
I dropped the goddamn camera yesterday – the GOOD camera, the one that cost an arm and a leg – and the slots on the top that hold the flash on broke off, so I had to send it to Texas to be serviced. Hopefully they won’t take one look at it and say “Yeah, … Continue reading “8/21/08”

I dropped the goddamn camera yesterday – the GOOD camera, the one that cost an arm and a leg – and the slots on the top that hold the flash on broke off, so I had to send it to Texas to be serviced. Hopefully they won’t take one look at it and say “Yeah, we can’t do anything with this. Sucks to be YOU.”

I am SO PISSED at myself, because I do fumble-fingered shit like that all the damn time. Grrr.

Okay, I’m off to the pet store to spend some time with kittens and hopefully will find myself in a better mood when I’m done. This’ll have to suffice for an entry.



Appalled Kitteh is appalled.

Recycling Kitteh is ready to be recycled. He cares about his planet, damnit.

Mailroom Kitteh lays down on the job.

Kitchen Maid Kitteh says “I ain’t shellin’ no more black-eyed peas. I’M DONE AND YOU CAN’T MAKE ME DO ANY MORE!”

Assistant Kittehs wonder “Did you forget to get The Yummins again? I put it on the list!”

Hetful Kitteh is squinty.

Bitey Kitteh would like you to come over here and be bitten, please.

Security Kitteh defends the borders.

Flirty Kitteh likes to flirt with inanimate objects.



2007: No entry.
2006: Pictures, you ask? Why of COURSE I have pictures.
2005: No entry.
2004: No entry.
2003: You say tomato, I say fuck you.
2002: “Cats don’t have lips, you freak.”
2001: “…and we’re willing to give this to you – coupons worth two HUNDRED and twenty-five DOLLARS! – for only $19.95!” he said, aflutter with the thrill of it all.
2000: Does the phrase “Through a lovely laxative effect” strike fear into your heart?