
* * * GodDAMN the flies are about to drive me fucking mad. It’s not that the house is swarming with flies, but I’ve usually got one dive-bombing me when I sit at my desk and there’s invariably another one buzzing around in the kitchen. I’ve got fly swatters in both rooms, but I’m not terribly coordinated and I rarely get the goddamn things on the first try. (Miz Poo, upon seeing me pick up a fly swatter and walk toward her, whines and runs away. Like I beat her spoiled ass on a regular basis! I don’t, but I oughta. She deserves it.) Flies, to me, are the nastiest fucking things on earth. I can handle most any kind of bug (which is not to say that I deliberately get close to them or pick them up with my BARE HANDS or anything, but I they don’t usually make me want to take a boiling-hot shower), but the thought of flies flying about my house makes me want to barf. Possibly it’s because when I was a kid, I was ADDICTED to tuna sandwiches, and one day I was making my lunch and I took the container of tuna out of the fridge, and there was a dead fly floating in a pool of mayonnaise, and I do believe I haven’t eaten a tuna sandwich since. The thought makes me nauseous. I can’t even stand the smell of tuna anymore. BLEGH. The flies are worst in and around the chicken coop, not surprisingly. And not surprisingly, I don’t go out to the chicken coop unless I have to. (Did you read that we’ve started getting eggs?) What’s worse is that the fucking flies buzz around slowly and lazily in the heat outside, then they come inside and they’re rejuvenated by the air conditioning, and they turn into speedy little motherfuckers, buzzing around and easily dodging my klutzy attempts to get them with the fly swatter. God, I hate flies. ::shudder::

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BUG PICTURE ALERT. Also not fond of these. But they tend to keep their distance and not dive-bomb me, so we live in harmony. Unless there’s one in the bathtub, whereupon I direct Fred to either pick it up and take it outside, or kill it. I’m not going near the goddamn thing – you see how LONG their fucking legs are? I don’t want them TOUCHING ME with those things. ::shudder::
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We had black-eyed peas, cornbread, and sliced tomatoes for dinner on Sunday. I sliced the tomatoes, but Fred made the rest. It was SO FUCKING GOOD. This is the first time in 11 years that I actually tried a piece of cornbread and liked it. Hey, know what’s funny? When I cook, I do the dishes. When Fred cooks? Guess who does the dishes? (Hint: It’s not Fred.)
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Cat news: 1. Sugarbutt’s biopsy results came back. The vet (who called at 8:00 Friday night – dedicated woman!) said that results showed the sore on his neck and lip are allergy reactions. She said that it was almost surely a food allergy, and asked what he eats. We discussed changing his food, she told me I needed to come back late this week to have his stitches out, and if he needed another steroid shot, she could do it then. I hung up, whined to Fred about doing the changing-the-food dance for weeks and months until we figured out what he was allergic to, and then the lightbulb went on over my head. The sore on his neck showed up pretty soon after I started giving the kittens yogurt for their morning and evening snacks – and every time I got a plate of yogurt for the kittens, Sugarbutt would come sniffing around, so I’d give him a dollop of it, too. We decided to stop giving him yogurt – couldn’t hurt, right? – and so far, he seems to be MUCH less itchy. I haven’t seen him scratching even once since mid-Saturday. If this problem is solved this easily, I will pat myself on the back so hard I’ll probably pull something. 2. Mister Boogers is OBSESSED with being in the chicken yard. We usually let the cats out for most of the morning, then when it gets hot, we shut the back door until late afternoon – they tend to not want to be out there when it gets really hot, and leaving the back door open just makes it hotter in the laundry room and kitchen. Yesterday after we’d closed the back door, Mister Boogers sat on the dryer and looked mournfully into the back yard. I had to go out to hang up laundry on the clothesline, and the bastard took the opportunity to go flying out the back door. I hung up laundry, figuring I’d catch him and bring him inside when I was done, and even though I yelled at him, he climbed over the gate to the chicken yard, sniffed around, and ended up under the chicken coop, WITH THE CHICKENS. The chickens don’t care at all, and he’s not that interested in the chickens, just in being under the coop, where it’s nice and cool. He hung out for ten minutes, then climbed back over the gate and went inside with me when I was done hanging laundry. 3. I took Gilligan and Spanky to the pet store on Friday. They were FREAKED OUT and immediately climbed into the litter box to hide. Break my heart, why don’tcha? I don’t know if they’ve been adopted yet – I’m heading out to the pet store in a little while; I’ll report back on them tomorrow. The last of the pictures I took of them before we left for the pet store are here. 4. The only reason I never separated the kittens – like someone suggested a while back – is because we couldn’t stand the thought of a kitten sitting in the guest bedroom, separated from his or her sibling, all sad and lonely with no one to play with. We are idiots. When I got back from taking Spanky and Gilligan to the pet store, I went up to see Maryanne. I brought the carrier in with me, because I like to leave a carrier in the room with the fosters so they’ll get used to its presence, so that when the time comes I can snatch them up and toss them in there and they won’t know what hit ’em. Anyway, I put the carrier down and opened the door. She hopped down off the cat tree, went into the carrier, sniffed the towel where her brothers had so recently been, made a sound of confusion, and licked the towel. I felt like the most heartless, evil bitch in the world. And THEN. What did she do? She came over to me to be petted. She came OVER to ME to BE PETTED. On PURPOSE. And she was a little skittish, but she let me pet her. And then she flopped over and made me pet her some more. And then she rubbed against me and purred and meowed. Then, when Tommy tapped at the door to be let in, instead of hissing and running from him like she’d done every single time we let him into the foster room in the past, she ran over to him and rubbed up against him. It’s a goddamn Christmas miracle in August, is what it is. We’ve pretty much let her have the run of the house the last few days and she’s been playing and running and meowing (girlfriend has some LUNGS, and plenty to say) and just generally making herself at home. She’s still a bit skittish – she doesn’t like you walking toward her or standing over here – but if you get on her level, she’ll come for some loving. She lets Fred pick her up and hold her, and she and Fred (and Miz Poo!) took a nap together yesterday. I will never doubt the advice to split up skittish kittens again, I swear it. “I am a pretty, pretty princess.” “And I am the Queen, bitch.” She’s not a lap-sitter, but it’s early days yet. I think she’ll get there!
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Someone left a perfectly good cat’s head on the side stoop! (I know y’all KNOW that the rest of Newt is laying (attached to his head) on the second step, but for the idiot (yeah, I know you’re there, Skimmy McDumbass) who thinks that, seriously, there’s a goddamn cat head laying on my stoop and I’m taking a PICTURE of it*, hi. His body is resting (attached to his head) on the second step. It’s a funny picture, see? Ha! Ha! Ha?) *Oh, ALRIGHT. I think we all know that if someone HAD left a cat head on my side stoop, probably I would have taken a picture of it. I wouldn’t have shared it in my journal, though, ’cause I’m not THAT much of an ass. Bugs? Yes. Cat heads? Not so much.
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Previously 2006: No entry. 2005: No entry. 2004: The morning I wake up and find a cricket in bed with me is the day I start closing the cat door at night, believe you me. 2003: I HAVE THINGS TO DO THAT CANNOT BE ACCOMPLISHED WITH A PORTLY POO IN THE WAY. 2002: No entry. 2001: Yeah, like YOU don’t have a voice in your head that reads things to you… 2000: No entry.]]>