11/10/10 – Kitteh Wednesday

©Heaven Mahle This is Dirty Feet – she belongs to Heaven, a foster mum for Challenger’s House. (You guys think I have a lot of cats in my house at one time? Heaven routinely has WAY more fosters in her house at one time than I do. And she’s a miracle worker. I’ve seen kittens … Continue reading “11/10/10 – Kitteh Wednesday”

©Heaven Mahle

This is Dirty Feet – she belongs to Heaven, a foster mum for Challenger’s House. (You guys think I have a lot of cats in my house at one time? Heaven routinely has WAY more fosters in her house at one time than I do. And she’s a miracle worker. I’ve seen kittens that don’t look like they’re going to make it one more hour when she gets them turn out to be the most beautiful, healthy cats. Which you already know if you’re Facebook friends with her!)

Last week, Dirty Feet was ill, and ended up at the vet’s where she was for most of the week. They couldn’t seem to figure out what was going on with her until Heaven took her to another vet who was able to ultrasound Dirty Feet and find the blockage causing her illness. She had surgery on Friday and as of today is recovering at home and doing well.

©Heaven Mahle

Like so many of us do, Heaven spent every penny she had to save Dirty Feet, and she still owes money to the vet. I encouraged her to sign up for a Chip In fundraiser, and I hope y’all will consider helping out. The widget should show up below, but if it doesn’t, you can go here to see her Chip In page. Thanks in advance for any help you guys can give!

And here are some pictures of Dirty Feet as a baby, because I knew you’d want to see them!

All above pictures ©Heaven Mahle

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This picture makes me laugh. They’re like characters in a sitcom – Starsky’s the annoying neighbor who pops over with a “Hallo!” and Corbett’s the tolerant yet annoyed title character who puts up with his pesky neighbor’s shenanigans.

Starsky’s waiting for Miz Poo to go to sleep so he can slide into the cat bed with her for a snuggle.

Occasionally, I put an egg yolk in a little dish and put the dish on the floor for whatever cat happens along. It’s like a nice little surprise for them (and yet I wonder why they hang out in the kitchen and howl at me whenever I’m in there. Duh.) Note the dried egg yolk in Starsky’s whiskers.

I guess I’m not the only one who can’t do something in this house without half a dozen cats coming to see what’s going on. Rhyme’s all “Just wanna hang out in the grocery bag LEAVE ME ALONE!”

Snoozin’ Hutch.

Corbett, looking up at Tommy, who’s hanging out on the catwalk in the back yard.

Corbie, running.

And running.

Rhyme’s all “I’m the only one around to run around here like a big goofball!”

And then Rhyme proceeded to run around like a great big goofball. The end.

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This is Sugarbutt’s favorite place -and favorite position – for sleeping, these days. I don’t know. I guess he’s got to keep the nether regions aired out IF YOU KNOW WHAT I’M SAYING AND I THINK YOU DO.

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2009: The other night, Fred said “I should go out there at night and put a “NO FISHING” sign in the middle of the garden.”
2008: The pigs gave it two (four?) hooves up.
2007: Write about your day!
2006: I guess you can teach an old Fred new tricks.
2005: Can’t a girl be a dumbass without the whole world going into an uproar about it?
2004: For once, he had no good comeback.
2003: “Oh yeah. I hate this feeling. I should have just had a Diet Coke.”
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: No entry.
1999: Can you tell this irks me?