
I live in Los Angeles and have recently been fostering dogs through a rescue called Paw’d Squad. They rescue cats and dogs. Here in L.A. there are many abused/mishandled Rottweilers and Pit Bulls. I am currently fostering my third Rottweiler. His name is Jeffrey. He was rescued when he was just about dead from starvation … Continue reading “12-11-08”

I live in Los Angeles and have recently been fostering dogs through a rescue called Paw’d Squad. They rescue cats and dogs. Here in L.A. there
are many abused/mishandled Rottweilers and Pit Bulls. I am currently fostering my third Rottweiler. His name is Jeffrey. He was rescued when he was just about dead from starvation and mange. Please check him out on the Paw’d Squad website. Also please read this and check out his pictures.

(Jeffrey, before.)

The reason I am asking you to take a look is because I have noticed you putting good charitable causes up on your journal so that your readers can donate if they want to. I am sure people would be
interested in Jeffrey’s plight. I would certainly appreciate it, as would Jeffrey and his non-profit rescue. Please tell people who donate to reference Vituperation /Bitchypoo so we can log how much gets donated.

By the way, Jeffrey has been with me for three weeks now. He is getting better and better every day. He has food, cozy beds, a roof over his head, toys, medicine and most importantly…love. None of which he has had before. He is kind and gentle, even with my nineteen year old cat Casper.

Jeffrey04 Jeffrey03

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So, I never did make it to Publix yesterday. You know how a body at rest wants to stay at rest?

This body was WAY at rest yesterday and so I decided to stay in for the day, visit with the chickens once or twice, look for the bridge that got washed away in the great rain of Tuesday night (it’s a small bridge that goes over the ditch between the front of our property and the back forty. I never did find the damn thing.), snuggle with the cats, and watch TV.

I don’t know if it’s the rain or the briefly warm weather or what, but the birds were out in full force yesterday. I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many sparrows and tufted titmice (titmouses?) at one time. I really like watching them flit around under the bird feeders, fly across the back yard, and generally drive the cats nuts.

Also I don’t know why it was, but the chickens were a lot more willing to explore their space yesterday. They tend to generally stay pretty close to the coop, but yesterday they were spread all across the back forty. We tend to see fewer hawks when the weather’s overcast like it was yesterday, so perhaps they felt safer. Or all that rain was bringing up the worms. Whatever, it was nice to look out and see them all spread out.

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Yesterday morning Fred and I were talking about someone we know, and at one point Fred said “Well, you know, I wonder if she ever stops and thinks This isn’t how I expected my life to turn out and that’s why it’s so hard for her.”

Oddly, earlier in the morning I’d been half-listening to the radio station as I was getting dressed and the DJ (do they still call them DJs, even? The “morning radio personality”, how’s that?) talked about how her little girl had told her that she was going to marry some boy in her class when they grew up and they were going to move to Germany. And the DJ laughed and said “Well, I figure it’s a better life plan than anything I ever came up with, so she should go for it!” At the time I thought “Hmmm. You know, I don’t think I ever really had a life plan.”

So when Fred said This isn’t how I expected my life to turn out, I said “Did your life turn out like you expected?” He said “Not at all, but I’m pretty damn happy anyway.”

Turns out that Fred intended for most of his young life to grow up and be a scientist, with the test tubes and the white coat. That lasted until he touched his first computer, it was love at first sight, and he always knew he’d grow up to be a computer programmer. I know he never expected that, at the age of 41


he’d be living on 4 1/2 acres with ten cats, ninety chickens, and occasionally a pig or two.

Any life plans I had for myself when I was a kid were kind of vague and ill-formed. I wanted to be a teacher for a while, then a veterinarian, then an orthopedic surgeon, but when it came down to it, I had no real calling to do any of those jobs, and I sure as hell never had a plan to accomplish any of that. (I would have been a kickass orthopedic surgeon, though.)

I think maybe I’m lucky that I never had a life plan, because now I’m not mourning that my life didn’t turn out the way I expected. Maybe I’m unlucky too, though, because I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up.

Does anyone’s life follow the path they expected it to? Did yours?

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Brudderly love.

2008-12-11 (2)

2008-12-11 (3) 2008-12-11 (4)

2008-12-11 (5) 2008-12-11 (6)

I just love the fact that even as adults, Sugarbutt and Tom Cullen adore snuggling with each other. Well – at least until someone gets too vigorous with the grooming, gets smacked in the face, and they stomp away from each other.

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2007: Mister Boogers regarded me
2006: How these cats aren’t the size of Tubby, I will never know.
2005: No entry.
2004: And if I ever get the urge to go shopping at the mall on a Saturday two weeks before Christmas, I’ll lay down until it goes away.
2003: Thank god I’m not famous. I could handle being followed around by the papparazzi, but live interviews on the TV and radio? Fuck THAT.
2002: My favorite Christmas entry, ever. Chock-full of the Bitchypoo Christmas Spirit.
2001: Of course my world revolves around me and the people I care about. And yours revolves around you. Except when it revolves around me.
2000: I think they should hire me to play his girlfriend – the stripper with a heart of gold – because I just love that man right to pieces
1999: No entry.