7/8/09 – Wednesday

New month, new logo (finally)! This one was created by reader Jean, and considering the garden pics you’ll be looking at in a minute, it’s quite appropriate! Thanks, Jean! & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & … Continue reading “7/8/09 – Wednesday”

New month, new logo (finally)! This one was created by reader Jean, and considering the garden pics you’ll be looking at in a minute, it’s quite appropriate!

Thanks, Jean!

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These pictures are from last week – someone requested garden pics, and I went out on Tuesday and snapped a bunch of pictures, and then with the whole Mister Boogers thing, the entry got delayed.

So the garden kinda looks like this, but it’s grown more. Imagine it looking less weedy, too.

2009-07-08 (16)
We’re growing a bumper crop of Pigweed. The stuff at the other end of the row is taller than Fred. The pigs LOVE this stuff.

2009-07-08 (17) 2009-07-08 (1)
Bees in a squash blossom.

2009-07-08 (18)
Fred thought the first crop of corn he planted wasn’t going to amount to much due to all the rain, so he planted more. That’s the pigweed to the left, okra to the right.

2009-07-08 (19)
Wee okra. It’s been surprisingly mild lately, and okra prefers the heat, so we haven’t gotten much yet.

2009-07-08 (20)
For god’s sake, tomatoes – RIPEN ALREADY, wouldya?

2009-07-08 (21)
At least we’re getting plenty of cherry tomatoes.

2009-07-08 (2)
Peppers in the back, cantaloupe in the front.

2009-07-08 (3)j
Habaneros. Helloooooo habanero jam!

2009-07-08 (4)
Japanese Eggplant. I’m not really a fan of the eggplant.

2009-07-08 (5)
Summer Squash. Ten minutes later it was three feet long.

2009-07-08 (6)
Spaghetti squash!

2009-07-08 (7)
Spaghetti squash, up close.

2009-07-08 (9)

2009-07-08 (8)
Beans. We’re not getting nearly enough this year.

2009-07-08 (11)

2009-07-08 (10)
Happy little cucumbers.

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What’s that, you say? You can’t get enough of the chicken pictures? Well, let me see what I can do for you…

2009-07-08 (22)

2009-07-08 (27) 2009-07-08 (26)
Fred calls this one “The Maestro.”

2009-07-08 (25)
Black Copper Maran rooster. I love his feathered legs.

2009-07-08 (15)
“Who, us? Taking a dust bath? Why, we’d never!”

2009-07-08 (13) 2009-07-08 (14)
The one we call “The Road Runner.” Look at those legs and that tail!

2009-07-08 (12)
Mother and child.

2009-07-08 (33)

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From feral to allowing an ear-scratching in four short days. Those chocolate chip cookies are MAGIC.

2009-07-08 (24)

2009-07-08 (23)

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I got word yesterday that there’s room at the pet store for Creed, Dwight & Phyllis. I’ll be taking them down Friday morning and leaving them there, hopefully to get adopted very quickly. These three are such total love bugs and I hope their personality shines through to potential adopters!

Someone asked a few weeks ago how I could possibly let kittens go. It’s always hard, and I always tear up when I leave them in a cage (it’s especially hard when they give me the betrayed “How COULD you??” look). But I know that they’ll go to good homes, and really – I can’t keep all of them, can I? I know that they’ll go to good homes, and I know that they’ll have each other to snuggle up with and play with until they’re adopted. It certainly could be a lot worse – they could be living on the street instead of safe and fed and cared for in a cage.

I never like having to leave them at the pet store, though, that’s for sure.

2009-07-08 (28)
I could not find Creed ANYWHERE, and started to worry that he’d gotten out of the house somehow. Then I spotted him, curled up in this bag in a corner of the kitchen. He slept there for hours.

2009-07-08 (29)
I am annoying her. Or Dwight’s snoring is annoying her. One or the other!

2009-07-08 (30)

2009-07-08 (31)
Fighting amongst the shoes.

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2009-07-08 (32)
Keeping an eye on those kittens.

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2008: Boneheaded things I have recently done
2007: No entry.
2006: Just a quick picture to let y’all know what we did with our Saturday morning.
2005: I turned and gave her the Bug-Eyed Look of Annoyance*, to no avail.
2004: “Agh!” I yelled. “I hate you kitties! I hate you all!”
2003: Do motherfuckers retain water?
2002: “Your cheatin’ heeeeeart…”
2001: No entry.
2000: No entry.