
(In case you were wanting to find a good place to send some of that tax refund money!)
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If someone out there has the mad skillz to go to Keith and the Girl, click on “All episodes”, download show #444: I Heart Orgasms, and make for me an mp3 of the song Chemda sings at the end of the show, I would totally pay you back by linking to you. I would also love you forever, because I am loving the hell out of that song, and I want to be able to listen to it without having to fast-forward to the end of the podcast. (Got it! BLESS YOU, Bonkrood!!!)
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You’ve got questions, I’ve got answers. How did you find out about the free trees thing? I’m sure they’re tiny babies, but still, that’s cool. Fred’s business partner told him about it. Very cool, isn’t it? (For those of you who didn’t catch it in yesterday’s entry, if you sign up for a membership at the National Arbor Day Foundation, you get ten free trees. I’m sure they’ll just be sticks when they get here, but I’ve grown things from sticks before (the butterfly bush we had in the side yard, for one), and they’ve grown pretty well. I’m looking forward to figuring out where we’re going to plant these trees! We’ve got room, though, and plenty of it.
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Do your cats fight over the right to sleep in the top of that cat tree thing? Ours do AND they use it as a launching point when they are racing around the house crazy style. PLUS they all LOVE to hang out and play in the bathtub. Do your cats do that? The only cat who seems interested in sleeping in the top platform of the cat tree is Sugarbutt, most of the time. Sometimes someone else will hang out up there, but the majority of the time, it’s just Sugarbutt. Tommy has visiting privileges, though. Sugarbutt and Tommy love to hang out in the bathtub and play – if you throw a toy mouse in there, they’ll play for hours. But they’re just as happy to just lay there or chase a piece of food around the bathtub, too.
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Hey Robyn, I know you enjoy chick lit so I was wondering if you ever read anything by Rachel Gibson. I just finished one of her books, “The Trouble with Valentine’s Day” and it had me laugh out loud so many times I just have to read another one. It’s the oddest thing – I could have sworn I’d read something by her – her name seems very very familiar – but after checking out my reading list, I didn’t find a single thing on there by her. So I guess I haven’t! I’ll definitely check her out, though.
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Not a comment, but a question – do you, or where do you plan to put your exercise equipment that you currently have in your garage when you move to Smallville? And how is your workout routine going? Are you back to it? We’re going to put the exercise equipment in the garage in Smallville, of course. In fact, the garage there is bigger than our garage in Madison, so we should be able to park at least one car inside, if not two. We talked about putting the exercise equipment on the second floor of the garage, but it’s far too heavy for that, so we’ll be putting it in the back of the garage. As far as my workout routine, it’s not going at all. The entirety of my working out seems to be working on the Smallville house. Until now that was because the weather was so damn cold, but I don’t have that as an excuse any longer, so I guess I’d better get back to it!
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is that cat poo on the floor? a dead mouse? and Me thinks one of the cats was so PO’ed he POOPED on your carpet! THAT IS NOT CAT POO ON THE FLOOR (in this picture). Seriously, I might be a bit lackadaisical in my housekeeping, but I wouldn’t let CAT POO sit around on the floor, let alone let it show up in a picture! That’s a toy mouse, of which there are approximately 10,000 scattered around the house.
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Um, do you find it odd selling your “gently” used bras on ebay? Does it matter if a stalker wins them? Just curious, not judging. I’ve never sold mine because I’d be fraid — especially since my return addy is on the package! I don’t find the selling of them so odd as the fact that there are actually people out there willing to buy them. I figure if someone wants to buy them, let ’em – no matter what creepy things they intend to use them for (which I try not to think about). As far as return addresses, I use my PO Box address for everything. If someone wants to stalk me, they’ll have to find a better way than buying something of mine from eBay. I’m more concerned that someone might find a hair or skin cell on the bra or package and clone me, then do nefarious things with my clone. CREEPY.
