Someone asked in my comments last week whether I’ll be updating about the whole weight loss surgery just at OneFatBitchypoo, or would I cross-post the entries. I think I’m going to just post them over at OFB, and anyone who wants to read them can go over there.
I did a lot of writing over there this weekend, and you can read the three entries I just posted, beginning with my recap of the day of surgery, here, and just hit the “next” links at the bottom of each page. There’ll probably be another entry up tomorrow, and possibly another the day after that as well.
If you ever need to get there from here, there’s a link to OneFatBitchypoo in the sidebar.
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I’ve been watching a lot of TV lately. I DVR’d a lot of stuff before I had my surgery – kind of “stocking up”, if you will – and I’m starting to get caught up. I finally got around to watching
Love Monkey, just the first episode, and I’ve gotta say – so far, I like it a lot. I liked Tom Cavanaugh a lot in his guest appearances on Scrubs (I’ve never seen Ed, but it’s on my Netflix queue) and he’s really a likeable kinda guy, isn’t he? Also, it’s a good cast – Larenz Tate, Judy Greer (love her!), and Jason Priestly! Brandon Walsh, all grown up with a wife and kid on the way! Anyway, I recommend it.
Also, speaking of television, I clicked over to Discovery Health one day last week for some reason or another, and when I did,
Runway Moms was playing. I watched it for a few minutes and ended up setting up to tape it every day. It’s a total guilty pleasure, but I can’t help it – I love it! These gorgeous women with their gorgeous skin and their gorgeous pregnant bellies. I can’t look away.
I watched
If Only over the weekend (I DVR’d it a couple of weeks ago), the ABC Family movie with Jennifer Love Hewitt. Y’all just shut up, I think Jennifer Love Hewitt is as adorable as she can be, and I’ve loved her since she was on Party of Five. I even watched the awful POF spin-off,
Time of Your Life. The movie wasn’t great, but it was good enough to spend two hours watching, at least in my opinion.
And Fred and I watched several movies over the weekend:
Half Light: Demi Moore plays a writer who loses her son and months later moves to a small Scottish village to get over her writer’s block. There are ghosts. Not a bad movie, especially considering I’d never heard of it before.
Equilibrium: Christian Bale as an anti-sense enforcer. He takes his shirt off. Hubba hubba! Pretty good movie, for another one I’d never heard of.
The Skeleton Key: Kate Hudson (cute as a button), hoodoo. I liked it more than I’d expected to. I also figured out the twist a split second before it happened, which I am sure gains me entry in some elite society somewhere. Perhaps the Brotherhood of Assholes Who Shout Out the Ending and Ruins it for Everyone?
Lord of War: The Suck. We turned it off after about 15 minutes, but not before Jared Leto took his shirt off once or twice. Hubba hubba! (Yeah, I know he’s rumored to be a self-important asshole in real life, but he sure is purty to look at).
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This is the outfit I’ve been wearing almost non-stop since I moved from my nightgown into “real” clothes:

My sister sent me those pajama bottoms for Christmas last year, and they’re so oversized and comfy on me that they don’t hurt my belly button (the only part of me that hurts still). Of course I wash them every couple of days, ’cause I’m not THAT nasty. Also, the sweatshirt I wear with them is probably my favorite sweatshirt, so they make a good pair.
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I got lots of flowers this past week; it was awesome! All my favorite flowers showed up, from daffodils to gladiolus to roses. Did I get pictures? Why, of course!
From my parents, sister, and Brian. The glads have started to bloom, and they are GORGEOUS.
From Jane and Nance. Don’t they rock? Daffodils, my favorite flower! Sugarbutt’s too, apparently.
From Fred’s mom and stepfather. It’s actually a plant garden with a few flowers stuck in. Pretty, no? (Sugarbutt agrees)
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My WordCloud Note that “fuck” isn’t on there anywhere. I think that means it’s not a true WordCloud.
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Survivor spoiler; skip it if you didn’t see the first episode of Survivor: Exile Island.
We taped Survivor on the CBS High Definition channel last week, and when we went to watch it, found that there were several very long patches of time where there was no freakin’ sound at all – I’d say at least half the show was without sound, if not more. That seems to happen a lot on CBSHD for some reason, and I guess in the future we’re going to have to tape it on the non-HD CBS. It ticks me off because the HD picture is so much better, but I’d rather have some idea of what’s going on than see a pretty picture.
