
YOU Relationship Status: Married – it’ll be 8 years on Halloween. Shoe size : 9 wide. Parents still together? Yes. Siblings: Tracy, Randy, Debbie. Pets: Spot, Spanky, Miz Poo, Mister Boogers, Sugarbutt, and Tom Cullen. FAVORITES Color: Lemon yellow. Number: At the moment, I’m partial to 9. Animal: Cat, of course. Book: A Girl Named Zippy, She Got Up Off the Couch, The Stand, and Swan Song. Flower: Daffodils and sunflowers. DO YOU… Twirl your hair? No, but I run my hand through my hair an awful lot. Have tattoos? Not yet! Cheat on tests? I haven’t taken any tests to cheat on in years and years, so no. Like roller coasters? Yes, but I haven’t been on one in years. OPINIONS… Wish you could live somewhere else? Yes. Write in cursive or print? Usually print, unless it’s a letter. Own a cell phone? Yes. Current clothing: Yellow shirt, sports bra, gray pants, black pan-tays. Current hair: Medium-brown, shoulder-length with bangs. Current thing I ought to be doing: Cleaning. Current CD in stereo: There’s no CD in the stereo. There is, in fact, no stereo. Last movie you saw: Derailed. Last thing you ate: Pollo Sudado. Life on other planets? Why not? Do you hate yourself? No, but I certainly annoy myself quite often. Collect anything? Cats! ARE YOU… A daydreamer: Yes. Sarcastic: Occasionally. Shy: Yes. Talkative: Depends on who I’m with. WOULD YOU RATHER… Get your nose or lip pierced? Neither, ever. I like the look on other people sometimes, but for me? No. ARE YOU… Simple or complicated? Surprisingly simple. ABOUT YOU… What time is it: 8:15 am. Nickname(s): Mom, Bessie, Rob. WHAT DO YOU WANT? Where do you want to live: On the ocean. It doesn’t even have to be Maine ocean – just ANY ocean. Not holding my breath on that. How many kids do you want: One. What kind of job do you want: If I knew what I wanted to be when I grew up, I’d tell you, but I have NO IDEA. Do you want to get married: I already am. UNIQUE… Nervous Habits: Twitching my lower lip from side to side. Also, wiggling my feet. Are you double jointed? No. Can you roll your tongue? Yes. Can you raise one eyebrow? Yes, the left one. If I concentrate really, really hard I can raise the right one, but not very well. Can you cross your eyes? Yes. Do you make your bed daily? Yes; it’s the first thing I do when I get out of bed. CLOTHES, ETC Which shoe goes on first: The right. Ever thrown one at someone: Not that I remember. How much money do you carry in your wallet: Usually around $20. IN THE LAST MONTH HAVE YOU… Bought something: I’ve bought many things in the last month. Gotten sick: Vomited, yes. Gotten a cold or flu, no. Sang: I sing all the time during the day; less so when there’s someone other than the cats to hear me. Felt stupid: I’m quite sure I have. Missed someone: Not that I remember. Gotten your hair cut: Cut and colored, yes. I think. Unless it was late February? I don’t remember. Watched cartoons: Yes, South Park. Hey, it’s a cartoon! Lied: I’m sure I have. LAST PERSON THAT… Slept in your bed: Me! Saw you cry: Fred, I’m sure. Made you cry: FRED, I’M SURE. Saw a movie with you: Fred. Unless you mean gone out to see a movie, in which case it would probably be my sister, nephew, parents, and the spud while we were in Maine after Christmas. HAVE YOU EVER… Been to California: Yes, a couple of times. The last time was when the spud was… three? Somewhere around there. Been to Canada: Yes, a few times, but didn’t spend any great amount of time there. I’d love to spend a week on the Canadian coast. Wished you were the opposite sex: Every month. Snuck out of the house: When I was a teenager, yes.

