Buff rooster, eating with his wimmins.
Suddenly, an idea occurs to him…
“Oh lord,” squawks wise Oscar the Hen, who has seen bright ideas come to roosters far too often in her two years of life. “Don’t make eye contact with him, girls! Pretend he’s not there!”
Buff rooster begins to flap his impressive (at least, in his eyes) wings. He flaps and flaps and flaps, and then he crows “WHO WANTS SOME LOVIN’?!”
As the hens wisely avoid eye contact with Buff rooster, he flaps and flaps and flaps.
As it turned out, no. Buff rooster was not able to get some lovin’ that fine sunny afternoon. Poor Buff(oon) rooster.
Puppies, keeping a watchful eye on their flock.
Threat = gone. No match for SuperPuppies!
“You has a snack for me?” Of course I do – I know better than to go out there without a snack for the pigs. They get PEEVED if you show up without an offering.
The striped one is the rootin’est pig I’ve ever seen. He’s always got his nose in the mud.
Bad bad Joe Bob Brown, the baddest-ass cat in the whole damn town.
2008: That, my friends, is a powerful stench. And it wasn’t a pleasant one.
2007: No entry.
2006: “MmmHMMM, I KNEW that was going to happen, the dumb bitch was lifting shit long before she was supposed to!”
2005: By the way, Erika: who watches your kids while you’re busy reading PEOPLE and firing off those indignant letters?
2004: Have I mentioned that I adore my DVR?
2003: Ah, you poor damn AOL users.
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: See? I always say “Thank you” to the freaking servers at fast food places. Yet all I get in return is rudeness.