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I was curious as to what snacks/foods you take to Smallville with you — I don’t recall you mentioning having a full refrigerator (or a refrigerator at all for that matter) (for you & Fred, not the cats HA). I have been using the Sparkpeople free site for weight loss tracking online support and am doing pretty good (14 lbs. gone so far!). Have you checked it out? It has lots of blogs to read, to kill time with Ha Ha. We actually do have a full-sized refrigerator at the Smallville house. We realized pretty quickly that the refrigerator we have in Madison wasn’t going to fit the spot in Smallville, so bought an inexpensive, smaller one. We’re going to put the refrigerator we have in the Madison house, in the laundry room in Smallville for extra fridge space. For meals in Smallville, we just take leftovers from the freezer, most of the time. I have taken eggs and a pan out there from time to time to make a small omelet for breakfast, but that got to be a pain, so I eat a low-carb bagel for breakfast (with peanut butter), and then whatever leftovers I brought with me, for lunch. We don’t really snack while we’re out there, though there’s a bag of mini rice cakes that have been sitting on the counter for a couple of weeks now. I haven’t had a chance to really check out the Sparkpeople site yet, but hope to when I get a little more time and things calm down around here!
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I don’t know about the I-Pod, but I can assure you, if you drop your Razr into your drink, it will surely die. Dead. Never to return. Be careful out there. and If you drop your cell phone in cheese dip it will die. Been there – done that. Evil mobile phone company said that was a first – even though I’d been a NEW customer with preferred treatment the week B4 – I was now an OLD customer with a phone dunked in cheese. No insurance – had to buy a new phone, full price. I was kind of planning to mock y’all for your dropsy tendencies, but to tell the truth, I can TOTALLY imagine dropping my phone in a cup of water or hot cocoa, so I won’t.
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I was wondering, does Fred’s business close for all the gov’t holidays because they do most of their work for the gov’t or is it normal for businesses in Alabama to be closed on the holidays? Yep, the only reason Fred has all those government holidays off is because they’re government contractors, and if the government offices are closed, there’s no work to be done. I think Fred would personally prefer to work on the government holidays and have odd holidays off – like St. Patrick’s Day or Valentine’s Day. Holidays when most other people are working.
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Robyn, just thought you might want to know that the free hellcat with every case of water has been extended to the West Coast. Since we’re a bunch of hippies out here, they’ve chosen to offer the special with cases of diet iced green tea. People, please be careful out there. You could end up with a whole herd of hellcats without even realizing it, and they’ll be thundering through the house while you sit there and say “But I just wanted some water! Wha’ happa?”
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That picture of Maxi is seriously one of the best/weirdest/most fascinating pictures I have ever seen of a cat, that wasn’t one of the Twisted Whiskers things. That’s awesome. What do you do to get those great angles, lie down on the floor or something? I am sad to report that all I do is lean down, hold out the camera and snap the picture, without even bothering to look and see what I’m getting. Sometimes they come out looking ridiculous, sometimes they come out pretty damn good. It’s a crapshoot. I particularly like this one, which was taken with the exact same half-assed technique:
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Do your doors swell up when you paint them? I tried to paint a bathroom door and the damn thing wouldn’t close right for 2 months after that. Not that I’ve noticed, but we haven’t been shutting the doors all that much yet. I’ll report back once I’m living there and closing the doors on a regular basis!
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Thats so funny because I do the same thing when I go to bed at night, I lay there with one eye open untill I fall asleep. Should I be concerned? and Hmmm… I do the same thing as Sugarbutt when I first wake up. Lay there with one eye closed. Should I be concerned? (That’s regarding this picture of Sugarbutt) I don’t think either of you should be concerned, unless it interferes with your life. Otherwise, as long as it’s not hurting anyone, go for it! (I, too, might sometimes lay around with one eye closed. I like to believe it means I’m actually catching a little more sleep, because I’m a dork.)
