
Tex-Mex, and he splits the entire batch up into single servings and freezes them. Yesterday, I made a batch of spaghetti for him – a couple of diced green peppers, a couple of sliced jalapeños, a diced onion, a pound of ground turkey, two jars of homemade spaghetti sauce over angel hair – and when he was done divvying it up into single servings, he had a little pile of cooked angel hair left over. He did what we always do with leftovers these days, which is to take it out to the girls. As soon as he opened the back door, chickens swarmed from all corners of the yard, and he tossed the pile of angel hair out onto the ground for them. First to the pile of angel hair was a Speck (or, if you insist, Barred Rock), and she grabbed the entire pile of angel hair and proceeded to run around the back yard with a flock of chickens chasing her and bitching like the ChickenPigs they are. Around the perimeter of the yard she ran, occasionally (accidentally) dropping a clump of angel hair along the way, and as each clump dropped, a few chickens would stop to eat it. As she got back to the point where Fred had originally tossed it, she finally gave up and dropped what was left to the ground and began eating as fast as she could, until her sisters caught up to her, and they squabbled over what was left. The Girlz totally paid for themselves with that little bit of entertainment.

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Cat stuff over at Love & Hisses.
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Previously 2006: No entry. 2005: I feel so worldly and sophisticated now. 2004: “Bessie,” Fred said. “We used to watch TV without being able to rewind it. We can do it again!” 2003: No entry. 2002: It seems like yesterday. 2001: The term “give my feelings” cracks me up for some unknown reason. 2000: Mark my words, it’ll be back to looking crappy in three days flat. 1999: “Take credit card. Buy computer. Big monitor. Go fast. Go buy. Now.”]]>