
Nothin’ happier than a sleeping Sugs.

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If you were wondering where the holy hell Jenn I Am has gone, you can find her here. jenniam.com is defunct, so update your links, yo.
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Regarding ghost theories, have you thought that maybe the ghosties are just protesting that the mirror was affixed with double-sided tape? The malevolent beings used their psychic powers to cause it to fall! Oh sure, leave it up to us to have ghosts who disapprove of shoddily-made medicine cabinets, instead of cool ghosts who’d, say, take over our bodies and make us sing and dance around.
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You had mentioned in an entry a few months back about taking a pill for your facial hair. Did it help? I am interested in your experience before I try it. It wasn’t a pill, it was an ointment – Vaniqa. And no, it didn’t work for me, though it’s possible it might work for you! (It’s kind of pricy, though)
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when are you getting internet over at the smallville house? It depends on when Fred and the spud move over there – at this point, Fred’s thinking it’ll be the end of April or very beginning of May, so it’ll be a few more weeks at least.
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We’ve also always bought the buyers a home warranty and frankly I just thought it was standard procedure. Next time I might not be so nice, thanks to you. I had never actually heard of a home warranty before, and I don’t really even know what it is – Google will help me out with that in a few minutes – which is why I was resistant. As long as we’re not required to do anything difficult, I won’t resent the buyers for requesting one.
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Do you still wonder whether Mr FancyPants will ever come home and does it bother you that you might not be there if he comes back one day? Actually, I think Mr Fancypants is too busy flying around the world to ever be bothered to come home. Seriously though, yeah – I do worry that he’ll show up home and we won’t be there to greet him. I do intend to say something to the buyers when we close at the end of May – “If a fluffy black cat prances across the yard, goes upstairs and shits on the carpet, could you give us a call?” – but to be honest, I think he’s gone for good. I prefer to think that he’s found a new home with a family that properly adores him, but at the time he disappeared, we were having an issue in the area with coyotes, so that might just be a pipe dream on my part.
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(Seen on LJ) 1. Where is your cell phone? Table. 2. Describe your boyfriend/girlfriend/S.O.? Worrywart. 3. Your hair? Helmet. 4. Your mother? Miserable. 5. Your father? Sweetheart. 6. Your favorite item? Numerous. 7. Your dream last night? Weeding. 8. Your favorite drink? Water. 9. Your dream car? Miata. 10. The room you are in? Cold. 11. Your ex? North. 12. Your fear? Loss. 13. What do you want to be in 10 years? Alive. 14. Who did you hang out with last night? Cats. 15. What you’re not? Mensa. 16. The last thing you did? Eat. 17. What are you wearing? Comfy. 18. Your favorite book? Many. 19. The last thing you ate? Scrambled. 20. Your life? Amazing. 21. Your mood? Content. 22. Your friends? Awesome. 23. What are you thinking about right now? Shopping. 24. Your car? Red. 25. What are you doing at the moment? Duh. 26. Your summer? Busy. 27. Your relationship status? Happy. 28. What is on your TV? Nothing. 29. When is the last time you laughed? Morning. 30. Last time you cried? Weeks. 31. School? Never. Copy. Paste. Answer. One. Word.
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I’ve decided that from now on, when I have to join something online (say, the RiteAid site, so I can submit my name and address for a rebate) and they demand a title, I’m going to use “Dr” as my title. Dr. Robyn And3rson. Has a ring to it, no? (I bet it’ll be less than a month before I’m getting junk mail with special offers for Dr. Robyn And3rson.) I can’t decide what my specialty should be, though. I thought of proctology or veterinary medicine, but those are too obvious. I want something obscure, yet cool. Suggestions?
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“Please, lady? Can’t I go out?”
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Previously 2006: “Hmm,” I said, like that meant something to me. 2005: Just because the fuckers are talking to me doesn’t mean I’m obligated to listen to their bullshit, does it? 2004: What exactly the fuck was I supposed to be doing at 5:30 on a Sunday afternoon, running for fucking president? 2003: No entry. 2002: Apparently the Committee for Deciding Who is Hellbound was meeting in the waiting room. 2001: “Jesus has arrived in Madison,” he said nonchalantly. 2000: Now that, my friends, is wickedly fast. ]]>