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Currently reading: Turning Angel, by Greg Iles. Recently finished: The Best Awful, by Carrie Fisher. Didn’t care for it.
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I finally harassed Fred into stopping by the carpet store that he passes on his way home from work to pick up carpet samples. Last year he told me we could replace the fucking ugly-ass Berber carpet in the living room with something less fucking ugly-ass when we got our tax returns, only we ended up with a much-needed (NOT) high-definition television set and all the accoutrements, which left not so much money for replacing the carpet. Anyway, this year I started harassing him early, so he promised, out of self-preservation, to stop by the store and pick up some samples. When he got home, he told me the price of the carpet and the cost of installation would be around a thousand dollars and I swore up a storm, because I didn’t want to spend THAT FUCKING MUCH MONEY on carpet that would be in a house we’ll be selling in a year. Then he had a brainstorm and went over to Lowe’s, knowing that Lowe’s has inexpensive EVERYTHING, and when he came home, he told me that the cost of the carpet was less, but the installation was more expensive thus making it as expensive as the other place, and I swore up another storm. Because I DON’T want to fucking look at that fucking ugly-ass Berber carpet for another year (assuming that we sell the house within a few weeks up putting it up for sale, WHICH WE WON’T because our house is back to a very busy road, and who the fuck wants that?), but I guess I’m FUCKING WELL GOING TO HAVE TO. Goddamn you, Berber carpet and carpeted stairs and bedroom carpet that Tubby peed on so that there’s a fucking hole in the carpet of our bedroom closet, GODDAMN YOU STRAIGHT TO HELL.
* * *
“What IS that? Some kind of GODDAMN NICKNAME? You fucking heartless freak? You want me to kick your ass to Seattle, or you want to confess right now, jackass?” (What Nick WANTED to say on CSI (Vegas)) Poo pie in the sun. Hee! Mister Boogers watched the mothership descend. (It’s an electric fence collar so he can’t leave the back yard) All of today’s uploaded pictures are hither.
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Previously 2005: A day in the life. 2004: Naturally, the mental note got lost in the mental clutter, so I forgot she was in there, and only remembered when it had been a few hours and I hadn’t seen her. 2003: No entry. 2002: Don’t look at me like that. 2001: Of COURSE he falls in love with her inner beauty, because EVERYONE knows that fat women don’t have any of that OUTER beauty, for crying out loud. 2000: I can only hope he’ll flash me some butt cleavage.]]>

15 thoughts on “3/29/06”

  1. I got my first tattoo in January! I am 33 and have wanted one for a while. I got a double horseshoe on my lower back- it looks AWESOME and it was something that had meaning for me- I am a horseowner. I already have an appt for my next tat as well- my zodiac sign on the back of my neck. Yup, they are addictive!

  2. Robyn–your entry reminded me that I wanted to post a comment to tell you that we tried your Pollo Sudado recipe a couple weeks ago and LOVED IT! So easy and so tasty!!! (Also, it heats up really well, and my fiance looooves leftovers.)
    So…thanks for the recipe! I know we’ve tried your sticky garlic chicken skewers before, too, and liked them. Yay for new recipes!!!

  3. Miz Poo is so sweet. When she get’s fed up with ya’ll she can come live with me ! 🙂

  4. Just an idea on the carpet thing. I know you don’t like it but Berber carpeting is usually a big plus in marketing a house. Instead of replacing it with something cheaper, why not buy some large area rugs that would cover most of the visible space and be yours to take with you to your new home? That way you don’t cut the value of your house by putting in cheaper carpet, and while the Berber is still there it’s not so visible. I loooove the area rug selections and prices on QVC. I managed to snag two rugs (one 7′ X 12′) for about 500.00 dollars. They’re saving me from replacing my ugly carpeting until I have a little more cash to spend on what I really want.
    BTW, thanks for the Haven Kimmel recommendation. I bought both her books and loved them. Am sending them on to my sisters to read.

  5. so, i’m curious… and i’m sorry if you’ve addressed this before (hehe), but how did you get the nickname (what’s that, a nickname?) bessie? for some reason, i just love that one! 🙂

  6. Speaking of Tubby, remember that article link I sent you last Friday about the super-size cat? Well, the local TV station just did a story on him AND IT’S ON CNN! Go to cnn.com and it’s #1 on the free video clips (“Fat cat tips scales”). He’s 45 lbs. and is thought to be the fattest housecat in the U.S. Makes Tubby look svelt by comparison, I’m sure! Have a good one.

  7. Robyn – no matter what, Miz Poo pictures make me giggle. She looks like a mini Elvis. I love her. 🙂

  8. We have the saem carpet you have.. In the living room, Hallway and computer room.. I don’t HATE it. But I certainly wouldn’t mind if it vanished! LOL
    The blurb at the bottom from your entry in 2000 made me giggle.. I was driving down Broadway (in Bangor) yesterday and some kid was standing across the street from the school mooning cars. I almost peed my pants laughing.

  9. Robyn,
    I would like to know if the emigrant direct savings account was a good savings plan?

  10. That subversive cross-stitch seems made for you! Love the photos of Miz Poo and Mr. Boogers (makes me want one of each). They’re so damn cute!!

  11. I can’t believe I’m the first to ask, but….
    What’s that thing around Mr. Boogers neck?
    (sorry, couldn’t resist!!)

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