1/13/10 – Wednesday (kittehs!)

“Hey! HEY! You know how we barfed on that other bed and the lady got all grumbly and told us she had to wash it and then took it away and we’ve been sleeping on the COLD HARD FLOOR (or maybe on the cat tree) ever since?” “Yeah?” “There’s a WHOLE ‘NOTHER bed here all … Continue reading “1/13/10 – Wednesday (kittehs!)”

“Hey! HEY! You know how we barfed on that other bed and the lady got all grumbly and told us she had to wash it and then took it away and we’ve been sleeping on the COLD HARD FLOOR (or maybe on the cat tree) ever since?”


“There’s a WHOLE ‘NOTHER bed here all of a sudden! And not only is it purty…. it’s SOFT!”

“Say… this IS pretty nice!”


(Thank you so much to Katie, who sent not only the barfed-upon cat bed, but the replacement cat bed as well – the cats shall never have to go bedless again!)


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A few days ago, Annette asked:

Fagen looks like my late cat Miss Cleo aka Cleopatra. It’s been 15 yrs and I still miss her, always will I guess. She was very friendly, except to my husband who she tolerated. She lived for me and our other cat, Sylvester. We had the nerve to get our first dog when Cleo was 9 yrs old and man was she pissed! I’ve loved a lot of cats but doubt I’ll ever have another one w/the same deep connection. Do you have one special cat of your life, Robyn? Is it Miz Poo?

Oh, absolutely. I think that Miz Poo is definitely the cat with whom I have the deepest connection. From the moment I first saw her, I fell in love, and she is just the sweetest cat. We’ve had her since she was about 10 weeks old, and now she’s 10 YEARS old!

Although she’s, without a doubt, “my” cat, she’s also a people lover. She went through a brief stage where she was scared of strangers (which she learned from her scaredy-cat brothers), but she got over that pretty quickly when she realized that even strangers will pet her and give her love, so now if you come to our house, she’s all up in your grill demanding that you pet her and love her. SHE WILL NOT BE DENIED.

She’s spent almost every night of her life either snuggled up to me, or within arm’s reach, depending on how needy she’s feeling (and believe me, she can be very needy!). Every morning starts with me turning over onto my back and her climbing onto my stomach and laying there. If I pet her, she purrs. If I don’t pet her, she purrs. If I talk to her, she purrs. If I don’t, still she purrs. She is one happy girl, and nothing makes her happier than to curl up on top of me, usually tickling my nose with her whiskers.

Sometimes I’m amazed she’s still around, because girlfriend has had some ISSUES when it comes to her health. She had an allergic reaction to (we think) a bee sting that required her being rushed to the vet when she was just a few years old. She had an issue with her eyes – she has wiry fur, and it was growing into her eyelid. They had to cauterize part of her eyelid to stop the fur from growing in and scratching her eyes. She had a blockage that made her very ill a few years ago (actually, a quick look reveals that it was in 2003. It doesn’t seem like it was that long ago!), and she ended up with a long incision down her abdomen, which got infected, and a very long recovery time. She has rodent ulcers on her upper lip which requires the occasional steroid shot. She tends to overgroom the hair on her stomach and the ONLY thing that makes her stop the incessant grooming (and resultant bare belly) is a low dose of Elavil. In November of 2008, she had a cyst near her tail burst, and when we took her to the vet, found out that it was an anal gland adenoma (which can recur, so you better believe I keep an eye on her back end and make sure nothing’s developing).

But she’s still here, she’s still ticking, and she’s as happy as she’s ever been. 10 years isn’t that old for cats, right? I expect we’ll see this one hit her 20th birthday – the expensive ones do seem to keep on ticking, don’t they?

She’s also got a bit more tolerant in her old age. Back when we first started fostering, if any kittens looked at her sideways, she’d smack ’em, and smack ’em hard. Now she’s as likely to just give up and let them stay next to her. (Though don’t be fooled – there’s still plenty of smackin’ going on!)

So yeah, Annette, I’d say that although I love all my cats with all my heart, I love Miz Poo just a teeny bit more. I mean, look at that face – how could you not?


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2009: The spud is a Twilight fan.
2008: No entry.
2007: No entry.
2006: If nothing else describes me, “Morally strong, with waffly ways” does.
2005: Who loves their readers more than me? That’s right, NO ONE.
2004: Let us go forth and speak of this no more.
2003: But one of these days he’s going to wake me up, and I’m going to pull his arm off and beat him about the head with it.
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: No entry.