the pain meds. 14. Do you have A.D.D.? Sometimes I think I might, but I don’t think I do, honestly. 16. Middle Name? Leslie. 17. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment? 1. I need to get serious about changing my middle name. 2. I need to vacuum upstairs. 3. Those bran muffins smell good. 18. Name the last 3 things you have bought: Two iTunes gift cards, boxes for putting them in, and something I can’t say, ’cause it’s for someone who reads me. 19. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink: Water, low-carb cocoa, and the occasional iced tea. Okay, Nance. What the hell? Why are there so many questions missing? 22. Current worry? Too many and too vague to list them here. 23. Current hate? Those radio stations that play nothing but Christmas music. 24. Favorite place to be? In the Smallville house. I can be in a bad mood, but being in that house always relaxes me. I hope that continues to hold true when we live there! 25. Least favorite place to be? In the laundry room, ’cause the litter box ALWAYS needs to be cleaned, even if I just cleaned it. 26. Where would you like to go? Scotland. Australia. New Zealand. England. The Bahamas. Hawaii. 27. Do you own slippers? I own a pair of slippers for downstairs and a pair for upstairs. 28. What shirt are you wearing? A medium-blue fleece shirt I got from the men’s section at Parisian. It’s a size XL, and I could go down a size or two – but I’m going to keep wearing this shirt through the cold weather, ’cause I refuse to go out and buy it in a smaller size. REFUSE. 29. Do you burn or tan? I get so many freckles that it looks like I’m tanning unless you look closely. 30. Favorite color(s)? Bright yellow and smoky blue. 33. What songs do you sing in the shower? It depends on what song is bouncing around in my brain. Right now it’s Super Freak. 34. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child? Bugs. I was super scared of all kinds of creepy crawlies. Which makes the fact that I’m willing to live with spiders in my house that much more amazing. 35. What’s in your pockets right now? I have no pockets in these pants. 36. Last thing that made you laugh? Fred discussing a scene from Scrubs that involved The Todd. The Todd cracks us up. 38. Worst injury you’ve ever had? When Fred splashed boiling oil on my right foot nine years ago. 40. How many TVs do you have in your house? Three. We used to have four, but we got rid of the one in the computer room. Oh wait, make that four – we have one in the garage/ gym. 41. Who is your loudest friend? Liz. 42. Who is your most silent friend? Er… I don’t know that I have any silent friends. 43. Does someone have a crush on you? I don’t know for sure, but I’m betting it’s “no.” Anyone want to fess up and whisk me away to warmer environs? 44. Do you wish on shooting stars? I can’t think of a single time I’ve even noticed a shooting star. I do wish on the first star of the evening, though. 45. What is your favorite book? The Stand is a perennial favorite, but I’m not sure I have a single hard and fast favorite. 46. What is your favorite candy? M&Ms are always a hit. 47. What song do/did you want played at your wedding? We didn’t have a song played at our wedding, and if we renewed our vows or something, I’m not sure what we’d have played. Maybe If, by Bread, since someone online informed us that that was “our” song, whether we liked it or not. 48. What song do you want played at your funeral? I think the scene in To Die For, when Nicole Kidman’s character played All By Myself at her husband’s graveside was hilarious, so I choose that. 49. What were you doing 12 AM last night? Sleeping, and probably being mauled by Sugarbutt the kneading-and-licking wonder. 50. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up this morning? “I don’t WANT to get up.”

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I had my appointment with my primary care physician yesterday morning, about my thyroid. She said, basically, that the scan came back just fine, but she wanted me to see an ear, throat and nose specialist just because the one nodule (on the left side of my neck, if you must know) was so prominent and it’s such a specialized area that she’d feel better if a specialist took a look. So Friday I have an appointment with an ENT guy, and I have to go to the Medical Mall to pick up a copy of the thyroid uptake scan beforehand. Dr. MyDoctor said that the ENT guy might say “Yeah, it’s just a nodule, come back in six months”, or he might want to do a biopsy, or he might refer me to a surgeon to do a biopsy, and since the idea of having the nodule biopsied makes me want to scream and run around in circles, I can state with certainty that a biopsy will NO DOUBT need to be performed. The thought certainly fills me with holiday JOY, in case you were wondering. At least the ENT guy is in Madison so I won’t have to travel too far on Friday. Le sigh.
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We let Catie stay out of the cat room all day yesterday, since we were afraid she’d get lonely, and had no litterbox issues. The funny thing is that while our cats always get freaked out when we let kittens run around (I get exhausted just thinking about how constantly hysterical they were when I brought Maddy home), they freaked out a little at first with Catie, and then promptly began ignoring her. I’m telling y’all, this is the MOST mellow cat I’ve ever seen in my life. She loves to lay around and if you’d like to come over and rub her belly that’s fine, but if not ::catshrug:: whatever. I’d suspect her of being on the kitty dope, but I haven’t noticed her with a case of the munchies, so I guess she’s just naturally mellow. She spent most of yesterday on the second step, just laying there sleeping and keeping an eye on the cats as they went by her. Fred tried to convince me to take Miz Poo to the pet store in Catie’s place, and keep Catie. Evil man. Mellow kitty, with a soupcon of sass.   “KissKiss, darling. Want to come to my room for a snort of the ‘nip?”   I have an appointment on the other side of Huntsville later today, so I’ll be taking her to the pet store, since there’s room for her and adoptions are going on tonight. I don’t doubt for a minute that she’ll be adopted out by next Monday, because she’s such a sweetheart, and she’s so striking looking that there’ll probably be a fist fight between people who want to adopt her.    
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“The box ate Sugarbutt, and now it’s spitting out his tail!”
All of today’s uploaded pictures are hither.
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Previously 2005: no, I didn’t take anything for the pain. Then I couldn’t bitch about the pain. DUH! 2004: Yep, fuck that. 2003: The child is evil. EVIL, I say. 2002: (Close your email clients, you damn Crimson-heads. I know you lurrrve your football team and all, but really. Breaking news?) 2001: Woman of the Year. 2000: What can I say? I’m just the kinda gal who likes profanity in her daily email… 1999: “Let’s kill the Mommy bitch and eat all the canned cat food in the house, then lay around and lick the litter out from between our toes.”]]>