
* * * The cats have been fucking nuts lately, hauling ass from one end of the house to the other, picking fights with each other, just generally being a pain in the ass. I don’t know if it’s the warmer weather, or the fact that it’s been really nice out and I won’t let them into the back yard (we don’t have a collar for Joe Bob, so I don’t dare to let them out. I’d hate to have to call the shelter manager and tell her I lost Joe Bob!) or what. I don’t mind the wildness during the day, but at night and in the early morning when I’m trying to sleep, it REALLY pisses me off. Yesterday morning I was trying to sleep in a little – something I haven’t done in a while, since I’m on this get-up-at-6 bullshit kick – and the cats were racing around and fighting and being a pain in the ass. I had to yell at them a couple of times, and then there was a period of silence, during which I started to fall back asleep. Suddenly, I heard the sound of a herd of elephants hauling ass through the house, then the bedroom door flew open, and I heard a weird squeaking sound. I opened my eyes, looked toward the closet, and saw the most amazing sight. Tommy was perched halfway up the doorway casing, just HANGING there. I’d never seen anything like it so I stared at him for a minute, then yelled “Tommy, what the hell?!”, whereupon he let go, fell to the floor and raced off. Boy, it sure is a good goddamn thing we put SoftPaws on his claws, isn’t it? I’d hate for him to be able to CLIMB things. Fucker. The SoftPaws don’t slow his stupid ass down at ALL. Last Thursday, because Joe Bob was at the vet’s, I let the cats into the back yard. Not only does Tommy have SoftPaws on his claws, he wears a collar that’s supposed to shock him if he gets too close to the fence. I was sitting on the couch watching TV when I happened to glance out the window in time to see Tommy run across the back yard as fast as he could (and he can move pretty fast for a portly cat), then run UP the tree by the shed, and begin climbing. I went out and coaxed him down – all the while, his collar was beeping, because Fred’s got the electric fence hiked up so the cats can’t, oh, CLIMB THE TREES or they’ll get zapped – and then not half an hour later the little fuckhead did it again. I coaxed him down, then made all the cats come inside and told them it was Tommy’s fault for being a fucking fucker. At least the SoftPaws keep the little bastard from scratching.

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I spent another 10 hours out in Smallville yesterday, and all I got accomplished was to paint the trim in the upstairs bathroom, twice. The biggest pain in the ass about painting trim is having to do all the damn taping, and I used the blue painter’s tape instead of the masking tape. Naturally, when I pulled the blue tape up at the end of the day, paint from the wall came up with it. This has never been an issue when I’ve used masking tape, so I guess I need to go back to using that instead of the blue tape. Sad, really – I had such high hopes for the blue tape. I did get the switches and plugs in the hallway and downstairs bathroom replaced, too, but the day wasn’t a total waste. Actually, it wasn’t a waste at all – I got the bathroom trim painted, and (mostly) finished my bedroom closet, but I had hoped to get more done in the course of 10 hours. Speaking of my bedroom closet, some pictures. This is what I spent the ENTIRE weekend working on. You think it’s going to be a quick job, and those are the ones that always end up taking 63 times longer than it should. First, I had to tape the closet to protect the air intake vent thingy, because we wouldn’t want to get paint on THAT, hellz no. It’s not like it would just wipe up or anything! Actually, once I started covering it, I realized it was just like wrapping a present and wasn’t that hard to do. Unnecessary, maybe, but not hard. I also put several layers of paper down to protect the floor, which was a good damn thing. I was painting the ceiling and managed to knock the container of ceiling paint over. But because I’d put so much paper down, not a single drop got on the floor. Go, me! The top of the closet and the ceiling. The master bedroom was originally the dining room, so I imagine the entire room had this wallpaper border. The brown paper under the border is what the rest of the wall was covered in. I don’t know what the hell this paper was. I wouldn’t think it was wallpaper, but I kind of think it must have been. The previous owners didn’t put this on the wall, just left it there. Looking up at the shelf. The brown wall is that wallpaper stuff; the wall to the right is just drywall (the previous owners had to create a closet in the bedroom, so used drywall). So, I thought all I’d need to do was paint the ceiling and then paint the walls of the closet. I didn’t know what the brown paper was, but thought it could surely be painted over. I got the ceiling – which was covered with white paper – painted, and it almost immediately started to peel. Then I painted the walls of the closet, and the brown paper softened and started to peel as well. Obviously, just painting over the paper wasn’t going to work. I started pulling the paper away, and was surprised (though I shouldn’t have been) to find lovely wooden walls under there. And that’s how I spent the entire three-day weekend – first I had to scrape the brown paper off the walls and the white paper off the ceiling. I found this wallpaper on the ceiling. Yes, wallpaper on the ceiling. I don’t know, don’t ask me. So anyway, I scraped the brown paper off the walls and the white paper off the ceiling, which left a lot of brown crap all over the walls, so I had to go back, wet down the brown crap, scrape it off, then go back again and scrub the walls with a green scrubby thing. Partly finished. I’m completely finished now (forgot to take an “after” picture), and the back and left wall and ceiling of the closet is comprised of this lovely wood. Fred suggested that I just paint over it, but I like the bare wood. Yesterday, I painted the dry wall portion of the closet (the right wall and the inside of the front wall) the light silvery purple that the top part of my bedroom is painted. Now all we have to do is stain some corner pieces and put them up, then put some trim around the bottom of the closet (I actually painted some wood when I was painting the closet originally, because the brown paper didn’t go all the way to the bottom of the wall), hang some shelves, and we’ll be done! I think it took me longer to get the closet done than it took Fred to do the entire damn room. But it’s a fine-looking closet, I’ll tell you that! We made a fire in the dining room fireplace not once, but twice this weekend. My jacket and my purse still smell like smoke from the fire (it was very windy this weekend). I’m doing my best to convince Fred that we should get a pellet stove for the dining room, because my parents got a pellet stove recently, and have nothing but good things to say about it. I’m not sure how successful I’ll be at convincing him, but I’m going to keep trying!
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You’ve all asked a lot of questions in the comments lately, so I’ll be answering those in tomorrow’s entry. If you’ve got any burning questions to ask, now’s the time!
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I haven’t yet had a chance to peruse my US Magazine this week, so I don’t know what the complete story will be, but I’ll say this: If Justin Timberlake and K. Fuckhead really and truly got together to mock Britney, I think they’re a couple of complete and utter assholes. Talk about kicking someone when they’re down – that girl is spinning out of control in the most public way possible, and they’re getting together to make fun of her? Such classy guys. I’ve always thought Kevin Federline was a weaselly little no-good user, but now I’m finding I have no fondness for Justin either. Jackasses. Note: It’s not like I’m a big Britney fan, but I’ve liked some of her music and I think she’s adorable and I cannot help but feel bad for a girl who is so clearly in a lot of emotional pain and going under for the third time. To have her first love and her soon-to-be ex-husband being PALS and getting together to talk shit about her can only be tossing kerosene on the fire.
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Hey. Did you know that if you join the National Arbor Day Foundation for $10 for 6 months or $15 for a year, you get 10 free trees? We’re getting the flowering trees.
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HATE. Smackdown at the Anderson Corral. Smackdown in progress (though it petered out when Tommy wandered off.)
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Previously 2006: HOT MONKEY SEX, that’s what. 2005: I can tell you this – I’m not terribly fond of my mailman right now. 2004: No entry. 2003: No entry. 2002: Not bad, since it’s been ten years or so since I read the play, eh? 2001: Resolutions for 2001. 2000: Well, apparently “coke” sounded like “coffee” to the Einstein taking my order.]]>