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Hey, I noticed on the link for the prescription food that it is not indicated for “lactating Queens”….hmmmmm I have never heard of cats being referred to as Queens. I am sure they don’t agree;in their minds they ARE Queens and Kings. What the heck does that mean? Any idea? I’ve actually never seen non-pregnant or lactating female cats referred to as “queens”, and only those because I was looking around online for something and ran across a cat-breeding website. I don’t care for the title of “queen” for female cats, but I also don’t care for title of “bitch” for female dogs (why can’t people just say “female”?). I don’t guess I get a vote, though!
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I’m trying not to hate you for being so good at renovating an entire HOUSE, floors, walls, moldings, and all – while I’m still trying to work up the energy to get the crap out of my living room (I will NOT shove it all back into the spare bedroom, no matter HOW tempted I am; it’ll sit in the living room creating a fire hazard until I get my ass in gear). No one should be at all hateful of the fact that we’ve gotten so much done in the new house. The ONLY reason we’ve managed to get so much done is because we’re not living there. I can guarantee that if we’d been actually living in the house these past several months, we would have been lucky to MAYBE get one wall of one room done. I am SO glad that we decided to get the renovating done before we moved in – for one, there is just no way on earth we could have dealt with having the floors done if we were living there. It would have been a huge clusterfuck and I would have taken one look at all the dust (from the sanding) left on our belongings and had a stroke.
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The floors look GREAT! I’m wondering if you are going to change out the kitchen cabinets so it will match the floors? The floor looks better than the cabinets. We’re eventually going to get new cabinets, I think (I kind of like the cabinets, but the doors on every single cabinet are hung so that one door is hanging lower than the other – they’re uneven and it drives me a tiny bit nuts), but since they’re something I’m willing to live with, we’re probably going to wait a few years before we do that.
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Is it just me, or do you think the spud looks like your sister? I’m not sure if you mean the spud looks like she could be my sister, or that she looks like my sister Debbie. I don’t think she looks like she could be my sister, because I think she looks her age (18) and I look mine (39) and I doubt anyone who hears that I’m her mother is like “Oh, you can’t be old enough to be her mother!”, seriously. She does resemble my sister Debbie, though, I’ll certainly agree with that.
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Now for the question – what other Podcast do you listen to? I’m a new Ipod owner – the 30 gig video one. I cannot recommend the Keith and the Girl podcasts enough – but you knew that, because I haven’t made any secret of the fact that I LOVE them. Aside from Keith and the Girl, I also listen to Spooky’s Spooky in the City podcasts – Spooky first showed up on Keith and the Girl, and now he’s got his own podcast (it’s like a spinoff) – and like them because I like Spooky’s voice, but the boy can go on. And on. And on. His eye for detail is a little unnerving, really. I also listen to the Grey’s Anatomy podcasts every week (Betsy Beers and Shonda Rimes crack me up – and I find Betsy Beers’s voice very soothing for some reason). Now this is where y’all come in. I’m about caught up on Keith and the Girl and Spooky, so I need podcast recommendations. Who do you listen to, and why? Leave me a comment and tell me who I should check out next!
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I had my hairs did yesterday. I went a little redder, and quite a bit shorter. In fact, I said “Why don’t you just cut it as short as you can without having to shave my neck?” and she said “Can I cut the back the way I want?” and I said “Hellz yes. Cut it ALL the way you want!”, and she did. It’s a bit helmet-y the way she styled it, but I like it. And I didn’t realize ’til I got in the shower this morning just how short I went. I really like it! Here’s how she styled it: And how I did: I guess not a huge difference, but it looks less helmet-y in my version, I think.
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Smilin’ Joe Bob. It doesn’t matter that there’s nothing on the plate, not a single crumb. He’ll lick it anyway. In an effort to clear off my memory stick, I uploaded a ton of pictures to Flickr this morning. You can see them here.
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Previously 2006: Second of all, we both hate our voices and to release them forth into the world would be a cruelty beyond measure. 2005: Impromptu day off. 2004: I’m going to save a fortune on tampons, that’s for sure. 2003: No entry. 2002: No entry. 2001: Damn that Sam’s. 2000: Heartless bastard.]]>

