
* * * Today, I’m going to be packing up dishes from the kitchen to take to Smallville. Since I do most of the dinner-cooking in Smallville and Fred and the spud do very little eating in Madison, I’m going to leave them a few plates, cups, and some silverware, and take everything else to Smallville. For that matter, I can probably mostly clear out the pantry in Madison, a lot of the stuff from the freezer, and whatever’s left in Madison of the pots and pans while I’m at it. I can’t wait ‘til we’re all living in Smallville, have I mentioned? Next week the internet, phone, and (hopefully) DirectTV will be installed. I don’t know that I’ll know how to act when I’ve got internet whenever I want it, it’s been so damn long since I’ve had it!

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I’ve mentioned in the past, I believe, that I’ve read books highly recommended by Stephen King, and every single time I’ve thought “You thought THAT was so great?!” You’d think by now I’d know better than to get excited about books he loves the hell out of, but you would be so very wrong. A few months ago he wrote… something somewhere (I don’t remember at ALL – possibly I read it on his site, or in his newsletter, or in a column somewhere. Who the fuck knows?) extolling the talent of Meg Gardiner, talked about how awesome her books were, and told me I should run right out and get all her books and read them immediately. Because I never learn anything EVER, I got all her books, put them on my bookcase, and then ignored them for a few weeks. Finally, earlier this week, I picked up China Lake and started reading it. About fifty pages in, I was like “Goddamn Stephen King. He did it to me AGAIN. This isn’t bad, but it’s nothing special GODDAMNIT.” And then it started getting better and better, and by the time I’d gotten 150 pages in, I could barely stand to put the damn thing down. Evan Delaney (whose name I inevitably read as “Evany”, which then makes me start singing “Evany and Ivory”, because I am a DORK) kicks ASS. I hope the rest of Meg Gardiner’s books are as good as China Lake turned out to be.
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Hatehatehate. “Tastes like chicken. I think. Perhaps I need to taste test a real chicken, just to be sure.”
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Previously 2006: No entry. 2005: Taking the week off. 2004: No entry. 2003: Fred: That was a cowardly yellow-dog liberal DEMOCRAT thing to say. 2002: Things are getting back to normal. 2001: One of these days I’ll get my ass in gear; I just never know when that day will be. 2000: Squooshiness begets squooshiness, you know.]]>