
check out his pictures). We’ve decided that in the evenings after the indoor cats are indoors, we’ll open a couple of gates to the back yard so that Maxi and Newt can come and go at will. When I went out earlier to hang towels to dry, Newt came over, whined at me, and flopped onto his back for a belly rub. When I think of what a skittish guy he was last Fall, when he’d run away whenever we tried to approach, it gives me hope for the skittish kittens.

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Potential Sopranos spoilers below; skip if you haven’t seen the most recent episode. I hope AJ dies in the final episode, and I hope it’s particularly painful. He is one whiny, self-absorbed little bitch and I cannot stand him. If Paulie Walnuts makes it out alive, I’ll be happy. I don’t care who else dies, just leave Paulie alone, damnit!
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The brilliant Rose suggested in my comments for yesterday that I name the two unnamed kittens “Thurston” and “Lovey”, and I spit out my water when I read that, because that is PERFECT, but alas. Both those names have been used in the past, and since the idea is to use names that haven’t been used before, I can’t use them. Then I checked the used-names list, and do you KNOW what names haven’t been used in the past? GILLIGAN AND MARYANNE. Perfect! The kittens continue with their skittishness but last night I got Tina Louise to come over and sniff my hand. I touched her tail and the side of her little face before she skittered off, but they’re getting used to me. It helps that I sit in there and read and just ignore them (or at least pretend to) while they play. When Tina Louise came over to me last night, it was a so-very-casual stroll on her part, like “Oh. Hm. Look at these towels here. I think I’ll flop down on them. Why, looky here. There’s a person there! Color me surprised!” Maryanne disapproves. Water=good! Is that a face of disgust, or what? More kitteh pics, here.
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For Fred’s birthday, I made a gigantic chocolate chip cookie and frosted it. Sugarbutt thought he should get some, too. (By the way, that bottle of “Move Free” is glucosamine and chondroitin, not a laxative. In case you were wondering.)
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Previously 2006: Apparently I’m high. And in desperate need of makeup. 2005: By this time the investigator’s eyes had glazed over, and he was clearly thinking “This has WHAT to do with reliability?” 2004: When I was on the pier, the bream darted forward to partake of my delicious thighs, and I stomped across the pier as fast as I could, saying “STOP IT, YOU FUCKERS!” and I stomped up the steps to the top part of the pier, and waited for Fred to take his face out of the water. 2003: No entry. 2002: No entry. 2001: But. It. Was. Too. Far. From. Huntsville. 2000: Oh look, it’s Robyn, bitching. How unusual.]]>