
* * * Those of you who suggested the Corn Zipper in yesterday’s comments, it is clear to me that great minds think alike. Mine should be here later today, and hopefully it’ll be exactly what I need. Especially since Fred picked another ten ears of corn yesterday (which I put in Food Saver bags, husk and all, vacuumed and sealed, and stuck them in the freezer. The food dehydrator should be here later today, and it can’t be soon enough – I need to get those cherry tomatoes a-dryin’, because we’ve got a metric ton of them. I’m also going to try my hand at drying zucchini and yellow squash, and maybe some pattypan, too. If I post an entry on Monday saying that one of the cats disappeared over the weekend, it is NOT because I dehydrated one of them, then vacuum-sealed them in a Food Saver bag. I’d never do that (unless they were being veryvery annoying, of course).

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Comments: Can you not get regular, NORMAL bugs like little ants, or maybe a house fly? What’s with all of the prehistoric monsters??? Well, we get those too, of course, but who the hell wants to see pictures of a little ant or a house fly (we usually get a couple of flies in the house every day. I’ve become quite skilled with the fly swatter!)? I want to ook y’all out with a picture of a big, nasty bug!
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Are you sick of the gardening questions yet? 🙂 Do you water your garden by hand, or do you let the rain (lack thereof this year, I hear) take care of it? I’m not sick of the gardening questions, as long as y’all realize I’m no gardening guru and very well might not know what the hell I’m talking about! We’ve had so little rain this spring and summer that Fred’s been using soaker hoses in the garden. He usually waters a couple of rows every day. He uses a regular sprinkler for the cantaloupe and watermelon section of the garden, because those plants are growing kind of willy-nilly.
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I LOVE zucchini, but have never had patty pan squash. Not to sound stupid, but how do you cut that up? Do you eat the rind? Thanks! I usually cut it up so that I get the biggest slices, if that makes any sense – holding the squash so the stem is pointing to the side, I cut it straight down, in slices, and I don’t peel it first. So far we’ve eaten it oven-fried and also sauteed with garlic and onion. The taste is similar to zucchini or yellow squash, but I think it holds together a little better than those do. I love the pattypan squash oven-fried, but I think next year we don’t need to plant quite as many of them – we have a ton in the freezer, and I’m not sure if it’ll work to oven-fry them this winter. I guess we’ll see!
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does Sugarbutt get up on your cabinets without leaving scratches on the sides??? My orange tabby kitten Boudreaux has wrecked a very nice buffet (sideboard) by digging his back claws into the side for leverage when he jumps up on it. Grr. I actually had to go look at the cabinets to see if there were any scratches; there aren’t, maybe because Sugarbutt jumps up onto the counter, from there to the top of the refrigerator, and then from there to the top of the cabinets, and none of those jumps are all that high.
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Say goodbye to Tina Louise, y’all. She’s off to the pet store tomorrow.
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It’s tough to be a Toms.
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Previously 2006: If the vet tells me that Tommy’s overweight, I’m going to say, with great dignity, “We prefer to call him ‘portly’.” 2005: Mia. 2004: There were a couple of parts that had me laughing so hard I could barely breathe – especially the line “I see you have a little swimming mouse”. 2003: No entry. 2002: No entry. 2001: No entry. 2000: Have I ever mentioned that I’m kind of a dork?]]>