
Yes – I did quote Dr. Phil to Nance yesterday, but ONLY because we were talking about Heather Mills McCartney and how it worked out that she ended up with something like $30,000 a day for their 4-year marriage. I said “Well, you know what they say – if you marry for money, you earn … Continue reading “3-18-08”

Yes – I did quote Dr. Phil to Nance yesterday, but ONLY because we were talking about Heather Mills McCartney and how it worked out that she ended up with something like $30,000 a day for their 4-year marriage. I said “Well, you know what they say – if you marry for money, you earn every dollar!” and Nance looked at me like I was all smart and shit, so I had to admit that I’d heard it on Dr. Phil.

(flickr) Rick bought us a cool hand-carved pig in Germany. Yay, Rick!

Nance and I partied it up yesterday, taking a trip to the drugstore and then to Big Lots. The Big Lots here is a lot bigger than the one at home, so I wandered around with my mouth hanging open.

Nance made me a fancy lunch, but I’m sad to report that neither of us thought of taking a picture of it, so you’ll have to take my word for it.

Maddy continues to avoid me – this morning she sat in the kitchen and glared at me, but of COURSE I didn’t have my camera with me, so no pictures of her. Nance said that last night, the instant I went to bed, Maddy showed up and hung out. Brat.

Regan came over and hung out for a while last night and snuggled the baby and we all sat around and shot the shit. I think sitting around shooting the shit is about my favorite thing to do – I don’t get nearly enough of it at home.



Sadie continues to be completely charming. I don’t know that I’ve turned into a dog person, but I’ve definitely turned into a Sadie person. A Felina person, too. When Felina gets feisty and starts harassing Sadie, they crack me up. Sadie’s like the older, tolerant sister who puts up with the brat. She’s so sweet.


Alex made me laugh out loud last night when Nance was talking about needing her sunglasses fixed and he called her “Corey Hart.” HEE. I kid you not, Alex and Trey are pretty freakin’ adorable and funny, don’t let Nance tell you any different. Shirley cracks me UP, too. I’ve been a laughing fool since I got here.


Julie is such a total Daddy’s girl, it’s funny to watch her sit and give Rick the Eyes o’ Love. She reminds me of Miz Poo, only Julie’s less bitchy. A LOT less bitchy.



Felina is slowly killing me with The Cute. The thing about Felina is that she’s smaller than she looks in her pictures. I’ll have to take a picture of her with a can of soda or a quarter or something to give you a better idea of her size. She sleeps a lot ’cause she’s still a baby, and then she prances around the house and when she decides she needs a lap to sit on, she politely touches you on the leg and waits for you to pick her up. Cutest dog on Earth, I kid you not.


I’m making Nance take me back to Big Lots today because I was going to buy something (cat beds for $7, if you must know) and then put it back and now I wish I’d bought the damn things. Better than buying them and wishing I hadn’t, right?

Last night after dinner (really good lasagna and the best salad on earth), Rick was playing Wii Golfing and Nance and I were talking about how I get the occasional email from people who say “I read your journal, but I don’t like cats at all”, and I said “Why on earth would anyone who doesn’t like cats read me?”

Rick, in mid-swing, said “Because you’re a fascinating writer with an effervescent style.”



2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: No doubt she wishes I’d leave her the hell alone and just let her SLEEP, GODDAMNIT.
2004: I’m known for my dumbassery, though.
2002: Good riddance to boring characters, I say.
2001: No entry.
2000: No entry.