
many pickles, but if we go into next summer with plenty of pickles in the canning cabinet, then we’ll skip planting the cucumbers next year. I also made more tomato sauce, which is a time-consuming thing, but the more tomato sauce we have, the better. I blanched and froze green beans, and was going to make salsa, but Fred decided the tomatoes were too ripe and wouldn’t make good salsa (um, okayyyyy), so I’ll be doing that later this week. I shelled and blanched and froze three pounds of black-eyed peas. Shelling black-eyed peas makes me incredibly impatient after about half an hour, I don’t know why. It’s not a difficult thing to do, but I get all antsy, even if I’m watching a TV show I like. After an hour of it, I want to throw all the black-eyed peas against the wall and have a temper tantrum. I don’t (usually), I’m usually able to hold it together, but it’s a struggle. Fred and I are horrible people sometimes, I concluded over the weekend. I mean, I KNEW we’re horrible people sometimes, I just forget and was reminded anew over the weekend. We were watching a documentary, (the title of which I will not share with you, because you’ll look askance at me and be all “And who do you think YOU are, Hairy McScarey with the unplucked eyebrows and the crooked bottom teeth? And the big ass? And the flabby thighs? And the goofy hair? And I could go ON.”) and I was shelling black-eyed peas, and about half an hour in, Fred said “Are you interested in this movie? Because I think it’s boring.” I said “No, you can turn it off.” He stood up to do so, and I said “I’d find their plight more interesting if they weren’t quite so ugly.” And directly from Hell I heard Satan faintly calling “I’ll save this seat right here for YOU!”

* * *
Last week I had my appointment with the optometrist, as recounted in fascinating detail in yesterday’s entry (which I’m sure you all skimmed right past, you skimmy bastards), and at that time I decided to get new glasses, and so I picked out the frames and told them I’d be back Monday morning to pick them up. But the funny thing is that I picked out the frames and handed them to the chick who was helping me, and she gave me a funny look and said “These?” and made me try them on. Then had me take them off. Then told me to put them on again. And take ’em off. I was beginning to wonder if I was going to have to shake something all about when she gave me another funny look and said “You know these are kids’ frames, right?” I was all: And I said “I didn’t, but I do now. Huh.” She made me try them on again, and looked at me like I was lying to her when I said they felt comfortable, but then she did a “It’s YOUR life” shrug, and measured me for whatever the hell they measure when you order glasses. Yesterday I picked them up, and I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t provide “Old glasses” and “New glasses” pictures for you. Old glasses. New glasses. I don’t know – not all that attractive, but I seriously considered the cat’s eye frames and thought they looked horrid on me. Not that it matters, anyway, since I put my contacts in as soon as I get up, and keep them in ’til bedtime. Also, I clearly need a nap.
* * *
Maxi likes to spend the night sleeping on Fred’s car, then when he leaves for work, she climbs up on top of my car and spends the morning there. She is the Queen of all she surveys. Miz Poo likes to sit and hiss through the door at Newt, and Maxi when she’s around. Previously 2006: DON’T YOU HATE IT WHEN A JOURNALER SAYS THAT? 2005: No entry. 2004: No entry. 2003: “Motherfucker!” was Fred’s response. 2002: Why yes, it IS a rough life, thanks for asking. 2001: No entry. 2000: Because I was so overworked over the summer, you know.]]>