I was rooting for the “older” women until they voted off the only one who had any clue how to do anything at all. Dumbasses.
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Sugarbutt enjoys some red beans and rice. The boy will eat ANYTHING.
Tommy and his daddy bond over half-nekkid pictures of Jessica Simpson.
A boy and his mouse look forlornly out at all the yummy birds.
All of today’s uploaded pictures (those above, and a bunch more) are
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2005: No entry.
2004: And then Fictional Woman and Fictional Child share an Isn’t he DISGUSTING? look, and bid each other goodnight.
2003: Taking a nap looks like a good idea.
2002: I decide who’s King Shit of Turd Mountain, y’all, and don’t forget it.
2001: Everyone enjoys a good fart story!
2000: No entry.]]>
She’s back!
Yeah. Glad to see you are feeling well!
You might notice that I am the first to comment today. I certainly did. And for that I feel slightly superior, cooler, more jive than the average cat.
I use “cat” euphemistically. It’s use is symbiotic with the term “jive.”
Can you tell that I am taking a couple of college classes now. Feel. Snobbiness. Growing. Superiority. Brewing.
SOOOOO glad you’re back. Headed to the other site.
Cute Pj”s that your sister sent’cha. I love the pictures of Sugerbutt and tom Cullen. I am soooo glad that you are feeling a little better. Take it easy now and don’t overdo. Tell Fred and the Spud they need to wait on you “hand and foot”!! I am so serious………Nanamama 🙂
Hey you…
I post comments only rarely. I wanted to tell you how proud I was of you, and glad you came through the surgery OK, just thought I’d wait till the mad posting slowed a bit. 🙂 Having been a long time reader of you and Fred, I know all you went through and struggled with weight-wise. I just wanted you to know, I think you are 100% awesome and am very happy for you!
Good luck chica! Hang in there and heal fast!
Yay! Robyn’s back. Have you received anything from your wishlist yet? It shouldn’t be taking this long. I will check the tracking slip they sent me. Get well soon!
Not yet, Amy, but the mail hasn’t come yet, so maybe today? Amazon can be stinkers when it comes to getting stuff shipped out!
Nice to see you!
I didn’t realize how much I looked forward to reading your journal, until it was gone for the short time. Glad you’re back.
Lord of War didn’t get any better. You didn’t miss anything. We actually sat through the entire thing, but about 15 minutes in or so, I looked as Steve and apologized for picking such a suck ass movie.
I have seen that Demi Moore movie in the video store, but never picked it up. Glad to hear it wasn’t disappointing.
Amy: Yes! I just got back from the post office, and they were sitting there waiting for me. Thank you! (A proper thank you is on its’ way to you in the mail) 🙂
Glad you’re feeling better! Glad all seems to have gone well. Now the adventure begins! We are all so, so proud of you!
Very odd; my WordCloud had “fuck” in it. And apparently I also write an awful lot about whores and sluts.
Sugarbutt is too cute with his mousie, gazing longingly out the window.
Re: Survivor
How interesting…the closed captioning was perfect the whole show. Perhaps turn on the CC if you lose sound?
Glad you are back Robyn! And we have problems with either the sound or picture on the HD channels. Last week something I was watching on NBCHD went blank but there was sound..then 5 minutes later there was picture and no sound for almost half an hour. The regular channel was fine during both problems. Sometimes when would record something and go to watch it…it was pixelated. The cable company said that was from a weak signal and came out to adjust. The sound/picture problems on the HD channels though are from the feed. Our problems seem to be only on the NBCHD feed…weird…and annoying!
Heading over to OFB to catch up there!
Add me to the list of ‘glad you’re back’!
We rented Lord of War and Half Light over the week-end, too. In Half Light, my husband and I thought it would have been kind of cool if the town was all dead people, too, except for maybe the doll lady. I suffered through Lord of War. I thought that just maybe it would get better, it never did.
Did you know Jennifer Love Hewitt has a current series on TV called the Ghost Whisperer? It’s on Friday nights 🙂