
Man, I haven’t had a cavity filled in quite a few years (I don’t know how many years, exactly, but I know it was before I moved to Alabama, and may have been around the time Debbie and the kids and I lived in Lisbon Falls, so… 15 years? Maybe?) so I completely forgot that … Continue reading “8/7/08”

Man, I haven’t had a cavity filled in quite a few years (I don’t know how many years, exactly, but I know it was before I moved to Alabama, and may have been around the time Debbie and the kids and I lived in Lisbon Falls, so… 15 years? Maybe?) so I completely forgot that the filling of the cavity (or, in this case, the removal of the old filling and the re-filling) isn’t the worst part. The worst part is having numb lips afterward. I couldn’t move the right side of my mouth the right way for most of the afternoon, and swallowing was a bitch.

On the up side, the filling they removed was silver and they replaced it with tooth-colored stuff.

It took less than 45 minutes from the time I was called back to the exam room to the time I was out of there, and it only cost me $45.

Thank god for dental insurance.

Once I left the dentist’s office, I ran by Bed, Bath and Beyond to pick up a new bath mat for the upstairs bathroom, ran over to the pet store for canned cat food, and then went to Sam’s.

Because my list consisted of stuff that was big and bulky I thought ahead and picked up one of those flatbed things on wheels instead of a regular shopping cart. Good thing, too, ’cause that was what I needed, but it was hard to steer and I’m lucky I didn’t take anyone out with that thing, especially the old man who seemed to be going out of his way to stop directly in front of me multiple times.

I ended up buying six forty-pound containers of Fresh Step kitty litter, a 25-pound bag of flour, a 400-packet box of Splenda, two big packs of paper towels and a big pack of toilet paper. Oh, and a gallon of milk (less than $4!) and a couple of bags of frozen strawberries for Fred to make more strawberry-habanero jam. I loaded everything in the back of the car and felt like I was driving home with my front tires off the ground.

So I managed to get home a little after 2:00 and had to unload the car, then it was practically time for Fred to get home, and I swear I feel like I hardly got anything accomplished at all yesterday.

I did vacuum the entire house and even moved the cat tree in the kitten room so I could vacuum behind it, so there’s that.

I tend to only vacuum the upstairs once a week, but apparently I need to start doing it a little more often. Once I’d vacuumed the upstairs, I actually had to empty the Dyson canister (which was empty when I started vacuuming) so I could finish the downstairs. I guess the fact that five cats spend 75% of their time up there means a lot of shed fur gets left behind. Imagine that.



Our cats haven’t been allowed to go out into the back yard for the last two days because in a storm last week something screwed up the electric fence transmitter and it wasn’t working right, so we unplugged it. The cats behaved all weekend long, but when Fred got home from work on Monday we realized that Tommy was missing – he figured out that the fence wasn’t working and hopped it. Fred spent a lot of time walking around the property calling for Tom despite my assurances that Tommy would be home at Snackin! Time!

Sure enough, a few minutes after I bellowed “WHO READY FOR THE SNACKIN?!” out the back door, Tommy came climbing over the fence.

Tuesday morning I thought I’d let them outside for part of the morning, then close them in for the afternoon because I’d somehow gotten it into my head that Tommy only likes to hop the fence in the afternoon (which is an idiotic idea, I don’t know where the hell I came up with such dumbassery), but ten minutes after I’d let them out, I glanced out the window to see Mister Boogers looking with great interest through the fence toward the side yard, and I went out to see Tommy hanging out by the well house. So I went out and got him and shooed everyone inside, and inside they’ll stay ’til the new transmitter gets here and is hooked up.

Ungrateful fuckers.

(Oddly enough, nothing at all has been peed upon despite the fact that they’re not allowed to go outside. Of course, now that I said that, someone will go on a peeing spree.)




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2007: Just because we CAN grow something doesn’t mean we SHOULD.
2006: Maine recap.
2005: No entry.
2004: No entry.
2003: Well, except that it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird and all that.
2002: No entry.
2001: I bet the cats are counting the minutes (if cats could count) until we have the yard fenced in and they can go out there.
2000: No entry.