
Fun Rainboots, or you can find them on Amazon – frog clogs, bumblebee rain boots, ladybug rain boots, among others (thanks for the links, Susan!). Last Fall when I was bitching about wanting a pair of cool rainboots (and ended up having to buy those ugly black rubber boots), a reader left the link in my comments. Thank you, reader whose name I cannot recall!

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We’re all going to avert our eyes and pretend that I didn’t, in my fumble-fingered way, spill Smallville’s REAL name not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES in two entries, which caused many of you to leave comments and email me to alert me to the fact that I’m an idiot. I’ve edited the name out, but a bunch of you saw it before I could. Just remember, should you be tempted to stalk me, that (1) I am a badass, (2) I carry a gun with me AND I know how to fire it (3) I am a Nervous Nellie who might shoot you if you look at me wrong and (4) I have two badass cats who sit and guard the front door all night long. Sure, they might run off if you approach them, but then I have Mister Boogers to protect me. (Nevermind that Mister Boogers’ way of protecting me would be to go hide in the closet.) Also, Fricasee the suspected rooster could probably peck your eyes out if you threatened his main feeder.
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A couple of people have asked where the chairs and table (which we’ve got sitting on the cement pad in the back yard) came from. The table came from either Lowe’s or Wal-Mart several years ago. It was originally green, but we had it painted black to go better with the chairs. The chairs came from Lowe’s (I think) a few years ago, and they’re not terribly comfortable, but they’re also not terribly uncomfortable. They certainly do the job, anyway. I’d like to have a hammock in the back yard somewhere, but have to convince Fred that we really need one.
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Last night I was all set to go to bed around midnight, and noticed as I walked past the windows in the dining room that the motion detector lights on the side of the house had been set off. Since both those lights overlook trees, they tend to go on and off all night, especially on windy nights. I went to the window to see if I could figure out what had set them off, and in the driveway I saw a mostly white cat with patches of black sitting and staring off into the distance toward the road. I think we might need to set up a webcam on the front porch to figure out just how many cats are partaking of the food bowl. No wonder the damn thing goes empty so fast.
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I LOVED Sooner or Later. Had the album, the whole nine yards! Anyone know where you can get a copy of the song? My mom trashed all my albums when I went to college. I can’t believe how many of you loved that damn movie like I did. To my dismay, Take My Breath Away isn’t available on iTunes, but you can get the album on Amazon. I’ve put the album on my wishlist and I’ll be buying it with the sole purpose of ripping that one single song off the cd and importing it into iTunes. Also, Denise Miller was not only in Sooner or Later, I realized as I looked her up on Internet Movie Database that she was also the girl on Archie Bunker’s Place, of which I watched every single episode. And reader Lori says: Sooner or Later has recently been reissued by Wounded Bird Records is available at Amazon.com. Did you know that, up until recently, Rex has been selling real estate? He just wrapped up production on a TV pilot called City Girls. You can find clips on My Space. The last time I remember seeing Rex Smith, he was on one of the soap operas I used to watch, either The Young & the Restless or As the World Turns, but that was years ago.
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Okay, y’all who’ve gotten yourselves hooked on Snood (I had nothing to do with it! I can’t help it if the first hit was free and you were instantly hooked!) – I have this to say, addicts: Suck it up, Buttercup! Heh. That’s what I said to Fred yesterday when he was talking about how much his back hurt. All sympathy, that’s me! Last night it was getting late and I wanted to get my ass to bed, but I also wanted to play a last game of Snood (I’m amazed I don’t dream about the damn game), so I said “Tommy, don’t let me play more than one game!” When the game was over, Tommy said “Beeotch, you totally know you need to play another one. Just one more winning game and then you can go to bed!” I ended up playing 7 or 8 more games and didn’t get into bed ‘til almost 1. I blame Tommy. He’s an enabler.
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The friggin’ chickens have gotten so damn big lately. I swear, they grow visibly in the course of a couple of hours. I go see them first thing in the morning to clean their water (they like to kick shavings into their water and poop in it too, while they’re at it) and feed them, and I usually check on them during the course of the day, and again at night, and between the time I see them in the morning and the time I see them at night, they’ve gotten obviously bigger. I don’t know – in answer to a question one of you asked – at what point they’ll be done growing, but they’re certainly getting there. Fred may finish the coop this weekend, and hopefully next weekend we’ll be able to put them out there permanently. This is something I’m looking forward to mostly because I’m tired of vacuuming up all the pine shavings and chicken food we’re tracking all over the damn house.
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Six cats? Yeah, right. Liar. You have eight. When you take a “not my cat” to the vet and make sure they get snack and ointment, you officially have eight! crazy cat lady.. Shaddup, haters. WE HAVE SIX CATS, NOT EIGHT. That’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it!
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Amazing Race spoiler within; skip the next section if you aren’t up to date! I was sad when rob and amber left. I was SO PISSED when Rob and Amber left, and that’s funny – we LOATHED them when they were on Survivor, Fred hated the hell out of Rob especially, and we weren’t that crazy about them on the first Amazing Race they were on. But this season, they somehow grew on us, and when they ended up coming in last and getting eliminated, I was thisclose to refusing to watch the show anymore. I gave Rob and Amber: Against the Odds a try, but it’s such a contrived show (oh, the cameras just HAPPEN to be around when Rob suggests the idea of playing poker professionally and they have a big fight? My ass.) and I couldn’t care less about poker, so it’s not something I bothered to watch past the first two episodes. (A normal person might watch one episode, decide they don’t like the show, and stop watching. Not me, no. I have to watch a second episode just to make SURE I don’t like it. Duh.)
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Speaking of Amazing Race, Rebecca from Amazing Race 6 (who came in third) is now on Work Out, which I’ve just started watching (iTunes store, will you marry me?). I really like the show, though whether it’s because it’s a good show or there’s enough eye candy to keep me interested, I haven’t decided yet.
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The sentries, waiting to kick your butt. “Behind you! A serialkillerstalker!” “I will happily peck out de eyes.” “…but I am not steadfastly loyal. The price of my loyalty: one fat, juicy worm.”
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Previously 2006: “Hard liquor is the first stop on the train to Gaysville.” 2005: I had no idea that leaving the top of the washstand bare meant that you didn’t appreciate the washstand. 2004: (Yeah, yeah, cry you a river. I know. Bite me.) 2003: No entry. 2002: Apparently Fancypants’ evil twin (except that I’m sure Fancypants is actually the evil one) now lives in our neighborhood. 2001: No entry. 2000: I guess there’ll be no physical fisticuffs for me to go break up. ]]>