
You guys are cracking me UP with the goofy jokes! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   So, a few weeks ago when someone peed on the guest bedroom bed twice over the course of two days (both times on the waterproof mattress cover, under which lies a vinyl mattress cover. I am devoted to making sure no cat pee … Continue reading “8/12/08”

You guys are cracking me UP with the goofy jokes!



So, a few weeks ago when someone peed on the guest bedroom bed twice over the course of two days (both times on the waterproof mattress cover, under which lies a vinyl mattress cover. I am devoted to making sure no cat pee ever actually touches the guest bed mattress.), I insisted that it was time for Fred to find and purchase a decent webcam “wireless IP camera” that we could set up in a corner of the bedroom, pointed at the guest bed, so that we could figure out who the fuck was peeing on the bed.

(“What are we going to do when we find out?” Fred asked. I still don’t know the answer to that. I just want to KNOW.)

We got the camera and set it up and then I installed the software on my computer and set it to record when it detected motion. At first I watched every clip the camera made, which I quickly tired of because no matter how I fiddled with the settings on the camera, if a shadow moved in the room it triggered the motion detector and I got a ten-second clip of nothing. (Except, of course, for the clip where Fred crawled into the room and around to the camera and then waved his hand quickly in front of the camera because he wanted me to think there was a ghost. Except he didn’t get low enough when he first crawled through the door and I could see the top of his head. Freak.) After I waded through all those clips the first few hours, I started just going in and checking the bed to be sure it hadn’t been peed on before I deleted everything that had been recorded without looking at it.

And then the software started being a pain in the ass, shutting itself down at random times for no apparent reason. And we couldn’t find an upgrade for the software, and as Fred pointed out “If we’re going to spend that goddamn much money on a camera, it needs to come with software that WORKS.”

So we sent it back.

Which leads me to ask:

Got a webcam “wireless IP camera” with really good software? Tell me about it!

I snagged some screenshots when I was watching the movie clips and made a quick little movie to share so y’all can see the excitement that goes on in the guest bedroom.

Miss Stinky hangs out in there a LOT. Who knew?



So, did I mention that I originally had a hair appointment scheduled for the day I went in for my lower body lift? I called and canceled it with the intention of rescheduling it once I had recovered from surgery, but then I put it off, and then I was like “Well, I was thinking about growing it out anyway!”, and then I bought some temporary color and colored my hair to cover the grays, and then that washed out.

And I am SO gray. I would guess that I’m 50% gray if not more.

I think I’m still going to wait a while to call and make an appointment for a cut and color. The gray doesn’t bother me much, and I never look forward to sitting and having my hair done (it’s borrrrrrrrring, even though I very much like the woman who does my hair), so maybe I’ll go in September.


This picture doesn’t even come close to showing how damn gray I’ve gotten.



Friday when Fred got home from work, he decided it was time to mow the lawn. So I went ahead and mowed the side lawn on the riding lawnmower while he ate dinner, and then I ate dinner while he went out and started mowing the rest of the lawn. I debated sitting on my ass in front of the computer, but decided I was tired of doing that (I’d been doing it all day, after all) and so I went out and got out the push lawnmower and mowed the side and front lawns up by the road (which is too hilly for the riding lawnmower) and then I mowed the entire fenced in portion of the back yard and some of the chicken yard. When all was said and done, between the two of us we got the yard mowed in about two hours (not including the pig yard and the back forty, which Fred did yesterday).

One day I’ll surprise the hell out of him by mowing the lawn myself before he gets home from work.

(Except that I strongly suspect he’d be annoyed if I did that, since he is not much for surprises and I think he kinda LIKES mowing the lawn himself, the big freak.)



These kittens are KILLING ME. They’re 16 weeks old and they are STILL occasionally nursing. Poor little bitty Kara, she’s such a small Momma cat, the little brats are just sucking the life out of her!

I’d shoo them away from her when they start in, but – well – it’s not MY job! Besides, they’re so happy and cute I can’t help just sitting there and watching them.


Stinkerbelle in her favorite spot, on the guest bed. In the background, Spanky in HIS favorite spot on the trunk under the window.



2007: No entry.
2006: No entry.
2005: Right now, Fred’s upstairs trying to snooze while Mister Boogers comforts him.
2004: Does she think she’s Paris Hilton?
2003: Me, earlier today: “I swear to god, I’m going to go on a shooting spree!”
2002: ME LOVE LOBSTER, have I mentioned?
2001: No entry.
2000: It sure is good to be home!