27 thoughts on “2/23/07”

  1. As for podcasts, I enjoy Rob and Trevor who do a reality show podcast and they also just began a podcast where they just talk about anything and everything. The first time I listened, I thought they were a little annoying, but they grew on me. http://www.rffradio.com
    There’s a local radio station that is also syndicated, The Don and Mike Show. They have a podcast that is very funny. I’ve listened to them on the radio for over 20 years. Their podcast is good, but too short.
    I listen to PTI (Pardon the Interruption), but that’s all about sports, so you might not be too interested in that. Michael Wilbon and Tony Kornheiser are hysterical.

  2. Wow, everyone else’s phones and whatnot are really fragile. I’ve dropped mine on pavement more than once and it still works great. Except the cracks–I keep having to fill those with superglue every so often so they don’t get worse. Heh.

  3. Robyn, I listen to Bob and Sheri faithfully (bobandsheri.com). They have a regular radio show, but they tape it and post it on iTunes, so I listen to it that way, since my reception of the station is a little fuzzy. It makes my work day liveable.
    I recently emailed Bob to tell him I thought he was incredibly rude to a guest, and he emailed me back with a brief rationale, which I thought was cool, even though I still think he over reacted.

  4. My husband can’t start his day without his daily dose of Sheri from “Bob and Sheri”. I’ve listened to them since 1998. Highly recommended from our house to yours.
    Love your hair!

  5. I really like how you styled your hair. I agree, less ‘helmet-y.’ I’ve been thing of going shorter and I think you’ve convinced me to go for it. I like the color too.

  6. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again…I love your pictures.
    Great hair….I always like trying new styles, what the heck, if you don’t like it, it will always grow back.
    Don’t worry about exercising..that garden will give you plenty.

  7. Robyn, I need your cat advice. I haven’t raised a kitten in twenty years, and I seriously do not remember the last one being half so naughty as this little black monster. He’s about in his catly teens – say, ten months old? (I’d have to count on my fingers, but that’s close.) But SUCH a hellion! I’m really ready for the ankle biting and the leaping and grabbing to stop already. Your air-can trick worked wonders with the Christmas tree, but the three of us can hardly carry those around with us in holsters in case he zooms around the corner to accost our knees. Or faces, in Seamus’ case, which I do not find amusing. Please tell me it’s just a phase…

  8. Garsh! That thar har colur makes yur eyez real purty thar Miz Robyn!
    Seriously, you and your hair look great. Congrats on courage to change. Then again, you’re one of the most courageous woman I know, whether you want to believe it or not. Have a great weekend!

  9. Penn Gillette’s podcast called Penn Radio… he has some great guests on at times, like James Randi. His interview with Phyllis Diller got me hooked.

  10. I used to have my hair exactly the way you’ve got it and I loved it because it took like 20 seconds to style, I didn’t have to fuss with it at all. But I got tired of it because I had it for so many years and grew it out over about 2 years so that it is all shoulder length and unless I fuss it looks like hell. I miss my short cut but I’m almost scared to have to chopped again after spending so long to grow it out.

  11. Robyn, you remind me of Maureen O’Hara in the original “Parent Trap” with Hayley Mills! The cut and color make your eyes look FAB-U-LOUS!!!

  12. The color is so pretty and makes your eyes really stand out. And yes, your styling is much less helmet-like. 🙂 Why do hairdressers adore the helmet look? I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had mine “styled” that way!

  13. Hey Robyn, I love your hair cut and color. It makes you look young and chic. Watch out Spud ,she will have you calling her ‘SIS’ out in public, Hee.

  14. Hi Robyn!
    I know you love kitty pictures, so I thought you might like to see the ones I just posted of three of my kitties. Included is one that fits into your “hellcats, free with…” thing. I hope you will go, look and go aww, because my kitties are awfully cute. 🙂
    Also, you guys are doing a great job on the Smallville house. I’m exhausted just reading all the stuff you’ve done over there!
    Here’s the link to my entry with the pics: http://avidreader2466.blogspot.com/2007/02/kitties.html

  15. Your hair looks great!
    The cat we had as a kid used to love playing with the used-up toilet paper tubes in our old clawfoot tub. It was a hoot.
    Are the hinges on your cabinet doors adjustable? Ours (European style hinges) have little adjustment screws to raise and lower and move them in and out so they can be perfectly aligned.

  16. I’m pretty sure that the “hatin on you for being so good at house makeovers” comments was from me, and if so, I just wanted to tell you: I DID move everything back into the spare bedroom.
    When I buy a new house, will you and Fred come to Texas to help me fix it up before I move in? I’ll… um… I’ll… let you take pictures of my kitties! (c:

  17. I’ve been playing a LOT of diner dash and diner dash 2 lately and I was struck by how much you look like Flo in the pictures included in this entry. Crazy!!

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