new logo! This one was created by the talented Aly, who RAWKS!
Thanks, Aly!
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We got snow last night, around an inch, Fred estimated. And SOMEHOW they didn’t cancel school! I’m amazed at that, believe you me! (The streets are wet, but not slippery) My daffodils are glaring at me like “You SAID it was Spring and okay to bloom, bitch!”, poor frozen things. I’ll be watching to see if they stay alive or give up the ghost.
Stupid Mother Nature.
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Man alive, I’m telling you – Myrtle is getting on my last fucking nerve. She’ll be fine and get along okay with the other cats for days and days, then all of a sudden one of them gets too close to her or looks at her the wrong way or THINKS of looking at her, and she lets out her hellbeast scream and it scares the fucking shit out of everyone in the house, cats included.
Normal cats will hiss or growl at other cats when they get annoyed with them. Not our Myrtle, no – she SCREAMS. I swear to god, she sounds exactly like I’d imagine a cougar in heat would sound.
Hell, maybe she IS part cougar. That would explain a lot.
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From my comments:
Robyn – have you read “Stiff” by Mary Roach yet?
I did – I read it back in 2005, and enjoyed it, though I wasn’t head-over-heels about it the way Fred was. I tend to not care for the nonfiction stuff, unless it’s in memoir form.
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Um, does anyone else see that Spanky has lips. Non-kitty looking lips? He is definitely a pretty boy.
Fred loves to tease Spanky about his big pink lips. Spanky doesn’t care, though. He knows he’s gorgeous.
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Do you read hardback books with the loose cover on them or do you usually take them off?
I usually read hardcovers with the dustcover on, because I use the inside of the dustcover (the leaf?) as a bookmark. And since I rarely keep the books I read, I’m not that worried about keeping the dustcover in perfect shape. The exception is when I borrow a book from someone and know that they’ll want it back; in that case, I take the cover off and put it somewhere safe so I won’t spill anything on it.
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Self-portrait #23.

This isn’t what I really look like when I’m sleeping. For one, I sleep nekkid, and for two, I sleep with my mouth hanging open. But you get the idea.
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“Ah hets yew.”
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2006: No entry.
2005: What the hell is “California cuisine”?
2004: No entry.
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2001: Just accept that I’m always right, why don’tcha.
2000: Like I’m going to just stand there all docile-like and let him kill me.]]>
Oh. My. God. Seeing the photo of Mister Boogairs was enough to set off a giggling fit… but spelling the caption “Ah hets yew”?!?
You’re killin’ me here, Robyn! Hee!
Ditto to what DEEJE said. Hilarious!
I ::heart:: you Mister Boogairs!! *MUAH*
You must record the Hellbeast sound for us. I’m dying to hear it!
I second the recording of the hellbeast. I MUST hear this for myself!!!
Ah hets yew, tew, Mr. Boogers. So much that Ah wants tew rub yer fuzzy belly til yew can’t stainds it no more…
Aw Cuddly Miz Poo! She’s the best.
Combine Myrtle and the Boog and you have my Harry. He started screaming when he had potty problems early on, and apparently he thinks that’s the way a cat is supposed to sound. You should hear him when he wants food! You’d think someone was trying to murder him.
Hi Robyn – just wanted to mention this link – – in case you don’t know it; it’s a really funny way to share the books you don’t want to keep.
Thanks for the daily dose of kitty pictures by the way! I keep introducing your journal to my crazy cat-lady friends here in Norway, starting with The downfall of Senator Stanley J. Boogerton – it’s quite efficient =)
Robyn, Ha! KatG from yesterday was Hi-larious! Ho, ho, sideline ho!
“Ah hets yew”…snorted coffee through my nose when I read that…
Hi Robyn –
Just saw the movie “Because I said So” yesterday. One of the romantic interests reminded me so much of Fred – Gabriel Macht
He’s cute!