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I finished reading Death Match by Lincoln Child last night. Altogether it was a good book, though there were things I found unbelievable about it (when I say that I find something in a book or movie unbelievable, Fred always says, pointedly, “Willing suspension of disbelief.”). The thing is that Lincoln Child is a computer geek and as I’ve discovered through ten years of living with a computer geek – if I may generalize about all computer geeks – is that they really like to overexplain the fucking shit out of everything. Whether you understand it or not.
So there was a lot of technical-type babble in the last fifteen or twenty pages of Death Match, and I read it as “Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah”, but really and truly don’t feel like I missed a single thing.
Overall I liked the book (even though I think it’s complete and utter bullshit that a company like Eden could do what it did in the book), but be warned that the protagonist is a pompous pain in the ass.
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We went out to Smallville last night to pay the floor guy and look at the floors, and we LOVE them. They came out really, really nice, and I think we did a good job of choosing the color.
The floor guy was the most conscientious worker we’ve ever dealt with – always checking in with Fred to let him know what had been done, and the job took about as long as he thought it would. And we love the results! If you’re in the area and need the name of a good floor guy, ask and I’ll happily give you his name and number.
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Fred is seriously talking about buying and flipping a house in Smallville (he has a particular house in mind, not just some random house) when we’ve sold the Madison house.
I haven’t determined whether the idea fills me with excitement, or dread.
We’ll see.
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Self-portrait #24.

This is how I feel when I realize I need to take another goddamn picture of myself. I think this little project is coming to an end, because I am SICK of looking at pictures of myself. I’ll still take the occasional picture and post it – I think I’ve made it pretty clear that I’m willing to jump in front of the camera at any time – or maybe I’ll make it a weekly thing. We’ll see.
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Apparently he likes to sit around with his foot hiked up over his head, and watch the other cats play. Don’t ask me what that’s all about.
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2006: So, that’s the state of things with me.
2005: “Oh my god!” he said. “There’s a dead mole under here!”
2004: The man thinks that “hot” and “good-looking” are the same thing!
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2001: No entry.
2000: We all know I’m lazy, but this is ridiculous.]]>
Well, isn’t that just a picture screaming out for a slogan.
“I beez doin yogaz, givin you teh look o het!”
The floors look GREAT! I’m wondering if you are going to change out the kitchen cabinets so it will match the floors? The floor looks better than the cabinets.
Love what u are doing with the house. I’m so jealous. 🙂
Have a great day.
I hate trying to get out from underneath liquid kitties. Both of mine are that way and no matter how I contort myself, it’s almost always painful to me and god forbid I would actually disturb the little ungrateful brats!
GORGEOUS floors!
The floors are just beautiful; that stain really highlights the grain of the wood. Stain, grain; grain, stain. God.
He has to keep that leg up in case he gets an uncontrollable urge to lick! Or maybe he’s just
By the way… did you see Maxi when you were there? I’m worried too! I’m having Fancypants flashbacks.
Nancy – No, we sure didn’t. We won’t officially be worried until after the weekend. We’re spending Saturday and Sunday out in Smallville, and we almost always see her at least for a little while when we’re out there for the whole day. I think she may have found some warm place to hole up – it’s been pretty cold lately, and even a warmed cat house can only keep ’em so warm!
I think he’s checking to see if it’s safe to groom or the other cats need a little more watching first.
The floors look awesome!!
Boogs, I still luv yah! *Muah* 😀
Floors look marvalous!
Your cats sound much like mine during the night. However my one cat uses my head for a pillow. Annoying at first but now I can’t sleep without him there!
Rock concert movement #6: The behind the head leg stretch!
The floors are BEAUTIFUL. I like the kitchen cabinets, too. Y’all have done such an amazing job; I can see why Fred’s intrigued by flipping a house. Hey, just think of the fodder for entries! 🙂
Your eyebrows look great!
LOVE the floors. Not fair you get yours done before you move in and I have been waiting 7 damned years for hubby to do mine. This month, he PROMISES!
I think Boogs is waiting for one of the other cats to get too close before he blasts them with a Boog Fart Blast. That’s what I think. 🙂
OK, here I am in the hospital after having a hysterectomy yesterday and I start laughing when I get to various parts of this post so if ANYONE is wondering if it hurts to laugh out loud the day after this type of surgery, YES….YES IT DOES, but I love this place so how can I avoid it!!
I love that “Random Entry” feature.