So I had a hair appointment yesterday morning at 9:00, and I had to be home by 11, because we were waiting for someone to come from the furniture store and fix the couch (a bolt underneath fell off and this is the second time it happened; the repair guy said that if it happens again to call him directly and he’d get us a new couch.). I left the hair fixin’ place at 10:45, which gave me plenty of time to get home, so rather than stopping at the grocery store – the grocery list was 63 miles long – I came straight home.
And of COURSE the repair guy didn’t show up ’til almost 3:30. But all was not lost – when he hadn’t shown up by 2:00, I left and got groceries anyway.
While I was waiting for him, I installed all the software I needed to install for my Brand! New! iPod!
I call him Bob.
It came Tuesday night while we were watching American Idol, and I left the box on my desk to open yesterday when I’d have time to do everything I needed to do. There was a ton of software I needed to install and update, and then I looked through the book, and then I got all pissed off because I wanted to upload some podcasts to the iPod, only they weren’t in iTunes and when I imported them to iTunes, I couldn’t get them to go into the “Podcasts” directory and I couldn’t find ANYTHING ANYWHERE to tell me how to get something from, say, c://tmp/Podcasts to my iPod. So I called Fred and bitched for a while and he pretended to listen to me while surfing the web, then suggested that I ask y’all for help, and we hung up.
Then I thought of a solution myself – I created a new playlist in iTunes, called it “Pods”, imported the podcasts, and uploaded it to my iPod. Problem solved!
If y’all know of a less convoluted solution, let me know, would you?
So far, I like Bob. No, scratch that – I LOVE Bob. My walk was much easier this morning, listening to skip-free Grey’s Anatomy podcasts. I’m not crazy about the ear buds, though, so I switched ’em out for the pair that came with my CD player.
Oh, and I’m going to get Bob a yellow silicon cover, so he doesn’t get all scratched up.
Have I mentioned that eBay rocks?
* * *
I think I’d like to find a new design for my site. I like this one – especially the color – but I’d like to have two sidebars, and I hate the way there’s a huge space between the title and list of each set of links. If anyone’s seen a design they think is very “me” (I can’t seem to find one I like, on my own), let me know. I like this one not only for the color, but also because it’s a simple, uncluttered design and I can change the header graphic every month.
* * *
Tuesday night, the oddest thing happened. Well, I guess it mostly started in the early afternoon. After I got done with all my cleaning and took my shower, I started feeling really tired. I thought about taking a nap, but decided not to. I stayed tired all afternoon, and then when we were watching American Idol, I realized I was cold – FREEZING cold. I had goosebumps and my teeth were chattering, and I was shivering. I turned on the fire for a little while, but that only warmed me up a little. I pulled the quilt (a lovely heavy old antique quilt Fred found in an antique store a few years ago:

) over me, but that didn’t warm me up much, either. The only thing that helped was to pull my arms into the inside of my shirt and warm them up under my boobs (an excellent spot for warming cold appendages), and even that didn’t help very much.
When we went upstairs at bedtime, I was still shaking, and Fred was starting to get worried. He asked me about a thousand questions and seemed somewhat relieved to hear that I wasn’t in any pain. I was still shivering so hard my teeth were chattering and I felt a little nauseous, but I felt no pain anywhere. We couldn’t find the thermometer anywhere, but I thought maybe it was a low blood pressure issue, so Fred got out the blood pressure thingy and my blood pressure was fine. I brushed my teeth and got into bed, and Fred spooned with me, because he was really hot – the house was over 70, which to him is hot and to me is cold – and he figured he could warm me up and I could cool him down. He started sweating pretty quickly and I was still cold, so he put a quilt over me and I pulled the covers up to my chin. After a little while, he said “I could go to Walgreen’s and get a thermometer.” He did – he was there and back in, according to him, eight minutes.
The thermometer said that I had a temperature of 100.3, which to me ain’t no fever – I don’t think it even counts ’til you get to 101, personally – but Fred got me some Tylenol and made me drink it. We talked for a while longer, then he went to bed, but not before putting a second quilt on top of me. I finally started to warm up a little, and then about two hours later I woke up, and I was very, very hot. I kicked off the quilts, and was just fine for the rest of the night.
