* * * Lordy. Yesterday was a big errand-running day for me, again. I had a 1:30 appointment with the nutritionist, and after that I stopped at Target to return a mirror, Michael’s to buy a mirror, and the pet store to buy cat food and some cat toys (DESPERATELY NEEDED, I assure you!). By the time I got home and was unloading the car, Fred got home from work, so I made him carry the cat food upstairs since I’m not supposed to be lifting heavy stuff. (Don’t ask how the cat food got in the car. I think it was magic!) (I’m going to end up popping a hernia, and y’all will be “MmmHMMM, I KNEW that was going to happen, the dumb bitch was lifting shit long before she was supposed to!”) Anyway, it was nice to be out and running errands, because yesterday was gorgeously sunny and warm out – despite the forecasts that claimed it was going to be cold and rainy – and I drove around with my windows cracked and the country music a-blaring. The mirror I returned at Target was one I bought last week because I desperately need to hang a mirror in the bathroom in a location I can get very close to without having to lean over the sink – I can get up close and personal with the mirror over the sink, but it’s an awkward position to be in, and I’m prefer to be standing upright. Why, you are asking (unless you’ve fallen asleep), do I need to get very close to a mirror? Because at night before bed, I take my contacts out, and then I can’t see to put my rosacea cream and moisturizer on. And I don’t like to do it before I take my contacts out, ’cause then I’ll get goop on my contacts, that’s why. So I bought the smallest mirror they had at Target, but not soon after I bought it, I thought “I’m an idiot. I don’t like the mirror, and it’s too damn big for the space! Plus, Michael’s would probably have a mirror I’d like better and would work better for me.” Anyway, after I returned the mirror at Target, I went over to Michael’s, and would you believe that all I could find were big, full-length mirrors? I was frustrated and spent about half an hour browsing through the store before I stumbled upon some 5×7 and 8×10 mirror pieces with beveled edges. 5×7 was pretty much the size I was looking for, so I picked that up and went looking for a frame. I found a plain black frame, and voila! A simple mirror that I could hang, perfect for the space! Of course, I haven’t hung it up yet. I’m sure it’ll have to sit on the bathroom counter for a couple of weeks before I get around to THAT.

These pictures of yours just crack me up…..
Keep up the good work.
I just finished ‘My Sisters Keeper’ by Jodi Picoult and It was written the same way, jumping back and forth between the 7 main characters… really liked it and plan on reading more of her work but it takes some serious concentration!
Also, glad to see other people get a hoot out of turning their cats ears ‘inside out’…
The last photo of Mr. Boogers and the caption cracked me right up. Sometimes I worry about myself. Meaning how much I enjoy your cat photos and captions. But you know what? I don’t care! If I want to look at cat photos and laugh in the privacy of my own home so be it! Whose gonna stop me? *looks out of the corner of her eye at the door*
P.S. I am really digging Veronica Mars. I added it to my Netflix and I am on my last disc for season one. How about you? Are you still watching it?
Mr. Boogers looks like he’s ready to kick some ass! It’s funny. 😀
The book you are reading – Plain Truth – was made into a movie on Lifetime. The movie was good but I’m sure, as always the book would be better so thanks for mentioning it cuz I’m gonna pick that up!
LOL! That’s a good look for Tom.
Yahoo notify has not told me about any of your entries for March. Is it broken?
too funny…why is it that all of us cat owners have to do that with their ears? It’s like a right of passage – and they all get that same look on their face like “oh mah gah, WHY do you find this so amusing?”
Do you also put tape on the bottom of your cat’s feet? Um yeah, me neither.
Fabooboo: As far as I can tell, it’s working just fine, and the messages to you aren’t bouncing or anything. Could your email be flagging it as spam, maybe?
Amy: I haven’t tried that yet, actually, but thanks for the idea! Hee!
Erin: We actually stopped watching Veronica Mars ’cause neither of us was that into it. Don’t hate me! 🙂
Melissa beat me to it – I was going to suggest My Sister’s Keeper. It’s really an excellent book. The Pact is also another good one by Jodi Picoult. I’m glad you mentioned Plain Truth – I’m going to have to get it.
omg the first ear picture cracked me up. my black kitty had the one flipped ear thing going yesterday. He looked at me like, ‘what is wrong with me?’ and every time I went to touch it to flip it back he’d meow and turn his head. then he’d shake his head and the ear didn’t budge. When we finally got it back to normal he looked at me with more of a “oh, so that’s what you were trying to do!” face. argh. haha.
Robyn…your comment on being a dumb bitch is NOT true! No way are you a bitch….:)
Hey Robyn…saw this at our complex today and everytime I see it I think of you…today I got a picture. It was brighter yellow in person. 😀
Oh, dear, I was out and about for a few days and I come back to see SHOCK COLLARS on the babies? Oh please tell me those are not Shock Collars!!! Oh, what a FABULOUS new Header for your blog. That is just charming. Absolutely charming! I just love that! You’d better go over to my place and read about Obob, under “Swede for a Day”. I had quite the workday! Coming home at last and reading your blog is quite the respite for me. Your cats just slay me!
Debbie: Heh. Brat!
Cheri: Very cute! 🙂
Karla: Yeah, they’re shock collars. As long as they behave themselves and don’t go too close to the fence, they won’t get shocked. We don’t want these guys wandering off and not coming home! 🙂
Okay, keep us posted on that! I think it could be a great idea since the cat’s wont associate you with the shock. My friend Patty had a rather dense Dobie, a lovely dog, but it could not get it through it’s head that it wasn’t allowed outside the perimeter. Day after day she watched the dog forget what it learned the day before and shock the shit out of itself…they finally gave up on the idea. I think they got a dog run or something I don’t remember. But we know CATS are MUCH smarter than dogs, tee hee!