6/15/10 – Tuesday

You know what I don’t quite understand? Why people keep saying that Bethenny from The Real Housewives of NYC hasn’t forgiven Jill and that she’s being petty for not having forgiven her. As I see it, Bethenny has forgiven Jill just fine – perhaps she hasn’t said the exact words “I forgive you”, but I … Continue reading “6/15/10 – Tuesday”

You know what I don’t quite understand? Why people keep saying that Bethenny from The Real Housewives of NYC hasn’t forgiven Jill and that she’s being petty for not having forgiven her. As I see it, Bethenny has forgiven Jill just fine – perhaps she hasn’t said the exact words “I forgive you”, but I believe she’s displayed via her words and actions that she holds no ill will toward Jill (poet! Knowit!). Is it because she prefers to not have Jill in her life? Does accepting an apology obligate Bethenny to be friends again with Jill to “prove” that she’s forgiven her?

I watched Bethenny’s new show on Thursday – I’m a Bethenny fan, but I don’t care for the title of the show, it’s goofy; will they call the second season “Bethenny Still Married?” or “Bethenny Having Another Kid Despite Her Past Protests to the Contrary?”? – and I liked it. There was no manufactured over-the-top drama, and it was interesting to see more of her life and to learn more about her.

Jill must be grinding her teeth to tiny little nubs at the idea that Bethenny’s doing well without her. When Bethenny says of Jill “I wish you the best”, I believe it. When Jill says the same of Bethenny, I don’t.

Next to the NYC ladies, the Jersey ladies are total snoresville this season thus far.

Money can’t buy you cla-ass.

(That fucking song has been bouncing around in my head since Friday. GAH. Last night I sang “I’ma kick you in the a-ass. Snackin’! Time! is EARNED, mah friends. Snackin’! Time! is EARNED, oh yeah.” to the cats.)




I’m a total lemming when it comes to stain and odor removal stuff. I really like the stuff I’m currently using for cat pee (Out!), but when someone mentioned how much they liked Bac-Out Stain and Odor Eliminator, I had to go look it up and see what the general consensus was.

The general consensus was that it’s the best thing since sliced bread. While I was looking around for information about it, I stumbled across the directions for using it:

For Pet Stains & Odors: Remove excess waste, spray Bac-Out directly on stain, let sit for 5 minutes or more, blot (never rub) with dry rage, reapply and leave on. Repeat process if needed.

When I find cat pee somewhere in the house where it ought not to be, believe me – I have plenty of dry rage to go around. Blotting up the Bac-Out with some dry rage should be NO problem at all.

(I amuse myself far too much, I know.)




Yesterday I started clearing out the brush and gone-wild wisteria that had grown up between the two trees next to the wood shed, just meaning to clean it up a little so you could walk by those trees without having to weave and duck to get through that area. By the time I was done an hour later, I had hacked back just about everything but the two trees.

I discovered a broken glass bowl, a canning jar, and a plastic bag, beneath which was a large colony of ants. When I moved the plastic bag, ants started swarming everywhere, frantically carrying ant eggs in a desperate attempt to save the baby ants (or baby queens or whatever the hell are in those eggs). I’ve had some decent success killing off ant colonies with diatomaceous earth, so I intended to sprinkle some before I came into the house, but completely forgot. Knowing my luck, I’ll go out there tomorrow and find that they’ve completely taken up residence in the wood shed.

I got my raised bed of catnip planted, finally, because my get up and go is never anywhere to be found in early Spring, when all the planting should be done. It only moseys onto the scene when it’s way past time to plant stuff from seed. I had five packets of catnip seeds and I planted every damn last one of them. We’ll see if they even bother to grow or if I’ll have to get my ass in gear next year and plant earlier.

The tomato plants that are in two raised beds (the 4th raised bed is an herb garden, and those herbs are not happy campers) are doing well. I ended up transplanting four volunteers from the big garden, and bought a Better Boy plant and a Big Beef (heh) plant from Lowe’s. They’re very happy and lush and green and are finally giving me some flowers, so I’m hoping they’ll give me tomatoes soon.

This Fall I’m going to try my hand at growing carrots and cabbage in the raised beds. We’ve had no luck growing those in the big garden, but hopefully the raised beds will be different. Fingers crossed, ’cause I love me some carrots!




Franco does his best to look innocent.

::SIGH:: “There’s nothing to DO! I’m borrrrrrrrrred.”

Pardon the blur, but the look on Garrity’s face is KILLING ME.

“What WAS that pink feathery thing?!”

Sheila’s SO calling this one in. She’s all “Oh, ow, you’re right, you’re the biggest and the strongest. Oh, ow, you’re hurting me. You are totally the boss, yeah, yeah. Hmmm… how long has it been since I painted the ceiling, anyway?”






Rough life, boys.

Corbett and Rhyme. They sound like a couple of detectives, don’t they? “No one’s solved the case of the missing catnip yet?! Someone call Corbett and Rhyme!”

“Hallo, laydeez!”




Despite appearances to the contrary in this picture, Miz Poo DOES have a chin. I swear it!




2009: No entry.
2008: No entry.
2007: Which reminds me, last time I had a sit-down with The Lord, The Lord informed me that doing what might lead to business on Sunday is FORBIDDEN, but abandoning as many of His Creatures to be hit by cars and lay dying on the side of the road, or as possible is A-OfuckingK with Him! It’s in the Bible!
2006: Not to mention that I woke up three separate times with my tongue COMPLETELY DRY.
2005: Due to Poop Watch version 2.0, there is no entry for today.
2004: Damn weather!
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2001: It’s the wild monkey sex, I must confess.
2000: “It’s NOT a cult, Mom!”