Wednesday morning I woke up just fine. I have no idea what was up Tuesday night; Fred hypothesized that I overdid it with the housecleaning, which I suppose could be true. I’m not supposed to be lifting anything over 10 pounds until I’m 6 weeks out from surgery, but I did carry the vacuum cleaner downstairs, so maybe that was not such a good thing to do.
I think I should take the rest of the week off from housework just to be sure I don’t overdo it again.
* * *
Pardon the eye booger.
I bet Tommy could jump high enough to catch one of those birds that keep teasing him.
I love the ears-back look.
All of today’s uploaded pictures are
* * *
2005: Bouncing like that just can’t be a good thing.
2004: “DAMN it’s cold in here, give me some ass!”
2003: No entry.
2002: No entry.
2001: Let’s just hope she wasn’t preparing him for the slaughter.
2000: No entry.]]>
Question: why weren’t the podcasts in iTunes? I imagine that the importing didn’t let iTunes realize what they were. From now on, when you subscribe to a podcast, you should do it through iTunes (in most cases, it should do it automatically), and you should have no problem.
iTunes is a dangerous little place. With so many goodies available for so cheap, it’s easy to get out of control! (Says the woman who needs an intervention to keep her away from Audiography.)
Bob is ADORABLE! Viva la Bob!
Here are some cute templates that you might want to check out. Not all of them have two sidebars, though (sorry, that’s hard to find).
Sky’s the Limit
Slinky Cat
Banana Smoothie
Evil Duck
3 Column Relaxation
Journalized (sand)
Kitten Love
I have no idea how to get them into the podcasts bit I just do as you did and create a playlist…I have had mine a year and half!
Woo for the new iPod. I got mine the other day, and I’m thrilled. I also got some accessories from ebay. Enjoy!
Congrats on the new iPod. Pretty!
I’m glad you’re not freezing anymore. Brrr…
Looks like Sugarbutt is blowin’ in the wind!
Miz Poo! *smooch* (unswayed by eye-booger)
Don’t you have an electric blanket? If it happens again, throw a blanket in the dryer for a few minuets and let that warm you up.
Congratulations on acquiring Bob. I have his twin and use it One thing: you’ll want to get a protective case for him (like NOW) because he will quickly become scratched and battered–and then you will cry.
Umm. Oh. So now I read what you wrote, and you’re ahead of me on the case thing! Excellent.
Sugarbutt looks like he’s in a wind tunnel. Tommy reminds me of Mr. Fancypants sans the fancy fur.
The armband for the Ipod is my absolute FAVORITE thing! I use it almost daily. Now my hands are free to use weights, swing ’em while I walk, perform practically any task, etc.
Definitely worth the investment – just my 2 cents.
Welcome to the family Bob.
I in no way give unsolicited advice, but as a 1-year post op RNY gal, is it possible you were dumping? I know that for me, when I dump (and I am a dumper) I shiver and just feel like I have the flu for awhile. I will jump in the shower and just stand there for as long as the hot water will hold out. And when I was newly post-op, for about the first six months really, I could eat something just fine several times, and then all of the sudden I would have a severe dumping episode.
Just a thought.
If you change your site layout please don’t lose the Previously links at the bottom on the page. Just yesterday I clicked through to find that your readers had preempted Grey’s Anatomy by 5 years with the “pick me, love me” speech 🙂
It’s a nice little trip down memory lane when I’ve got an extra few minutes.
That Tom is such a sexy boy!
How to get podcasts on your ipod:
In iTunes, click on “advanced – subscribe to podcast” from the dropdown menus. It gives you a little field you type an http:// address into.
Now how do you get that rss / xml / news feed address that goes there?
Well let’s see… you were looking for Grey’s Anatomy podcast… go to this page:
See the orange rectangle that says “RSS”? Sometimes this will say “XML” or just have a speaker-like icon on it, but it’s almost always orange. Right click on this, and do “copy link” or whatever it says in the kind of browser you’re using–then the link will be in the clipboard. Now go back to itunes, in that advanced-subscribe to podcasts, and paste that text into there.
The easier way to do it? Have itunes open, have the web page open, click and hold on the RSS button, and draaaaag it onto itunes, dropping it on top of the word “podcasts” on the left. Done!
Hope this helped 🙂 If you need more help, drop me an email, I’d be glad to help!
Carrie: ‘Cause until Susan told me how, I didn’t know how to download them into iTunes. 🙂
Whitters: Thank you! I think I still like my current design more than any of those, though. ::sigh::
Renee: I don’t, but Fred does – probably he would have let me use it, but I didn’t think to ask! 🙂
Lisa W: I thought of that, but it started about 2 1/2 hours after I ate dinner. I was under the impression that dumping started sooner than that?
Monica: I’d never stop doing that – I like going back and seeing the older entries, too. 🙂
Susan: Thank you! You rock! 🙂
Sugarbutt looks like the hood ornament off some late 1950s sedan, all sleek and aerodynamic! The boy just needs a set of tail fins.
Robyn, maybe the freezing had nothing to do with the surgery at all.
I felt similar last friday, only after an hour under a very heavy duvet, in a track suit, with a hot water bottle I warmed up enough to fall asleep and woke up a few hours later because it was way too hot.
But I would skip the hopusework too if I were you, everything to be on the safe side!
But isn’t Bob the ‘nip connection? How will that work?
uhmm…what exactly is ‘dumping’? I’m a bit confuzzled.
Robyn, how come your backyard is brown with a few tufts of green thrown in? Is that just the way things grow in your neck of the woods? (as I sit and look at the mountains of snow that have completely blocked the light from coming in my front room window)
Personally, I think you should take at least TWO weeks off from house cleaning…but that’s just me…Debbie
Heh, I was just thinking the same thing……but the other Debbie beat me to it:)
Or just to be safe make it 30 days of no house cleaning…I believe that is the standard…just offering my opinion…
Yay! You took my advice on Quirky Nomads! I too have the evil twin of Bob and use it religiously on the bus to work, at work, on the bus home from work. I also joined and started downloading radio programs and books. AND I got the radio tuner for my car (iTrip) and so I always have something to listen to.
Welcome to the Blue Mini club!
Longtime lurker…hi, Robyn!
I’m 13 weeks post-op, and I get the shivers like that a lot since my surgery. I just assumed it was because I’ve lost some of my fat layer…but I could be wrong. I always used to be hot, and now I’m always cold.
I hope you’re feeling better! And congrats on the surgery – I think it’s so great that you had it done. I’ve been reading you for more than 5 years, and I was thrilled to see that you had the surgery right around the same time I did!
Dez: Good question! I’ll have to think about that. Maybe refer to them as “Bob Nip” and “Bob Pod”?
Leanne: It’s a WLS term – it’s explained here. Annnd, I just read it and discovered that not all dumping takes place immediately, so maybe that IS what was going on with me!
I say screw the housework for a year. 🙂
Do your incisions look ok? Keep an eye on your temp and have a low threshold for calling the surgeon. Today is Friday–if any doubt, give them a ring well before end of business today. Specifically use the term “shaking chills.” It will get their attention. (You cannot be too careful-you have come too far.)
Ebay rocks? I thought you got the ipod directly from Apple…? I’m just wondering, because I’d like to get one, but am afraid to order refurbished through ebay…
Stephanie: I did get the iPod directly from Apple; but I got the $5 yellow silicon case from eBay. 🙂
Laura: The incisions are fine, and I’ve felt fine ever since the fever broke Tuesday night.
You might not like the silicon cover. I found mine attracted hair big time and was nasty. It completly grossed me out to have an Haircase for my Pod. (whom is named Sam)
Ah. 🙂 I’d have told you how, but you’re on Windows, and I don’t know how there. If you watch Project Runway (and why not?!), you’ll definitely want to get Tim Gunn’s podcasts!